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Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #315 on: October 16, 2023, 02:18:52 »
Quiz written by @Only Lilly, hosted by @Germ366.

Q1: “Mrs. Robinson, you are trying to seduce me.”, is a line from what movie?
A1: The Graduate.

Q2: “I’m having an old friend for dinner.”, is a line from what movie?
A2: Silence of the lambs.

Q3: “Big things have small beginnings.”, is a line from what movie?
A3: Prometheus.

Q4: “I have to remind myself that some birds aren’t meant to be caged.”, is a line from what movie?
A4: Shawshank Redemption.

Q5: “I made my family disappear.”, is a line from what movie?
A5: Home Alone.

Q6: “Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.”, is a line from what movie?
A6: Back to the future.

Q7: “Atlanteans are many wonderful things, but forgiving is not one of them.”, is a line from what movie?
A7: Aquaman.

Q8: “Give yourself up and find yourself again.”, is a line from what movie?
A8: Crouching tiger, hidden dragon.

Q9: “Hope is not a strategy.”, is a line from what movie?
A9: Mission Impossible.
Q10: “Hasta la vista baby.”, is a line from what movie?
A10: Terminator 2 (Judgement Day).

Q11: “Hakuna Matata.”, is a line from what movie?
A11: The Lion King.

Q12: “Ohana means family.”, is a line from what movie?
A12: Lilo and Stitch.

Q13: “Just keep swimming.”, is a line from what movie?
A13: Finding Nemo.

Q14: “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?”, is a line from what movie?
A14: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. (Yes, they spelled it “Dwarfs”)

Q15: “I’m not a prize to be won.”, is a line from what movie?
A15: Aladdin.

Q16: “Second star to the right and straight on ‘til morning.”, is a line from what movie?
A16: Peter Pan.

Q17: “It’s not until you’ve lost everything that you can truly appreciate everything.”, is a line from what movie?
A17: Cars. (Apparently, the correct answer is actually “Beauty and the Beast”).

Q18: “Here’s Johnny.”, is a line from what movie?
A18: The Shining.

Q19: “That wasn’t flying, that was falling with style.”, is a line from what movie?
A19: Toy Story.

Q20: “You're going to need a bigger boat.”, is a line from what movie?
A20: Jaws


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Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #316 on: October 25, 2023, 03:35:52 »
Quiz written by @Rayth, hosted by @Germ366.

Q1: Which Pokémon, numbered 150 in the Pokédex, was genetically created in a laboratory?
A1: Mewtwo.

Q2: Which Pokémon is number 1 in the Pokédex?
A2: Bulbasaur.

Q3: How many options are there for evolving Eevee?
A3: Three.

Q4: Ninetales is the evolved form of which Pokémon?
A4: Vulpix.

Q5: What item is used to evolve Pikachu into Raichu?
A5: Thunder stone.

Q6: There are three legendary birds. Two are Articuno and Moltres. Name the last.
A6: Zapdos.

Q7: Which Pokémon is known for mimicking others?
A7: Ditto.

Q8: Staryu evolves into what Pokémon?
A8: Starmie.

Q9: Which Pokémon is number 25 in the pokédex?
A9: Pikachu.

Q10: Only three ghost Pokémon exist. They are Gastly, Haunter and who?
A10: Gengar.

Q11: What is the final evolution of the Charmander family?
A11: Charizard.

Q12: Which Pokémon follows Squirtle and evolves into Blastoise?
A12: Wartortle. (check spelling!)

Q13: Which Pokémon is known for singing everyone to sleep?
A13: Jigglypuff.

Q14: Which Pokémon was known for following around Team Rocket and could speak?
A14: Meowth.

Q15: Which three Pokémon’s names are also used commonly in magic?
A15: Abra, Kadabra, and Alakazam.

Q16: Which item is commonly used to capture Pokémon?
A16: Pokéball.

Q17: Which Pokéball will NEVER fail to capture a Pokémon?
A17: Master ball.

Q18: Which Pokémon wears the skull of its deceased mother?
A18: Cubone.

