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Offline iJamie

Weekly - Consentus Speedrun
« on: January 09, 2023, 23:02:48 »

What is the weekly Consentus speedrun? A series of tasks with various difficulties! These can be small and easy, or so difficult you want to kill the first goblin you see out of frustration.

1. Tasks will be released every Monday in this post and on Discord. They can be completed until Sunday 23:59 Game time that week.

2. You are required to complete every task on the list.

3. There is always a task that you are required to do first, the remaining tasks can be in any order!

4. A FULL screenshot (timestamp & textbox if applicable) MUST be posted in the discord as evidence of every task, I will not be accepting cropped or edited photos.

5. Screenshots must be with Game Messages ON (unfiltered), as some tasks get filtered otherwise. Times are based on chat message.

6. To submit your run for the week, go to our Discord server and post them in the Consentus Speedrun thread that is attached to #general

7. You are allowed to submit multiple runs.

8. Your time will be the time between completion of the first task and the last.

8. Winner will be contacted by iJamie at the end of the week.

There are 2 options!

Option 1: Receive 10M gp
Option 2: Store your reward and enter streak mode

Streak mode:
You chose streak mode! Your prize will be stored away for safekeeping.
For every week you win consecutively, 20% will be added to your prize! This can add up fast...
But be careful, lose once and you receive nothing! Bonus is applied after the 10M prize addition.
Every week you have the option to either cash out or continue your streak.

The following task must be completed first and will start your timer!
1. Pick some flax

The following tasks can be completed in any order!
2. Complete a Barrows run and take a screenshot of the Barrows loot interface
3. Get a bird's nest drop while chopping any tree
4. Catch any impling in a jar
5. Complete any solo Dungeoneering floor in 1:00 or less
6. Examine Uri
7. Complete a full lap on the Anachronia Agility Course
8. Catch a bass in Catherby


Offline Only Lilly

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Re: Weekly - Consentus Speedrun
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2023, 20:16:08 »
Fun , but looks complicated.

Cant wait to see the competitors xxx


Offline Draquist

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Re: Weekly - Consentus Speedrun
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2023, 02:24:41 »
Great idea @iJamie! <3

Good luck everyone!


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