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Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #15 on: June 30, 2018, 21:24:56 »

1) From which country does Gouda cheese originate?

2) A Thai dish with  ‘mu’ (or sometimes ‘moo’) would include which type of meat?

3)  Eccles cakes are named after an English town in which county?

4) ‘Kirsch’ is a colourless brandy distilled from which fruit?

5) Which controversial food translates into English as ‘fatty liver’?
Foie gras

6)  ‘Asahi’ is a brewery in which country?

7)  From which US state does the dish ‘Jambalaya’ originate?

8) 1. If a dish is described as ‘à la Florentine’ which vegetable would you expect to find in it?

9)  ‘Cremini’, ‘morel’ and ‘enoki’ are all types of what?

10)  Which type of pastry is used in a chocolate éclair?
Choux pastry

11) 7. The Barossa Valley is a wine-producing region in which country?

12) 4. Which cocktail is made from vodka, coffee liqueur and either cream or milk?
White Russian

13)  Which Italian pasta-cooking term can be literally translated into English as ‘to the tooth’?
Al dente

14) ‘Pho’ is a type of soup originating from which country?

15)  What is the Greek equivalent of tapas?

16) 8. Which ingredient forms the majority of hummus?

17) Fondue is the national dish of which country?

18)  In which country did Tea originiate?

19) What is the name for the classic French fish soup?

20) What is Garfield the cat’s favourite food?

aquanoise - 12
sebast1an - 8
amber lynn- 6
so soft - 6
maxolax - 5
radek - 3
amy - 3
pinkipawws - 3
grimm - 2
tracie - 2
jonj82 - 1


Offline Rubes

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Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #16 on: July 14, 2018, 20:20:15 »
20 Questions Gaming Quiz by Vincent

1 Which year the Fallout 3 was released?

2 Which Assassin’s Creed game takes place in Ptolemaic Egypt?
Assassin’s Creed Origins

3 What does Mario jump on after completing a level?
A Flag Pole

4 What is the name of the princess whom Mario repeatedly stops Bowser from kidnapping?
Princess Peach

5 Which year was Grand Theft Auto V released?

6 Name the character abused by Mario.
Donkey Kong

7 What’s the color of the wings of Dragon Spyro?

8 In what Game Series are Golden Rings used as Life-energy and Money?
Sonic the Hedgehog

9 What gaming series contains the quote ‘We work in the dark to serve the light’?
Assassin’s Creed

10 What game character said: Remember - switching to your pistol is always faster than reloading.
Gaz , in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

11 What does NES stand for?
Nintendo Entertainment System

12 What game contains the quote ‘Bring me a bucket, and I'll show you a bucket!’?
Borderlands 2

13 In what year was Tutorial Island removed from the World Map of Runescape?

14 Who got famous by mass murdering during the Falador Massacre?

15 What is the name of the Battle Royale Game where you earn Chicken Dinner on a win?
PlayerUnkown’s BattleGrounds

16 What exact date was OSRS released?
22 February 2013

17 How many stars do you need to get to the final bowser in super Mario 64?

18 What is the most popular MMORPG?
World of Warcraft

19 What is the name of the first assassin?

20 In what game do you have a sarcastic robot protagonist?
Portal 2

Amy 2
Liam 1
Andrew 8
Shane 15
becky 10
Kunai 7
Mudds 1
Gabi 2
Punyip 4
Dusbro 2
Orv 1


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Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #17 on: July 15, 2018, 19:30:18 »
Hello @Rubes  I played yesterday you have missed me off the quiz!   :(


Offline Miss Mudds

Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #18 on: July 15, 2018, 19:56:43 »
Sure I managed more than 1 point, know I had at least 5 of them right?  :? Good quiz, well done to everyone who took part!!




Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #19 on: July 15, 2018, 20:06:26 »
Sure I managed more than 1 point, know I had at least 5 of them right?  :? Good quiz, well done to everyone who took part!!