Q19: Which flying type Pokémon has three heads?
A19: Dodrio.

Q20: How many Pokémon are in the Generation 1 Pokédex?
A20: 151.


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Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #317 on: October 29, 2023, 03:14:26 »
Quiz written by @Tomarnomar, hosted by @Germ366.

Q1: In the fifth edition of D&D, what level is the “Magic Missile” spell? (Hint: 1-5)
A1: Level 1.

Q2: In the fifth edition of D&D, what level is the “Fireball” spell? (Hint: 1-5)
A2: Level 3.

Q3: In the fifth edition of D&D, what level is the “Meteor Swarm” spell? (Hint: 6-9)
A3: Level 9.

Q4: In the fifth edition of D&D, what level is the “Conjure Volley” spell? (Hint: 1-5)
A4: Level 5.

Q5: In the fifth edition of D&D, what level is the “Vicious Mockery” spell? (Hint: 0-4)
A5: Level 0.

Q6: In the fifth edition of D&D, what level is the “Sleet Storm” spell? (Hint: 1-5)
A6: Level 3.

Q7: In the fifth edition of D&D, what level is the “Thunderous Smite” spell? (Hint: 1-5)
A7: Level 1.

Q8: In the fifth edition of D&D, what level is the “Polymorph” spell? (Hint: 1-5)
A8: Level 4.

Q9: In the fifth edition of D&D, what level is the “Mass suggestion” spell? (Hint: 6-9)
A9: Level 6.

Q10: In the fifth edition of D&D, what level is the “Aid” spell? (Hint: 1-5)
A10: Level 2.

Q11: In the fifth edition of D&D, what level is the “Raise dead” spell? (Hint: 1-5)
A11: Level 5.

Q12: In the fifth edition of D&D, what level is the “Revivify” spell? (Hint: 1-5)
A12: Level 3.

Q13: In the fifth edition of D&D, what level is the “Earthquake” spell? (Hint: 6-9)
A13: Level 8.

Q14: In the fifth edition of D&D, what level is the “Animal Friendship” spell? (Hint: 1-5)
A14: Level 1.

Q15: In the fifth edition of D&D, what level is the “Finger of Death” spell? (Hint: 6-9)
A15: Level 7.

Q16: In the fifth edition of D&D, what level is the “Wish” spell? (Hint: 6-9)
A16: Level 9.

Q17: In the fifth edition of D&D, what level is the “Hex” spell? (Hint: 1-5)
A17: Level 1.

Q18: In the fifth edition of D&D, what level is the “Circle of Death” spell? (Hint: 6-9)
A18: Level 6.

Q19: In the fifth edition of D&D, what level is the “Crown of Madness” spell? (Hint: 1-5)
A19: Level 2.

Q20: In the fifth edition of D&D, what level is the “Confusion” spell? (Hint: 1-5)
A20: Level 4.


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Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #318 on: November 05, 2023, 02:38:48 »
Quiz based on adaptation of quiz made by @Rubes, hosted by @Germ366.

Q1: 2008 saw the release of which Fallout game?
A1: Fallout 3.

Q2: Where does Assassin’s Creed Origins take place?
A2: (Ptolemaic) Egypt?

Q3: What happens if Mario manages to grab the top of the goal pole (flagpole) at the end of a level?
A3: You get an extra life.

Q4: Which “Super Mario” character made their debut in 1989’s ‘Super Mario Land’ for the Game Boy?
A4: Princess Daisy.

Q5: 2013 saw the release of which Grand Theft Auto game?
A5: Grand Theft Auto V (5).

Q6: In the game “Donkey Kong Circus”, what iconic Nintendo character is the antagonist?
A6: Mario.

Q7: Spyro, from the “Spyro the Dragon” games, has orange wings. What color is his body?
A7: Purple.

Q8: In the “Sonic the Hedgehog” series, what item functions as both health and currency for Sonic?
A8: Gold rings.

