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Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #45 on: November 24, 2018, 21:39:38 »
Just saying but I scored myself and counted 11  :P

2 points for 1st, 1 point for 2nd and then i just make notes of whoever participated as well. Idk no ones ever really said a concrete way :p


Offline ShaneGoesArd

Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #46 on: December 04, 2018, 05:51:41 »
1: What is the name of the librarian in the Varrock Castle Library?

2: How many level 75 skills do you need to complete Plagues End?

3: First person to spell the name of the planet runescape is set on?
4: Who was the first player to get max total XP?

5: What is the name of the pirate you help in the quest, Pirates Treasure?
Redbeard Frank

6: Who's house party was responsible for the glitch that became the falador massacre?
 Cursed You

7: How many dg tokens do you require to buy a charming imp?

8: Runescape debuted in 2001. However, it started in 1998 as a game called?
Devious MUD

9: What is the actual name of the order simply known as the black knights?

10: Which Quest unlocks the Dragon Scimitar?
Monkey Madness

11: Which race of animmal is hell bent on world dommination?

12: What was the first ever holiday event unique item?

13: In Which City is Jagex located?

14: Varrock was built on the ruins of which ancient city?

15: Seren and Zaros are Siblings but who is their mother/creator?

16: Which herblore level is required to brew an overload?

17: What is the current maximum number of Quest points?

18: Which three ingrediants does the chef ask for in the quest Cook's Assistant?
Egg flour, milk.

19: In the God Wars Dungeons, how many bosses/Generals are there?

20: Which clan is the best clan?

I R Tanker - 24
Jager_Candy - 16
Lyfnoob - 11
Amy x -5
CherryCrush - 3
Aquanoise -1


Offline Only Lilly

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Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #47 on: December 08, 2018, 19:25:01 »
1. Who play’s Buddy in the film ‘Elf’?
Will Ferrell

2  Complete this festive Arnie film title: ‘Jingle ___ ___ ___’
All The way

3 Who (Character) was left ‘Home Alone’
Kevin McCallister

4     Who played the lead in the 1988 film ‘Scrooged’?
 Bill Murray

5  Which actresses swap homes for Christmas in ‘The Holiday’?
Cameron Diaz & Kate Winslet

6  Who played Scrooge in ‘The Muppet Christmas Carol’?
Michael Caine

7  Which actor played “Bad Santa” in 2003?
Billy Bob Thornton

8  Who directed “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” in 2000?
Ron Howard

9   Who wrote "The Nightmare Before Christmas"?
Tim Burton.

10  The rabbit in the magic hat in "Frosty the Snowman" is named:
 Hocus Pocus

11  What did Ralphie want for Christmas in "A Christmas Story"?
A BB Gun.

12   What is the Scrooge's first name?

13  Why was the Grinch so nasty?
 Small Heart.

14  What city did "Miracle on 34th Street" take place in?
 New York.

15  Two men broke into a house and had a LOT of trouble in which movie?
Home Alone

16  How many ghosts visit Scrooge in A Christmas Carol?

17  Which family star in the National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation?

18  Which Christmas movie features a boy and an American steam train heading to the North Pole?
Polar Express

19  Which famous English composer created the soundtrack for the Christmas film 'The Snowman'?
Howard Blake

20  Which Christmas song opened the movie Lethal Weapon?
Jingle Bell Rock

Tracie 3 points
Lyfnoob 16 Points
The Avianse  13 Points
Nala 18 Points
Appol 10 Points
Sissy 4 Points
Tomar 5 points
Aquanoise 2 Points
Canadian 3 points
Gazzy 1 Point
KGB 1 Point


Offline Nala

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Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #48 on: December 09, 2018, 18:58:50 »


