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Offline Aqua

Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #30 on: September 29, 2018, 20:52:59 »
1. What was the lost slipper in Cinderella made of?
- Glass

Nikkie 2
amy 1


2.What is the name of Simba's uncle, in the lion king?
- Scar

Nikkie 2
lyfn00b 1


3. What is the very first animated film by Disney?
- Snow white and the seven dwarfs.

lyfn00b 2
nikkie 1


4. In Aladin, how long was Genie stuck in the lamp?
10.000 years

nikkie 2
statue 1


5. What happens when Pinocchio lies?

His nose grows.

nikkie 2
amy 1


6. What does the evil queen in Snow White say to her mirror?
magic mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?

lyfn00b 2
amy 1


7. Prince charming is from what disney movie?

amy 2
nikkie 1


8. Who is peter pans archenemy and what is he afraid of?
Captain Hook - crocodile/clocks

amy 2
lyfn00b 1


9. What is the earth-name of the blue alien 'experiment 626'?

nikkie 2
amy 1


10. Whats the next lyric: Let it goooooo, let it gooooo...?
cant hold it back anymore

lyfn00b 2
amy 1


11. Who was the first disney princess?
Snow White.

lyfn00b 2
amy 1


12. Why did Cruella de vil steal dalmatians in 101 dalmatians?
to make a fur coat.

amy 2
nikkie 1


13. Which disney princess has a raccoon as a sidekick? (not @Alaklondewen )

sissy 2
nikkie 1


14. What is the name of bambi's rabbit friend?

nikkie 2
lyfn00b 1


15. What are the names of donald ducks nephews?
Huey, Dewey and louie

No points

16. What is the name of mickey mouses girlfriend?
minnie mouse

lyfn00b 2
nikkie 1


17. What item does Dumbo have, which allows him to fly?
a feather.

No points

18. Who teaches mowgli the bare necesseties?

nikkie 2
jager candy 1


19. Who is winnie the pooh's best friend?
christopher robin.

nikkie 2

20. What do Lady and the Tramp eat in the famous scene?

nikkie 2
amy 1



1. nikkie 23
2. amy 13
2. lyfn00b 13

sissy 2
jc 1
statue 1


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Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #31 on: September 29, 2018, 21:25:09 »
13. Which disney princess has a raccoon as a sidekick? (not @Alaklondewen )

Oh man. Lolll. Rip.


Offline Statue

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Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #32 on: September 29, 2018, 22:40:35 »
I'm proud of my one point  \:D/


Offline Alaklondewen

Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #33 on: September 29, 2018, 23:25:45 »
13. Which disney princess has a raccoon as a sidekick? (not @Alaklondewen )

Oh man. Lolll. Rip.



Offline Duck

Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #34 on: October 06, 2018, 20:57:22 »
90's Music Related.

1 Which Oasis single won the Brit Award for British Single at the 1996 Brit Award?

Roll With It

2 Which The Verve song was the lead track for the film Cruel Intentions?

Bitter Sweet Symphony

3 The biggest selling single of 1992, Whitney Houston's 'I Will Always Love You' was taken from the soundtrack of which film starring Houston and Kevin Costner?

The Bodyguard

4. What was the title of Cher's first 90's UK No. 1 single?

The Shoop Shoop Song

5 In 1998, who became the second youngest female ever to top the singles chart with 'Because We Want To'?

Billie Piper

6. "I've Been Expecting You" was the second solo album from which former Take That member?

Robbie Williams

7. Deep Blue Something had a 1995 hit with which track?

Breakfast at Tiffany's

8.Which American singer released 'The One and Only' in February 1991?

Chesney Hawkes

9. 21. Which toy provided Aqua with No.1?


10. Who had a No.1 with Nilsson's Without You?

Mariah Carey

11. What day did 2Pac die?

September 13th, 1996

12. Killing in the name of was released in 1991 by whom?

Rage against the machine

13. Korn's biggest hit song on the 1998 album was what?

Freak on a lease

14. the line "Hangin' out the passenger side of his best friend's ride
Trying to holla at me" is from what famous 90's TLC song?

No Scrubs

15. Which Member of N.W.A died in 1995?


16. which 90's smash mouth song is used in the Shrek movies

All Star

17. Gangsta's paradise was the biggest selling single of what year (90 - 99) ?

Gangsta's Pardise

18. In 1994 dave grohl seperated from remaining members of what band to create Foo Fighters?


19. "Hi Ci Ya Hold tight" is a line from what famous song 19's song? (bonus +1 for band)

Spice Up Your Life - Spice Girls

20. which singer released "iron Lion Zion" in 1992?

Bob Marley.