Q9: What is the most iconic quote from the “Assassin’s Creed” series?
A9: “We work in the dark to serve the light”.

Q10: Princess Daisy is the princess of what land in the “Super Mario” franchise?
A10: Sarasaland.

Q11: What does NES stand for?
A11: Nintendo Entertainment System

Q12: What is the name of the protagonist in the Portal games?
A12: Chell.

Q13: 2015 saw the removal of what iconic island from Runescape?
A13: Tutorial Island.

Q14: Durial321 became famous for killing players during what became known as what?
A14: The Falador Massacre.

Q15: What is the name of Mario’s first girlfriend?
A15: Lady (Pauline).

Q16: February 22nd, 2013, saw the release of Jagex publication?
A16: OSRS.

Q17: How many stars do you need to enter Bowser’s final domain and beat Super Mario 64?
A17: 70.

Q18: What is the most popular MMORPG of all time, by player numbers?
A18: World of Warcraft.

Q19: Altaïr Ibn-LaʼAhad is the protagonist of which Assassin’s Creed game?
A19: Assassin’s Creed (the first one).

Q20: In Valve’s iconic Portal games, what is a lie?
A20: The Cake.


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Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #319 on: November 11, 2023, 19:51:49 »
Quiz written by @Haseo . Hosted by @Haseo .
Topic - A Touch of Chaos 2.0

Q1. In computing, what does CPU stand for?
A1. Central Processing Unit

Q2. In what year was the Pokémon "Mew" officially revealed in Japan?
A2. 1996

Q3. How many faces does a dodecahedron have?
A3. 12

Q4. How many letters are in the word: Thyroparathyroidectomy?
A4. 22

W5. Sovereignty

Q6. This sentence/phrase expresses a belief, purpose or general motivation of a group/organization.
A6. Motto

Q7. What is the country of origin for the dessert Angel Delight? Note: No abbreviations.
A7. United Kingdom

Q8. How many vowels are in the word: Existentialism?
A8. 6

W9. Conscientious

Q10. The Caesar cipher is one of the simplest known encryption techniques. What type of cipher is it?
A10. Substitution cipher

Q11. In what year was the University of Bologna founded in Italy?
A11. 1088

Q12. What is the national motto of Spain?
A12. Plus ultra ("Further Beyond")

Q13. What animal is used in Equestrianism?
A13. Horse

W14. Thyroparathyroidectomy

Q15. What is the country of origin for the dessert Tres Leches?
A15. Mexico

Q16. What is the practice of concealing information within another message or physical object to avoid detection?
A16. Steganography

Q17. In total, how many constellations are recognized by the International Astronomical Union?
A17. 88

W18. Interference

Q19. By total area, which is the largest: New Zealand, Japan, United Kingdom, Oman, Italy?
A19. Japan (UK: ~242.5k, NZ: ~268k, Italy: ~301.3k, Oman: ~309.5k, Japan: ~378k (all units in km^2))

Q20. 6x + 3y = 12. Solve for y.
A20. y = 4 - 2x

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Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #320 on: November 18, 2023, 20:02:52 »
writer - @Germ366 host - @rsruinedme

Q1: The names of how many countries in Africa begin with the letter ‘E’?
A1: 5.
Q2: The colors blue and yellow can be mixed together to create what other color?
A2: Green.
Q3: What South American country has approximately 3% of the native German speakers in the world?
A3: Brazil.
Q4: Alexander Graham Bell is credited with having invented what device?
A4: The Telephone.
Q5: Alexander Graham Bell’s invention of the telephone is often disputed in favor of another inventor. Who?
A5: Elisha Gray.
Q6: The Bengal Tiger is the national animal of what country?
A6: India.
Q7: There are four colors on India’s national flag, what are they?
A7: Blue, orange, white, and green.
Q8: There are 11 players on each side of a cricket team. How many are there in total?
A8: 22.
Q9: Which country (that is not also a continent) is the largest island in the world?
A9: Greenland.
Q10: Ichthyology is the study of what?
A10: Fish.