Offline Tracie

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Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #49 on: December 15, 2018, 20:20:07 »
1.   Who created Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer?
Answer = Robert L May
2.   Which town, was Jesus raised as a child?
Answer = Nazareth
3.   Who is the Patron Saint of Children?
Answer = Saint Nicolas
4.   Who plays Juliet in Love Actually movie?
Answer = Keira Knightley
5.   How many reindeer names end with the letters ER?
Answer = 4 - Donor,Dancer, Prancer, Dasher
6.   Which artist released 'Step into Christmas' in 1973?
Answer = Elton John
7.   'God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen' brings tidings of what?
Answer = Comfort and Joy
8.   What is a baby reindeer called?
Answer = A Calf
9.   What colour are mistletoe berries?
Answer = White
10.   What animal carried Mary to Bethlehem?
Answer = Donkey
11.   In which country is Lapland located?
Answer = Finland
12.   What is the best selling Christmas song in the world?
Answer = White Christmas
13.   How many points does a snowflake have?
Answer = Six
14.   What is Myrrh?
Answer = An Aromatic Resin
15.   What gifts did the three kings take to baby Jesus?
Answer = Gold, Frankincense, Myrrh
16.   Complete Scrooge's famous catchphrase, 'Bah...'?
Answer = Humbug
17.   Which Christmas plant has large, bright red bracts?
Answer = Poinsettia
18.   What type of creatures are Santa's helpers
Answer = Elves
19.   What was the occupation of Saint Joseph?
Answer = Carpenter
20.   What Christmas related bird has a red Breast?
Answer = Robin

LyffNoob - 18 points
L 01 - 9 points
Amy - 6 points
Skis 2 - 5 points
ImBetterNow - 4 points
Oh Ella - 4 points
Aquanoise - 2 points
A Canadian - 2 points
Cherrycrush - 1 point


Offline Only Liam

Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #50 on: December 15, 2018, 22:05:02 »
I still believe I should have bonus points because of the inconvenience of answering whilst playing on the mobile app!!😉

Good quiz though!


Offline Amy

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  • Rsn: x Amyy
Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #51 on: December 22, 2018, 20:34:54 »
Q1. What is the name of the crafting skilling pet?

Q2. What is the max total level in f2p including the member skills?

Q3. What was the last quest put into game?
Violet is blue

Q4. What was the first quest in game?
Cooks assistant

Q5. What year did Evolution of combat come out?

Q6. What is the most popular 99?

Q7. What level is solak?

Q8. How many waves are there before you can kill jad?

Q9. What is the highest total virtual level?

Q10. How many lodestone teleports are there?

Q11. How many hidden achievements are there?

Q12. How many perfect laps do you need to unlock a piece of agile wear?

Q13. What date was player owned farms released?
3rd September 2018

Q14.  How do you unlock the billionaire title?
Donate 5B to deep sea whirl pool

Q15. What is the farming aura called?

Q16. Total number of slayer points to add charming imp to your belt?

Q17. Adding limpwurt root to kwuarm potion (unf) makes what?
Super strength potion

Q18.  Name the first person to achieve 99 and 120 invention

Q19.  Which NPC can you adopt a cat from?

Q20. What was runescapes first name?
Devious mud

A Canadian - 18 points!
Z94- 10 points!
Nikkie - 9 points!
JC - 4
Krazy - 4
Buymorekeys - 3
Bcwed - 3
Sheepprobe - 1
sheriff - 1
lyfnoob - 1


Offline ShaneGoesArd

Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #52 on: December 29, 2018, 22:02:15 »
As it is the end of the year I decided to host a quiz dedicated to events in 2018.

Q1: Which comedian allegedly "danced too close" to his professional partner in TV's "Strictly Come Dancing"?
Seann Walsh.

Q2: Which newspaper was "banned" by Virgin trains in January?
Daily Mail.

Q3: Which country officially changed its English name to the Kingdom of Eswatini in April?

Q4: Who starred in the title role of BBC TV's "Bodyguard", which in September gave the station it's highest ever viewing figures for a drama in the multi-channel era?
Richard Madden.

Q5: Which company in August became the first to have a stock market valuation in excess of a Trillion dollars?

Q6: Which Canadian rapper spend 29 weeks at the top of the US singles charts in 2018 fifteen of them consecutively?
Drake (with "God's Plan", "Nice for What" and "In My Feelings").

Q7: Geoffrey the giraffe was the logo of which company that disappeared from our high streets in April 2018?
Toys "R" Us.

Q8: Famous for making cameo roles in super hero movies, which comic creator died in November 2018?
Stan "The Man" Lee.

Q9: Which children's comic celebrated its 80th birthday in July?
The Beano.

Q10: Sales of which item of men's clothing increased by 35% after being worn by England's manager at the 2018 FIFA World Cup?

Q11: In October Canada became the second country in the world to legalise the sale and use of cannabis, which was the first?
Uruguay in 2013.

Q12: In which country were members of a junior football team trapped underground for eighteen days in June and July?