A Canadian 9
Lynfn00b 8
JAger Candy 1
Tracie 1
Aqua 1
Tserofnair 1


Offline Only Lilly

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Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #35 on: October 13, 2018, 20:17:41 »
Movie Quotes

Andrew  9 points
Meg  19 Points
Brad 1 Point
Nikkie  32 Points
Olly  5 points
Amy  15 Points
Becky  2 Points
Lyfenoob 14 Points
JC  6 Points
Shrimp 1 Point



Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #36 on: October 13, 2018, 20:18:21 »
thanks for the quiz, loved it as always!


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Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #37 on: October 20, 2018, 20:39:46 »
Q1: who directed the nightmare before Christmas?
A1: Henry selick

Q2: which rs Halloween event featured the grim reapers hood as a reward?
A2: 2007

Q3: Halloween is an abbreviation of what?
A3: All Hallows' eve

Q4: how many bones are present in an adult spooky skeleton?
A4: 206

Q5: which famous magician died on Halloween night in 1926?
A5: harry Houdini

Q6: Michael Myers' original mask was the face of whom?
A6: William Shatner

Q7: jack o lanterns where originally carved out of what?
A7 : Turnips

Q8: Samhainophobia is the fear of what?
A8: Halloween

Q9: when was the album "thriller" released?
A9: 30 Nov 1982

Q10: Morticia and Gomez are the parents in which film family?
A10: the Addams family

Q11: when did Starbucks introduce the pumpkin spice latte?
A11: 2003

Q12: when did the first simpsons treehouse of horror air?
A12: 1990

Q13: where is Transylvania?
A13: Romania

Q14: a silver bullet is a sure defence against what?
A14: a were wolf

Q15: is a pumpkin a fruit or vegetable?
A15: fruit

Q16: what is a group of witches called?
A16: a Coven

Q17: what was dr Frankenstein's first name?
A17: Victor

Q18: in what year was the ouija board patented?
A18: 1890

Q19: who wrote the novel "Dracula"?
A19: Bram Stoker

Q20: what is a "hallow"?
A20: a saint or holy person.

Crumb Duck 10 points
JC 7 points
Amy 7 points
LyfNOOB 6 points
Kjotvi 5 points
A Canadian 3 points
Whaber 3 points
Selcouth 2 points
Max Status 2 points
Nala Naga 2 points


Offline Aqua

Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #38 on: October 27, 2018, 20:48:42 »
Q1. What is the name of the pub in Shaun of the dead?
A. The Winchester

lyf: 2
tanker 1

Q2. What film is the character Freddy Krueger from?
A. Nightmare on Elm street

dire: 2
kjotvi: 1

Q3. What was the occupation of sweeny todd
A. Barber

lyf: 2
tracie: 1

Q4. What is the name of the clown in IT
A. Pennywise

lyf: 2
dire: 1

Q5. How many films are there of Resident evil?
A. 6

mum: 2
nick: 1

Q6. Who played Hannible in silence of the lambs?
A. Antony Hopkins

mum: 2
dire: 1

Q7. From which film is the quote ‘Heres Johnny’ from?
A. The shining

lyf: 2
mum: 1

Q8. Who is Scully’s partner in the x Files?
A. Mulder

mum: 2
tracie: 1

Q9. What year was Tremors released?
A. 1990

mauw: 2
kjotvi: 1

Q10. Who is the the protagonist in Alien?
A. Ripley


Q11. In aliens what is their blood made from?

tracie: 2

Q12. In the film signs, what are the alien’s weakness?
A. Water

dire: 2
nick: 1

Q13. What colour cloaks do the monsters in ‘the village’ wear?
A. Red

mum: 2
nick: 1

Q14. What city is 28 days later based in?
A. London

canadian: 2
nick: 1

Q15. What is the name of the killer in scary movie 1?
A. Doofy Gilmore

mauw: 2
kjotvi: 1

Q16. From which film is the quote ‘My name.. is Horace’ ?
A. Monster Squad


Q17.  In the purge, how long does the purge event last?
A. 12 hours

mum: 2
mauw: 1

Q18. How many deaths are there in scream?
A. 7

tracie: 2
tanker: 1

Q19. What year was the blair witch project movie released?
A. 1990 - 1999

mauw: 2

Q20. The witch film is based in which century?
A. 17th Century


mum 11
lyf 8
mauw 7
dire 6
tracie 6
cherry 4

kjotvi 3
a canadian 2
tanker 2



Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #39 on: October 27, 2018, 22:39:07 »
ty for hosting quiz @Aquanoise, and was a great quiz @Amy  :)


Offline Duck

Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #40 on: November 03, 2018, 19:39:58 »

1. In which part of the world would you find Gophers living in the wild?
North America

2. How many hearts does an octopus have?

3. What is the common name for the animal of the genus Vulpes.

4. Welsh, and Tamworth are breeds of which animal?

5. What type of animal is a Chamois?
Mountain goat

6. What is the collective name for a group of Crows?
A Murder

7. For what do butterflies use the 'proboscis' for?
Eating - they suck up nectar etc through it

8. What are the clawed feet of an eagle known as?

9. Which is the largest type of penguin?
Emperor Penguin

10.What is the colour of a polar bear’s skin?