Q11: The largest Krampus celebration in the world is held in what country?
A11: Austria.
Q12: What is the largest land animal in the world currently?
A12: The African Elephant.
Q13: What is the largest land animal in world history?
A13: The Patagotitan Mayorum.
Q14: What is the largest sea creature in world history?
A14: The Blue Whale (Yes, it’s bigger than the Megalodon, though it would definitely lose in a fight!)
Q15: The Quetzalcoatlus Northropi has the distinction of being the largest ever, what?
A15: Flying animal.
Q16: The Quetzalcoatlus Northropi is approximately the size of what long necked African animal?
A16: The Giraffe.
Q17: What is the fastest animal known to man?
A17: The Peregrine Falcon (diving speed of over 300km/h).
Q18: The Cheetah has the distinction of being the fastest, what?
A18: Land animal.
Q19: Ornithology is the study of what?
A19: Birds.
Q20: Which country is the largest island in the world?
A20: Australia.

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Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #321 on: November 25, 2023, 20:01:48 »
Quiz written by @Germ366 . Hosted by @Haseo .
Topic - Science!

Q1. There are 118 known elements on the periodic table. What is the last known element on the table?
A1. Oganesson (Note: Last = Highest Atomic Number)

Q2. There are 206 bones in the human body. Which is the smallest?
A2. Stapes

Q3. In the 1600's, what theory was proposed by Becher to explain the process of chemical processes like combustion or rusting?
A3. Phlogiston theory

Q4. 13.77+/-0.059 billion years is the current estimate for the age of what?
A4. The Universe

Q5. What is Ribonucleic Acid more commonly known as?

Q6. Livermorium and Tennessine are tied for having the most neutrons of any element. How many do they each have?
A6. 177

Q7. To the nearest whole number, what is the boiling point of water in degrees Kelvin?
A7. 373K

Q8. What does DNA stand for? (Note: Spelling counts!)
A8. Deoxyribonucleic acid

Q9. In 1969, mankind made a giant leap. Where did we land?
A9. The Moon

Q10. Poikilocytosis is a term for abnormal-shaped cells in the human body. Which kind of cells are they?
A10. Red-blood cells

Q11. The largest planet in the solar system is Jupiter. How many moons does Jupiter have?
A11. 95

Q12. The scientific term for an explosion is an ‘exothermic reaction’. What is the scientific term for an implosion?
A12. Endothermic reaction

Q13. Alveoli are found in what human organ?
A13. The lungs

Q14. 14 is the highest number on the pH scale. What is the lowest?
A14. 0

Q15. What number does pure water have on the pH scale?
A15. 7

Q16. What is the plural form of ‘Hippocampus’?
A16. Hippocampi

Q17. What is the largest moon of Jupiter?
A17. Ganymede

Q18. Titan is the 2nd largest moon in the solar system, larger than which terrestrial planet?
A18. Mercury

Q19. The amygdala controls, among other things, the fight or flight response. What nut is the Amygdala shaped like?
A19. An almond

Q20. Contrary to popular belief, peanuts are not a kind of nut. What are they classified as?
A20. A legume

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Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #322 on: December 04, 2023, 01:14:23 »
Quiz written and hosted by @Germ366.

Q1: In the game of chess, if a pawn makes it all the way across the board, it can turn into what?
A1: A queen (technically any piece but the king, but no1 chooses anything but the queen).

Q2: In the game of sudoku, the objective is to fill a total of nine 3x3 boxes with what numbers?
A2: 1-9.

Q3: If you add up all the numbers in a completed Sudoku game, what number do you get?
A3: 405. (Note, this is remarkably easy if you know Gauss’ sequence strategy)

Q4: In what kind of puzzle game do you fill in boxes ‘down’ and ‘across’?
A4: A crossword puzzle.

Q5: How many colors does a Rubik’s cube have?
A5: Six.

Q6: What are the six colors on a Rubik’s cube?
A6: White, red, blue, orange, green, and yellow.

Q7: Draughts is another name for what game?
A7: Checkers.