Q13: Which UK mobile phone network was down for a whole day in December leaving thousands of customers without internet access?

Q14: With the death of G H W Bush in December how many people who have held the position of US President are still alive?
Five (Donald Trump, Barrack Obama, George W Bush, Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter).

Q15: Who was the first celebrity to be voted off ITV's "I'm A Celebrity" in December?
Noel Edmonds.

Q16: Which female artist was nominated for five BRIT awards in 2018 eventually winning two?
Dua Lipa.

Q17: In June an historical first meeting took place between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-Un, which city hosted the meeting?

Q18: In the second Royal marriage of the year in October, who did Princess Eugenie marry?
Jack Brooksband.

Q19: Which country was named as the happiest in the UN Annual Survey in March?

Q20: What was flown over Gatwick Airport causing it to shutdown and cancel flights for 2 days?
A Drone

1st: @LyfN00b - 28 points
2nd: @Nikkie - 26 points
3rd: @KGBx - 24 points

Honourable mentions

@Mini Nub - 14 points
@Real Kiwi - 6 points
@Powerless  - 5 points
@JC - 3 points
@Selc0uth - 3 points


Offline Only Lilly

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Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #53 on: January 05, 2019, 20:49:22 »
1 Which deviant group train at Westchester mansion?    X-men

2  The Rialto bridge is a popular tourist attraction in which city?  Venice

3 Alphabetically, which three men would be found last on a list of US Presidents?  Wilson, Washington and Van Buren.

4 What is the pen name for  Charles Lutwidge Dodgson  Lewis Carroll

5  What name has been given to the ancient army made from baked earth that was discovered in China?   The Terracotta Army

6  Who directed all of the following films?
Cocoon, Willow, Apollo 13, A Beautiful Mind and The Da Vinci Code    Ron Howard

7  The Godfather in Mario Puzo's novel 'The Godfather' was born in which Italian village?   Corleone

8  Vodka ia a diminutive of the Slavic word voda. What does Voda mean?  Water

9  What is the national flower of India?  Lotus

10  The name for which country stems from the Portugese words for "Bearded ones"?   Barbados

11  How many James Bond film titles start with the word 'The'?   Four. (The Man with the Golden Gun, The Spy who loved me, The Living Daylights, The World is not Enough)

12  Si and Am are the two mischievous Siamese cats in which Disney classic?   Lady and the Tramp

13  Which musical instrument is also the name for a Champagne glass?   Flute

14  The name of which US state translated means 'snow'?   Nevada

15  Which New York City street is synonymous with the American advertising industry?   Madison Avenue

16  What is a Gigli saw used for?   amputations

17   Which European capital city was built on 14 islands?   Stolkholm

18  The Aare river runs through the capital city of which country?  Switzerland

19  Steven Spielberg was one of the co-founders of which movie studio?   Dreamworks

20  The name for which form of transport stems from the Latin "for all"?   Bus

Ardo 2 Points
Andrew 5 points
Kev 2 Points
Milly 16 Points
Shane  12 points
Matt 8 Points
Nikkie 12 points
Shrimp 3 points
Zee 1 point
Hydrology 10 Points
Arran 1 point
Rune 2 Points
The Kindest 3 points
Amy 6 Points
Thor 1 point

Huge gratz To Milly <3


Offline Lycaa

Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #54 on: January 12, 2019, 23:02:08 »
General Knowledge

1.   What is the highest number used in a Sudoku puzzle? Nine
2.   What is the term for a positive electrode? Anode
3.   Which swimming stroke is named after an insect? Butterfly
4.   Which English queen has the same name as a type of plum? Victoria
5.   How many dots are used in each letter in the Braille system? Six
6.   Which movie won the Oscar for best actor, director and cinematography in 2016? The Revenant
7.   What is a female deer called? Doe
8.   What unit is used to measure horses? Hands
9.   Who is Reg Dwight better known as? Elton John
10.   Who provided Nick Wilde’s voice in the 2016 movie of “Zootopia”? Jason Bateman
11.   How many tenpin bowling skittles need knocking down for a strike? 10
12.   How is 77 represented in Roman numerals? LXXVII
13.   Who is the patron saint of music? Cecilia
14.   What are birds of a feather said to do? Flock Together
15.   “Kiss Me Kate” is a musical version of which play by Shakespeare? The Taming of the Shrew
16.   The single “Papa Don’t Preach” came from which Madonna album? True Blue
17.   Betz cells are found in which part of the body? The brain
18.   What is the only bird that can hover in the air and also fly backwards? Hummingbird
19.   Who earned the nickname “Slow-hand”? Eric Clapton
20.   Which country does opera singer Pavarotti come from? Italy

(Yes I do believe I did miss a question out & some questions were out of order. That's my bad, I'll try improve promise D: None the less...)