Only the first 2 answers get a point


Offline Kobran

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Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #20 on: July 21, 2018, 20:21:47 »
Q1: Eritrea is in the continent of
A1: Africa

Q2: Which colors do you mix together to create green?
A2: Blue and yellow

Q3: Which is the longest river in the world?
A3: Amazon

Q4: What language do most people in Austria speak?
A4: German

Q5: Who was president of the United States in 2005?
A5: George Bush

Q6: Who is credited with inventing the lightbulb?
A6: Thomas Edison

Q7: Which is the national animal of India?
A7: Bengal tiger

Q8: How many colours are there in India's National Flag?
A8: 4

Q9: How many players are there in a cricket team?
A9 11 on each side, 22 total

Q10: How many days are there in a Leap year?
A10: 366 days

Q11: Which is the biggest sea animal?
A11: Blue whale

Q12: Who is the author of the book - Broken Wing?
A12: Khalil Gibran

Q13: Largest 3-digit number completely divided by 7 is?
A13: 994

Q14: Gir National Park in Gujarat is famous for?
A14: Lions

Q15: Largest island in the world is?
A15: Greenland

Q16: What is 234+5*10?
A16: 284

Q17: How many sides are there in a pentagon?
A17: 5

Q18: Scientific study of birds is called?
A18: Ornithology

Q19: If y - 34 = 66, then find the value of y?
A19: 100

Q20: Fastest land animal on earth is?
A20: Cheetah

Rebeca: 10
A Canadian: 18
Dusbro: 5
Ephesia: 5
Lyfn00b: 8
x Amyy: 5
Oh Ella: 2
Zestybran: 2
Chuunin: 2
Aquanoise: 3



Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #21 on: July 28, 2018, 21:16:29 »
Song lyrics quiz (artist name ONLY)

1) “This hit, that ice cold, Michelle Pfeiffer, that white gold.”
- Uptown Funk -  bruno mars

3)“Just a small town girl, livin’ in a lonely world”
- Dont stop believing - Journey

2) “One, don’t pick up the phone, you know he’s only calling ’cause he’s drunk and alone.”
- New rules - Dua Lipa

4) “Today is gonna be the day that they’re gonna throw it back to you.”
- Wonderwall - Oasis

5) “It's close to midnight. Something evil's lurking from the dark”
- Thriller - Michael Jackson

6) His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy. Theres vomit on his sweater already - moms spaghetti.
- Lose yourself, eminem.

7) "Tommy used to work on the docks, union’s been on strike, he’s down on his luck, it’s tough.”
- Living on a prayer - bon jovi

8) He was a boy, she was a girl, can i make it anymore obvious?
- Skater boy - Avril Lavigne

9) Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?
- Bohemnian Rhapsody - Queen

10) Come as you are, as you were, As I want you to be, As a friend, As a known enemy.
- Come as you are - Nirvana

11) "You change your mind, like a girl changes clothes"
- Hot n Cold - Katy Perry

12) "I want your ugly, I want your disease. I want your everything as long as its free"
- Bad romance - Lady gaga

13) "you're insecure, dont know what for. youre turning heads when you walk through the door".
- what makes you beautiful - one direction

14)She say, "Do you love me?" I tell her, "Only partly" I only love my bed and my momma, I'm sorry
- Gods plan - Drake

15) "Is it too late now to say sorry? Cause im missing more than just your body"
- Sorry - Justin bieber

16) Up in the club, just broke up, im doing my own little thing
- Single Ladies - Beyonce

17) Im tired of being what you want me to be - feeling so faitless lost under the surface
- Numb - Linkin Park

18) "Not much has changed but they live underwater - and your great great great granddaughter is pretty fine"
- Year 3000 - Busted

19) "Shorty had them apple bottom jeans, boots with the fur"
- Low - Flo-rida

20) We're no strangers to love. You know the rules, and so do i.
- Never gonna give you up - Rick astley

shane - 16
punyip - 11
oh ella - 11
sebastian - 9
sissy bear - 5
amber lynn - 3
aqua - 3
tracie - 1


Offline Amy

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Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #22 on: August 04, 2018, 19:28:30 »
Q1. How many elements are there in the periodic table?

Q2. How many bones are there in the human body?

Q3. The theory of relativity was proposed by which scientist?

Q4. Approximately how old is the universe?
A:13.4 billion

Q5.  What does RNA stand for?
A:Ribonucleic acid

Q6. How many neutrons are in the element carbon?
Q7. What is the study of plants called?

Q8. What temperature is the boiling point for water?
A:100 degrees

Q9. What branch of psychology is concerned with mental health?

Q10. What year did man land on the moon?

Q11. What shape is a red blood cell?

Q12. What is the smallest planet in our solar system?

Q13.  Who invented the telephone?
A:Alexander graham bell

Q14. AU is the chemical symbol for which element?