Q8: The progenitor of Checkers is a game called ‘Alquerque’. In what region did ‘Alquerque’ originate?
A8: The Middle East.

Q9: What popular tile-based game was developed in China in the 19th century?
A9: Mahjong.

Q10: What popular puzzle game involves aligning misshapen blocks to form rows?
A10: Tetris.

Q11: Clue or Cluedo (UK) is a popular murder mystery game. In what year was it released?
A11: 1949.

Q12: What is the principal skill used in a game of Clue/Cluedo?
A12: Deduction.

Q13: In the game of monopoly, how much money do you collect when you pass ‘Go’?
A13: $200 monopoly dollars.

Q14: The progenitor of Monopoly is what 1904 board game?
A14: The Landlord’s Game.

Q15: How many colors are used in a game of twister?
A15: Four.

Q16: What are the four colors used in a game of twister?
A16: Blue, red, yellow, and green.

Q17: What are the dimensions of a standard connect-4 grid?
A17: 7x6.

Q18: How many spokes lead to the hub in the center of a standard trivial pursuit board?
A18: 6.

Q19: In what classic board game, do you attempt to remove objects from a man, using tweezers?
A19: Operation.

Q20: Despite the name, Chinese checkers is neither Chinese nor related to the game checkers. Where did Chinese Checkers originate?
A20: Germany. (Originally called Stern-Halma).


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Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #323 on: December 09, 2023, 18:52:54 »
Quiz written by @Haseo . Hosted by @Haseo .
Topic - RS3 Agility

Q1. What is the name of the Agility skill pet? Note: Spelling counts
A1. Dojo Mojo

Q2. How many obstacles are on the Wilderness Agility Course?
A2. 5

Q3. What Agility level is required to obtain the max xp from the Hefin course?
A3. 97

Q4. A Summer pie boosts Agility by how many levels?
A4. +5

Q5. How many perfect laps total are required for full agile?
A5. 500 (250 each)

Q6. What Agility level is required to use Crystal equipment?
A6. 50

Q7. How much Agility xp is earned from 1 Agility Arena Ticket?
A7. 240 (or 264 w/ Karamja Gloves)

Q8. Where does one obtain the Nimble outfit?
A8. The Pit

Q9. What Agility level is required for the Bandos Agility Course?
A9. 60

Q10. What color particles does the 120 Agility cape have?
A10. Red

Q11. What is the daily xp cap for Serenity posts?
A11. 20k

Q12. What Agility level is required to fight Commander Zilyana?
A12. 70

Q13. What item are you fetching while running the Werewolf Agility Course?
A13. Stick

Q14. What potion boosts Agility by +6 levels?
A14. Stamina Potion

Q15. Triple loot from pickpocketing Paladins requires what Agility level?
A15. 80

Q16. Which town/area has 2 shortcuts requiring 74 Agility to use?
A16. Shilo Village

Q17. What food item restores a player's run energy to 100%?
A17. Mint Cake / Gout Tuber

Q18. How many obstacles are on the Het's Oasis Agility Course?
A18. 16

Q19. What quest is required for the Ape Atoll Agility Course? Note: No abbreviations.
A19. Monkey Madness

Q20. At minimum, how many codex pages are obtained on the final obstacle of the Anachronia Agility Course w/ Roar active?
A20. 11

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Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #324 on: December 30, 2023, 18:38:18 »
Quiz written by @Haseo . Hosted by @Haseo .
Topic - Counting Quiz

