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Offline Pandrex

Weekly - Solak Teaching sessions!
« on: April 20, 2022, 19:59:17 »

Hello guys!

Have you ever wondered what it woul be like to cut down a tree that big that it moves?
Have you find an urge to burn down wood like no1 else?
Then this is you time to shine!

Join our weekly solak teaching sessions and get the hang of cutting the branches of this al;ighty tree.
It is gonna be B E A YEW T I F U L

You sign up in the discord on any role just to notify me you are coming to join us.

-no egar requirements
-everything will be explained (in the future their will be more advanced sessions aswell)
-we start in practise mode so no risk of losing money while learning
-VC is recommended for calls and explanation as typing is bit harsh

So sharpen your axes and get chopping  :Charge:



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