Q15. Fmri stands for what?
A:Functional magnetic resonance imaging

Q16. What is the largest organ of the human body?

Q16.  What is the opposite term used for exothermic reaction?

Q17. What is the name for the tiny sacs within our lungs?

Q18. What is the highest number on the ph scale?

Q19. What branch in science is concerned with classification of organisms?

Q20. Which part of the brain functions in emotion?

Canadian - 13 points
Ruby - 10 Points
Nala - 7 points
Krazy Golf - 5
Sektor - 5
Bloodsmom - 3
Direwolf - 3
Mesmer - 2
Sheep - 1
Lilly - 1


Offline Cherrycrush

Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #23 on: August 11, 2018, 19:17:01 »
1q: What is the name of the chess piece that only moves diagonally?
a: Bishop
2q: How many little squares are on a standard sudoku game?
a: 81
3q: In a crossword game, you have 2 catagories of questions, down and?
a: across
4q: how many colours are on a rubix cube?
a: 6
5q: what is another name for the game checkers?
a: draughts
6q: in scrabble, how many points do you get for a letter g?
a: 2
7q: what colour comes after the prison in monopoly?
a: pink
8q: what 2 shapes are in tic tac toe?
a: x and o
9q: where was mahjong developed?
a: China
10q: how many dice do you use generally in snakes and ladders?
a: 2
11q: in a game of 2048, what number is made when you slide 2 128 tiles?
a: 256
12q: Tetris is the sixth-best-selling game in which gaming system?
a: nintendo entertainment
13q: in minesweeper whats the highest number a block can be?
a: 8
14q: how many individual players can play a game of jumanji?
a: 4
15q: in a game of twister, what colour is missing, blue, red, yellow and
a: green
16q: in what country was cluedo first developed?
a: England
17q: a standard connect 4 grid is 7x?
a: 6
18q: in operation, which part of the body bleeps and lights up?
a: nose
19q: what is the highest amounts of card you can be told to pick up by someone is uno?
a: 4
20q: what shape is the outside of a trivial persuit board?
a: circle

Lyfnoob - 17

Wuvwoo - 12
ShaneGoesArd - 11
iAmberLynn - 10
K U N A I - 9
DIY Alty - 9
Monika x - 8
Reaper Vi x - 5
Jager_Candy - 5
A Canadian - 4
Aquanoise - 3
Cookie Wisp - 3
Ciaran797 - 2
Cosmic Love - 2

Last Place
Alakondewen - 1


Offline Only Lilly

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Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #24 on: August 19, 2018, 21:37:58 »
Andrew  49 points
Nikkie  31 Points
Lyf Noob  14 points
Amy  14 points
Summer 4 Points
Kev 3 points
Aqua 1 Point
Shane  3 Points
JC 3 Points
Pink Shed  11 Points
Damian 1 Point


Offline Duck

Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #25 on: August 25, 2018, 21:08:16 »
famous actresses and actors

1.Walter Matthau played a baseball coach in what 1976 movie?
A: The Bad News Bears

2.What long running BBC drama did jodie whittaker previously reoccuringly act in, prior to DR Who?

3.Who was the highest paid actor of 2018?
George Clooney

4. who played the character Peggie carter in the marvel movies and TV series?
Hayley Atwell

5. Josh brogen plays what villain's in Deadpool 2?

6. who played Joey tribiani in friends?
a. Matt LeBlanc.