Q1. 7th letter in the word: Indifference.
A1. E

Q2. How many letters are in the word: Camaraderie?
A2. 11

Q3. 4th letter in the word: Filibuster.
A3. I

Q4. How many letters are in the word: Five?
A4. 4

Q5. 9th letter in the word: Suspicious.
A5. U

Q6. How many vowels are in the word: Onomatopoeia?
A6. 8

Q7. 2nd letter in the word: Cake.
A7. A

Q8. How many letters are in the word: Uncopyrightable?
A8. 15

Q9. How many consonants are in the word: Incomprehensibilities?
A9. 12

Q10. At this point of the quiz, how many quiz answers were letters?
A10. 4

Q11. How many letters are in the phrase: The cake is a lie?
A11. 13

Q12. How many vowels are in the phrase: To be or not to be?
A12. 6

Q13. 11th letter in the phrase: Be wary of flying pigs.
A13. Y

Q14. How many letters are in the word: Sesquipedalianism?
A14. 17

Q15. 5th vowel in the phrase: Do not mock the jellyfish.
A15. E

Q16. 3rd letter in the word: Fox.
A16. X

Q17. How many letters are in the phrase: Agility is best skill?
A17. 18

Q18. 7th consonant in the phrase: Going to space, in style.
A18. C

Q19. How many consonants are in the phrase: Beware the wolf's shadow?
A19. 13

Q20. 29th letter in the word: Antidisestablishmentarianism.
A20. None / There isn't one

@Cap Hatfield - 25 points
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Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #325 on: December 30, 2023, 18:49:39 »
date: saturday 16th december
hosted by @rsruinedme written by @Germ366

Q1: Prairie dogs are rodents, not canines, how did they come to be called prairie dogs?
A1: They bark.
Q2: Prairie dogs are native to what region?
A2: North America.
Q3: Unlike most creatures, the octopus has multiple hearts, how many does it have?
A3: 3.
Q4: An octopus has three hearts. How many do you have to destroy to kill it?
A4: One.
Q5: Members of the genus “Vulpes” are colloquially referred to as what?
A5: ‘True’ foxes. (As distinct from just ‘foxes’).
Q6: Foxes are digitigrades, meaning they walk on their what?
A6: Toes.
Q7: How big can ‘teacup’ pigs grow to in weight?
A7: 200 pounds.
Q8: ‘Teacup’ pigs can grow to weigh up to 200 pounds and live for how long?
A8: 15-20 years.
Q9: The Alpine chamois is interesting in that it is a hybrid species with traits of an antelope and a what?
A9: Goat.
Q10: The Alpine chamois is native to Europe, but has been introduced to the South Island of what country?
A10: New Zealand.
Q11: What is the only species of mammal that can fly?
A11: Bats.
Q12: Birds of prey have sharp claws on their feet, what is the official term for these claws?
A12: Talons.
Q13: The fur of a polar bear is white, what color is its skin?
A13: Black.
Q14: ‘Nemo’ from ‘Finding Nemo’ is what type of fish?
A14: Clownfish or Anemonefish.
Q15: Clownfish are “protandrous sequential hermaphrodites”, meaning what?
A15: They develop into males first, then when they mature, become females.
Q16: What species of penguin has a royal title as part of its name?
A16: The Emperor Penguin.
Q17: The species of penguin known as “fairy blue” is known for what?
A17: Being the smallest species of penguin.
Q18: Peafowl can be either peacocks (male) or peahens (female). Which one has the bright colorful plumage?
A18: Peacocks.
Q19: The African Elephant is the largest land animal. How much is the highest recorded weight for this animal?
A19: 18,000 pounds (8,000 kg).
Q20: Because of their size, elephants are incapable of what action? (Hint: Kangaroos are known for this action)
A20: Jumping.

@ShaneGoesArd 33 points
@Cap Hatfield  24 points
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Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #326 on: December 30, 2023, 22:51:31 »
Date: 23rd December 2023
Quiz written and hosted by @Germ366

Q1: How do you say “Merry Christmas” in Spanish?
A1: Feliz Navidad.

Q2: How many gifts were given in total in the song “The Twelve Days of Christmas”?
A2: 364.

Q3: How many ghosts visited Scrooge in “A Christmas Carol”?
A3: 4 (former business partner Jacob Marley, and the spirits of Past, Present and Future).

Q4: What ornament is traditionally placed on the top of the Christmas tree?
A4: A star or angel.

Q5: In which country is it traditional to eat KFC for Christmas dinner?
A5: Japan.