11. what do otters do when they are sleeping?
Hold hands so not to lose their partner.

12. if a male peacock is called a peacock; what is a female called?

13. Clownfish are born what gender?
Male - soem turn female to mate.

14. what is the only mammal that can fly?

15. how fast can a tunafish swim?
47 mph

16. what taste buds are cats missing?
Sweet taste buds

17. How high can elephants jump?
They Can't

18. butterfly's use what part of their body to taste?

19. a great horned owl is missing what sense?

20. what is a baby puffin called?

Rebecca - 6
Sektor 116 - 5
whabert - 2
Nala Naga - 2
Selcouth - 2
nortousAJ - 1
I r tanker - 1


Offline Only Lilly

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Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #41 on: November 11, 2018, 21:21:46 »
Shane 17
Biymorekeys 7
becky 5
Andrew 4
Jager 4
Nikkie 4
Amy 4
Aqua 3
Lyfnoob 2
lezbian 2
Moo 2
Billy 1



Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #42 on: November 17, 2018, 21:19:00 »
Who is Joffrey Baratheon’s father?
Jamie Lannister

What is the name of Jon Snows dire wolf?

What are the Lannisters house motto?
Hear me roar

The phrase 'Valar Morghulis' or 'all men must die' is usually responded with:
Valar Dohaeris or 'all men must serve'

Besides dragonglass, what is the only other substance capable of defeating White
Valyrian Steel

What was the name of the direwolf that was killed in retaliation for an attack on
Prince Joffrey?

What was Arya's punishment for stealing from the Many-Face God?

What was the name of Ned Stark's greatsword?

How did Daenerys Targaryen eventually hatch her dragon eggs?
In a funeral pyre

Who shoots the flaming arrow that destroys Stannis' fleet in Blackwater Bay?

The Night King was created using a dagger made of what?
Dragon glass

Dead creatures revived by White Walkers are known as what?

Who does Daenerys call “My son and stars”?
Khal Drogo

“Stick them with the pointy end” was advice given by Jon Snow to who?
Arya Stark

Who said “Chaos isn’t a pit, chaos it a ladder”?
Petyr Baelish / Littlefinger

What is the bastard surname in Dorne?

How many kingdoms are there in Westeros?
Seven Kingdoms

Complete the sentence: “What is ___ may never die”

What is Sansa Starks favourite treat?
Lemon cakes

What does Khaleesi mean?
Wife of the Khal


ash - 19
jager - 8
keturah - 1
shane - 17
cherry - 6
aqua - 1
noxgod - 2



Offline Cherrycrush

Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #43 on: November 18, 2018, 09:20:38 »
Just saying but I scored myself and counted 11  :P


Offline Amy

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Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #44 on: November 24, 2018, 20:56:58 »
Question 1 – What was Harrys home address?
4 Privet Drive

Question 2 – What is Voldemort’s real name?
Tom Riddle

Question 3 – What spell is used to illuminate the tip of a casters wand?

Question 4 – When in detention with Dolores, what must harry write?
I must not tell lies

Question 5 – How many harry potter films are there?

Question 6 – Which house is Lunar Lovegood in?

Question 7 – Name the death eater that disguised himself as mad eye moody
Barty crouch junior

Question 8 – What did Harry use in the second tournament to help him breath underwater?

Question 9 – How many Horcruxes are there in total?

Question 10 – Name the film in which harry fights the basilisk
Chamber of secrets

Question 11 – What is Hagrids first name?

Question 12 – What is Sirius black’s relation to harry?

Question 13 – In harrys first year, what was the name of his broom?
Nimbus 2000

Question 14 – What is the name of the three headed dog?

Question 15 – What type of creature is Buckbeak?

Question 16 – What does Ron have a phobia of?

Question 17 – What is the name of the platform that leads to king cross station?
9 and three quarters

Question 18  - Which animal is shown in the Hufflepuff crest?

Question 19 – Who killed Bellatrix
Molly Weasley

Question 20 – What was the first spell harry used?
Wingardium leviosa

How would you open the monster book of monsters without getting bitten?
Stroke the spine

Canadian - 30
LyfN00b - 23
Mafoud - 20
Sissy - 14
NotoriusAJ - 7
Aquanoise - 5
Gazzy - 2



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