Milly - 18
Lyfnoob - 8
Seclouth - 8
Kindest - 6
Wazz - 4
Spewez - 3
Johsh - 3
Rubes - 3
Amy - 2

Again, Milly smashing it. Well done.


Offline Amy

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  • Rsn: x Amyy
Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #55 on: January 19, 2019, 20:39:01 »
1. What are the 3 main ingredients of a mocha? A: Chocolate, Coffee, Milk
2. Which cheese is traditionally used for pizzas? A: Mozzarella
3. Which country is the origin of the cocktail mojito? A: Cuba
4. Which nuts are used in marzipan? A: Almond
5. What is the chemical formula for table salt? A: NaCl
6. The french dish coq au vin contains which meat? A: Chicken
7. What is the Hungarian word for pepper? A: Paprika
8. WHat is most commonly used to wrap sushi? A: Seaweed
9. What type of food is prosciutto? A: Meat/Ham
10. Which country is famous for Emmental cheese? A: Switzerland
11. From which cactus is tequila made? A: Agave
12. Name the chilli that shares its name with an american state and is the hottest in the world? A: Carolina Reaper
13. What is Japanese Sake made from? A: Rice
14. In which country is it traditional to serve pecan pie? A: USA!
15. What is the name of the spanish sausage seasoned with smoked paprika? A: Chorizo
16. Where did Mulligatawny soup originate? A: India
17. If you were having Parkin, what would you be eating? A: Cake
18. What is the most consumed manufactured drink in the world? A: Tea
19. In which country is the wine making region of the Yarra Valley? A: Australia
20. What is unusual about the tomato based soup known as Gazpacho? A: It's cold


Canadian 24 points
Milly & Matt 11 points
Nikkie & Masj3 6 points
Lilly 5 points
Hydrogy and Mr phantom 4 points
17bradd 3 points


Offline Cherrycrush

Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #56 on: January 26, 2019, 20:26:32 »
1. What is the name of the Slayer Master with no combat requirements? Turael
2. How many slayer masters are there? 8
3. What year was Slayer released? 2005
4. What is the only monster that can be given out by all 8 slayer masters? Kalphites
5. Chaeldar is located where? Lost City/Zanaris
6. How many slayer points does it cost to cancel a task? 30
7. What quest must be completed to access Sumona? Smoking Kills
8. Sir Tiffy uses which slayer-related item to create a Commorb? enchanted gem
9. How many charges does a ferocious ring have when it's dropped? 5
10. To which 2 slayer masters can the ferocious ring teleport? Kuradal & Morvran
11. Which mini-quest is required to access Kuradal? Barbarian Training
12. How many slayer points does it cost to prefer a task? 100
13. Where is Mazchna located? Canafis
14. How many dragon types are in Kuradal's dungeon? 3 (blue, iron, steel)
15. How many Thaler does a Slayer VIP ticket cost? 5
16. If wanting slayer xp, which god-statue will you not put in Taverly? Juna
17. What is the name of the slayer aura from Solomon's store?  Dedicated Slayer
18. What equipment allows you to safely kill banshees? earmuffs
19. What slayer level do you need to access Morvran? 85
20. How many slayer points are earned every 50th kill from Morvran's tasks? 300

Shane - 19
Mini Nub - 16
Milly - 15
The Kindest - 11
KingThrain - 9
Amy - 8
Tracie - 8
Never Fedup - 7
Sissybear - 7
Elder Zuedos - 5
Wazz - 5
Ardo - 4
Adrenalex - 4
Reaper Vi X - 3
Mr Phantom - 3
Lyfn00b - 2
The Elders - 2
Hydrogy - 2
Rubes - 1
Thor447 1


Offline Only Lilly

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Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #57 on: February 02, 2019, 19:28:16 »
1  What is 90.3 divided by 10?  9.03

2  Find the incorrect number in the following series: 4, 9, 16, 24, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100?  24