Q6: Krampus night is traditionally celebrated on St. Nicholas eve, when is Saint Nicholas Day?
A6: December 6th.

Q7: In which country is the largest Krampus Parade in the world held?
A7: Austria.

Q8: What are you supposed to do if you find yourself underneath mistletoe with someone?
A8: Kiss.

Q9: What color are mistletoe berries?
A9: White.

Q10: Which country started the tradition of putting up a Christmas tree?
A10: Germany.

Q11: How many of Santa’s reindeer’s names start with the letter ‘D’?
A11: Three (Donner, Dasher, and Dancer).

Q12: What wouldn’t the other reindeer let Rudolf do?
A12: Join in any reindeer games.

Q13: What do children in Sweden leave out for Santa?
A13: A cup of coffee so he doesn’t get tired.

Q14: The year 1843 saw the sending of the first Christmas what?
A14: Card.

Q15: In 1847 Tom Smith invented this iconic Christmas item, which appeared in RS in 2001. What is it?
A15: Christmas Cracker.

Q16: What is the best-selling Christmas single of all time?
A16: White Christmas, by Bing Crosby.

Q17: When do the 12 days of Christmas start?
A17: Christmas Day (Dec. 25th).

Q18: What decoration do elves traditionally have on their shoes?
A18: Bells.

Q19: ‘Miracle On 34th Street’ centers on what real-life department store?
A19: Macy's.

Q20: What was the color of Santa suit, before Coca Cola recolored him in red?
A20: Green.


@ShaneGoesArd  - 30 points
@Winter - 22 points
@looneymoon - 11 points
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Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #327 on: January 09, 2024, 04:17:43 »
Date: 6th January 2024
Quiz written by @Rubes, hosted by @Germ366.

Q1: Tumble out of bed and stumble to the kitchen…?
A1: Pour myself a cup of ambition (Dolly Parton)

Q2: I've fallen in love for the first time, and this time…?
A2: I know it’s for real (Queen)

Q3: She was a fast machine, she kept her motor clean. She was the best damn…?
A3: Woman that I ever seen (AC/DC)

Q4: Dancing in the moonlight. Everybody’s feeling…?
A4: Warm and bright (Toploader)

Q5: And if I share with you my story, would you…?
A5: Share your dollar with me? (Aloe Blacc)

Q6: Come as you are, as you were…?
A6: As I want you to be (Nirvana)

Q7: Don't need permission, made my decision...?
A7: To test my limits (Ariana Grande)

Q8: And your shoulders are frozen (cold as the night)…?
A8: Oh, but you're an explosion (Arctic Monkeys)

Q9: You used to call me on my cell phone. Late night…?
A9: When you need my love (Drake)

Q10: I see trees of green…?
A10: Red roses too (Louis Armstrong)

Q11: If the fish swam out of the ocean and grew legs…?
A11: And they started walking (Sam Sparro)

Q12: Hello from the other side…?
A12: I must've called a thousand times (Adele)

Q13: His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy…?
A13: There’s vomit on his sweaty already (Eminem)

Q14: If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends…?
A14: Make it last forever, friendship never ends (Spice Girls)

Q15: You are my fire. The one desire. Believe when I say…?
A15: I want it that way (Backstreet Boys)

Q16: I hopped off the plane at LAX with a dream and my cardigan…?
A16: Welcome to the land of fame excess (Miley Cyrus)

Q17: Dirty babe, you see these shackles baby, I'm your slave…?
A17: I’ll let you whip me if I misbehave (Justin Timberlake)

Q18: The club isn't the best place to find a lover…?
A18: So the bar is where I go (Ed Sheeran)

Q19: If you like piña coladas, and getting…?
A19: Caught in the rain (Rupert Holmes)

Q20: Rise up this morning, smiled with the rising sun, three little birds…?
A20: Pitched by my doorstep (Bob Marley and the Wailers)


@Theguns - 35 points
@rsruinedme - 17 points
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@Cap Hatfield - 11 points
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Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #328 on: January 13, 2024, 19:18:59 »
Date: 13th January 2024
Quiz written and hosted by @Germ366.

