We're going to do with 10 players, and I've rolled each person and it's going to be doing Player 1 vs Player 2, Player 2 vs Player 3 etc all the way up until Player 10 vs Player 1 so everyone plays two games.
After we see how many points (0-2 max) each person gets will decide from there what happens.
Site to use:
http://www.playforia.net/play/bombermania/ <-- You need to sign up and add your opponent to play 1 vs 1. POST YOUR PLAYFORIA USERNAME. I will add it to first post, you need to add them before you open Bombermania else it doesn't let you start friend only game.
You are playing Survivor, which means when all walls are destroyed the game map closes and whoever kills other first then wins the round, killing them before the map closes just respawns them without powerups.
If you don't understand the game, go to select game and join a random game and practice first.
The rolls were:
Ash vs. Sean
Sean vs. Pluto
Pluto vs. Mike
Mike vs. Abbie
Abbie vs. Softique
Softique vs. Emma
Emma vs. Riddle
Riddle vs. Redtunnel
Redtunnel vs. Alan
Alan vs. Ash
The winner is the first to 2 wins on their game. After first round the next one begins after a countdown, draws don't count.