3  How many seconds are there in one hour?  3,600

4  Paul needs 13 bottles of lemonade from the shop but he can only carry 3 bottles at a time. How many trips to the shop will Paul need to make?  5

5  Complete the following mathematical sequence: 120, 360, 1080, ...     3240

6  How many degrees are there on one side of a straight line (a straight angle)?   180 degrees

7  Frankie buys 1 pencil and 1 rubber for £1.10, Jimmy buys 1 pencil and 1 ruler for £1.30, Sandy buys 1 ruler and 1 rubber for £1.40 - what is the cost of 1 pencil?  50p

8  What is the cube root of 27?   3

9  What is the next number in the following sequence: 2, 4, 8, 20, 40, 80, 200, 400, ***      800

10  37.39 x 300?     11217

11  15% of 750?   112.5

12  Which one of the following numbers is a prime number: 12, 15, 17, 21, 27?    17

13  What is two thirds of 270?  180)

14  What is the square root of 81?  9

15  What is the smallest prime number?   2

16  What is 0.88 as a percentage?  88%

17  How many straight edges does a cube have?  12)

18  What is 4995 divided by 15?  333

19  How many hours are there in seven days?  168

20  What is 100 – 151?  -51)

Masj 4 Points
Milly  7 points
Amy 3 Points
Hydro 8 Points
Dec 20 Points
Meg  20 points
Andrew  10 points
Wazz 7 points
z94  5 Points
Pysch 2 points
Kindest 7 Points
Aqua  5 Points
Milly 1 Point


Offline Lycaa

Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #58 on: February 09, 2019, 19:42:24 »
The MARVEL-ous Quiz :D

1. Who is Spiderman's Aunt? Aunt May
2. What actor plays Iron-Man? Robert Downey Jr
3. Who was the original Ant-Man? Hank Pym
4. What metal is Black Panthers suit made from? Vibrainium
5. What Aliens invaded Earth in the first Avengers? The Chitauri
6. Who is Tony Starks Bodyguard? Happy Hogan
7. What is Thor's hammer called? Mjölnir
8. Who is Captain America's oldest friend? Bucky Barnes
9. What radiation made The Hulk? Gammaray
10. Who was Doctor Strange's mentor? The Ancient One
11. How many Infinity Stones are there? Six
12. What actor plays Nick Fury? Samuel L. Jackson
13. Who is T'challa's father? T'Chaka
14. Name The Warriors Three. Fandral, Hogun, Valstagg
15. What actor plays Groot? Vin Diesel
16. Who raised Star Lord? Yondu
17. Name Thor's siblings. Loki & Hella
18. What's the herb that gives the Black Panther his powers? Heart-Shaped Herb
19. What is the Asgardian rainbow bridge called? Bifrost
20. What did Thanos say to Thor near the end of Infinity War? "Should have gone for the head"

KingThrain - 33
Nala Naga - 28
@LyfN00b - 9
@Kindest  - 8
@Nikkie - 4
@Amy  - 4
The Glacies - 1

Special Thanks To:


Offline Amy

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  • Rsn: x Amyy
Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #59 on: February 16, 2019, 20:12:55 »
1. Which dog breed hold the world record for being the tallest?
Great Dane

2. Where are a dog’s sweat glands located?

3. How many human years is one dog year?

4. What term is given to describe a group of dogs?

5.What is the total population of dogs in the world (estimate)

6. Which country has the highest dog population?
USA 0 75.8 millon

7. A farther of a litter is called what?

8. An adult male dog is called what?

9. How many teeth does an adult dog normally have?

10.   What is the fastest dog breed in the world?

11.   What name is given to a group of pugs?

12.   Which dog breed is unable to bark?

13. What is the smallest dog breed?

14. What country do Jack Russell terriers originate from?

15. What is the most popular dog breed?
Labrador Retriever

16. What name is given to a mix breed dog?

17. What name is given to a pure bred dog?

18. What dog was scooby doo?
great dane

19. What is the French meaning of beagle?
loud mouth

20. Which dog breed is known to help with sleds in the northern region?

@Cubchoo 21 points
@ShaneGoesArd 16 points
@Milly 16 points
@LyfN00b 9 points
@Tracie 7 points
@bloodsmom2 3 points
@Only Lilly 3 points
@Alaklondewen 2 points
@KingThrain 2 points
@Ephesia 1 point
@Never Fedup 1 point
@Aquanoise 1 point


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