Q1: What is the name of the room Harry uses to teach “Dumbledore’s Army”?
A1: The Room of Requirement.

Q2: What subject does Professor McGonagall teach?
A2: Transfiguration.

Q3: Which creatures pull the carriages that take students from the Hogwarts Express to the Castle?
A3: Thestrals.

Q4: How many defense against the dark arts professors taught Harry at Hogwarts?
A4: 6.

Q5: What is the name of the book Hermione supposed Voldemort used to learn about Horcruxes?
A5: Secrets of the Darkest Art.

Q6: In what house did the sorting hat almost put Harry?
A6: Slytherin.

Q7: Where is the Slytherin common room located?
A7: The Dungeons.

Q8: What position does Harry play on the Quidditch team?
A8: Seeker.

Q9: How did Harry and Ron get to Hogwarts their second year?
A9: Flying Car.

Q10: What is Tom Riddle’s middle name?
A10: Marvolo.

Q11: What did Dobby catch that set him free from Mr. Malfoy?
A11: Harry’s dirty sock.

Q12: How many siblings does Ron have?
A12: 6.

Q13: What is the only Harry Potter book in which Lord Voldemort doesn’t make an appearance?
A13: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

Q14: What Hogwarts student is killed in Little Hangleton graveyard at the end of “The Goblet of Fire”?
A14: Cedric Diggory.

Q15: What does Hermione use to attend all her classes during her third year?
A15: A Time-turner.

Q16: Who is the half-blooded prince?
A16: Severus Snape.

Q17: What is the name of the three-headed dog that guards the sorcerer’s stone?
A17: Fluffy.

Q18: What is the name of the platform that leads to King Cross Station?
A18: 9 and three quarters.

Q19: How many horcruxes did Voldemort make?
A19: 7.

Q20: What is Sirius Black’s relation to Harry?
A20: Godfather.


@Draquist - 37 points
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Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
« Reply #329 on: January 20, 2024, 18:48:21 »
Quiz written and Hosted by @Haseo .
Topic - All About Numbers

Note: In this quiz, only numbers are allowed. No letters allowed.

Q1. In total, how many skills are there in RS3?
A1. 29

Q2. How many vowels are in the word: Illumination?
A2. 6

Q3. In what year was the Magna Carta document created?
A3. 1215

Q4. Take this question number and add it to the answer from Q1. What's the result?
A4. 33

Q5. How many millimeters are in 1 kilometer?
A5. 1000000

Q6. What is the square root of 49?
A6. 7

Q7. How many orbs make up the Divination skill icon?
A7. 4

Q8. In light-years, what is the approximate diameter of our galaxy?
A8. 100000

Q9. How many sides make up a triangle?
A9. 3

Q10. How many milligrams are in 1 kilogram?
A10. 1000000

Q11. What year is it currently?
A11. 2024

Q12. How many minutes are in 1 week?
A12. 10080

Q13. How many letters are in the word: Pulchritudinous?
A13. 15

Q14. What is the only even prime number?
A14. 2

Q15. What is the result of 5!?
A15. 120

Q16. How many zeroes are in the number: 50203601870540680006408030?
A16. 11

Q17. Subtract the answer from Q14 from the previous answer. What's the result?
A17. 9

Q18. How many wings does a dragonfly have?
A18. 4

Q19. In kilometers, what is the approximate equatorial radius of Earth?
A19. 6378

Q20. How many animals make up the Chinese Zodiac?
A20. 12

Q21. How many kilograms are in 1 milligram?
A21. 0.000001

@Jonat - 31 points
@Winter - 19 points
@Bardenpho - 16 points
@rsruinedme - 16 points
@Selc0uth - 6 points
@Star - 6 points
@Araxxin_Mar - 4 points
@looneymoon - 4 points
@zzib - 3 points
@Dasein - 1 point

~A celestial wolf with a slight obsession with bagels and other baked goods~


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