Round 2:
Ruby vs. Vincent Vincent
Rowdy vs. Kris Kris
Greg vs. Red Red
Electrik vs. Ash Ash
Ash vs. Trey
Trey vs. Periodical Trey
Periodical vs. Matty Periodical
Matty vs. Andrew
Andrew vs. Pluto
Pluto vs. Electrik Pluto
Cam vs. Lilly
Lilly vs. Matt
Matt vs. Abbie Abbie
Abbie vs. Emma
Emma vs. Cam
Round 3:
Vincent vs. Red
Vincent vs. Kris
Red vs. Kris
Ruby vs. Greg
Greg vs. Rowdy
Rowdy vs. Ruby
Now we have some games rolling in at last.
Everyone had two games for this round but depending on how many people score 0-2 points depends on how many in the next round, which may possibly be the last round for some.