7. Which actor said i've had it with these mother***** snakes on this Mother***** plane?
A. samuel L jackson

8. Lucy Liu Stars along side Jonny Lee Miller in what TV show?

9. Who was called "babs" in carry on Camping?
Barbara winsor

10. Who played the Orignal james bond?
Sean Connery

11. Burt Ward played what character in the 1960's batman TV Show?
A. Robin

12. Ruby Rhod in Fifth element is played by which actor?
Chris Tucker

13. Who finally won an award for their acting in "the Revenant"?
a. Leonardo DiCaprio

14. the daughter of which Famous hardman appeared in Love Island?
a. Danny Dyer

15. Mrs Doubtfire was played by which famous Male actor?
Robin Williams

16. What western actor had his big break in the 1939 film "Stagecoach"
John wayne

17. William Hartnell played the first what in a long running TV show?
a. The First Doctor who

18. which actress played the young girls in parent trap?
a. Lindsey lohan

19. Which famous canadian actor used to be a teacher at a scholl in Uppingham England?
a.Hugh jackman

20. who played the journalist in the Ring?
a.Naomi Watts

Nikkie - 10
Pink Shed 4
Kayree 3
Ardo 1
Lyfnoob 1
Eltix 1


Offline Selc0uth

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Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #26 on: August 25, 2018, 22:29:14 »
i'm gonna take issue with some of these questions .firstand third .stagecoach was not ly ,the original james bond was not sean connery .the character first appeared in a film called casino royale and was played by david niven.second ,the parent trap with lindsay lohan was a remake .the original starred hayley mills.and third ,stagecoach ,wasnt john wayne's big break .it was actually his 38th film.i dont know if this makes a difference to the scores but i n the interests of accuracy i had to reply


Offline Amy

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Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #27 on: September 01, 2018, 20:38:17 »
1.   What year was runescape released? 2001
2.   How many lodestones are there in the lodestone network? 26
3.   What year was the falador massacre? 2006
4.   What is our current clan rank? 44
5.   What is the name of the first person to reach 5 billion total xp in runescape? Suomi
6.   How many quest points are needed to start while guthix sleeps? 270
7.   Where can you earn Kudos? Varrock museum
8.   Name the two designers of Runecsape? Andrew and Paul Gower
9.   In what city of England was Runescape developed in? Nottingham
10.   What is currently the rarest 120 cape? Construction
11.   What is currently the most popular 120 cape? Invention
12.   What combat level is Varago? 10,000
13.   How many quests in rs3 are there? 220
14.   For members, what is the maximum total level? 2736
15.   How many perfect laps are needed for the agile top piece? 250
16.   What year was the hunter skill released? 2006
17.   Where can you find sir tiffany cashien? Falador
18.   What date was bot nuking day? 25th October 2011
19.   Where is stealing creations located? Gamers Grotto
20.   What was the first skill, someone got 200m xp in? Fletching
21.   Bonus Question – What is our current clan xp (Estimate) 104.7 billion

Mum 18
Pink shed 14
Canadian 4
Aquanoise 3
Cahaya 2
Lyfn00b 2
sheepprobe 2
powerless 2
Crystalise 1
Eltix 1


Offline Cherrycrush

Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #28 on: September 08, 2018, 23:17:48 »
Q1. How many members are currently in Consentus?
A1. 491

Q2. Where would I find the statue "Christ the Redeemer"
A2. Brazil / Rio de Janeiro

Q3. Who played the 11th Doctor in Doctor who?
A3. Matt Smith

Q4. What's the name of Eminem's new album?
A4. Kamikaze

Q5. What magic level do you need to cast entangle?
A5. 79

Q6. Where is the Anne Frank house located?
A6. Amsterdam

Q7. Which actor will play as Venom in the upcoming movie?
A7. Tom Hardy

Q8. What is the American translation for the word "aubergine"?
A8. Eggplant

Q9. Which company has the slogan "because you're worth it!" ?
A9. L'oreal

Q10. To the nearest billion, how much is Bill Gates currently worth?
A10. 95B

Q11. When is the expected air date for the final season of Game of Thrones?
A11. April 2019

Q12. What is the newest movie in the conjuring universe called?
A12. The Nun

Q13. Which actor plays Thanos in Infinity war?
A13. Josh Brolin

Q14. Who won the world cup 2018?
A14. France

Q15. Who won the Consentus summer photo competition?
A15. Amy

Q16. Which two clan members are currently racing towards max cape?
A16. Sissybear and Kgb x

(2 Points were awarded for the fastest correct answer and 1 point for all other correct answers)


Nikkie 20
Rebeca 12
x Amyy 9
Nala Naga 7
Aquanoise 7
Tomarnomar 7
Buylesskeys 6
uKnightusRs3 5
Lady Olenna 5
Lyfn00b 5
KGB x 5
A Canadian 3
SheepProbe 2
Mum 1
Reaper Vi X 1
Jager Candy 1
Sissybear 1
Neako 1
Cahaya 1
So Soft 1


Offline Only Lilly

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Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #29 on: September 15, 2018, 20:55:29 »

So Soft 33
Amy 29
Chuunin 2
Ardo 15
Sheep probe 6
Jager Candy 10
Rains 1

Thanks everyone that took part


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