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Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
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Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
Reply #210 on:
October 09, 2021, 19:58:36 »
Quiz written by Bardenpho. Hosted by Haseo.
Topic: RS Trivia (Lore/Quests)
Q1. What is the secret phrase used to enter the hidden base in Mos Le’Harmless?
A1. A Long drop
Q2. What creature roamed and terrorized Goshima before the end of Final Destination?
A2. Jiangshi (or Malignant Entity)
Q3. What is the name of the witch that lives in the Underground Pass?
A3. Kardia
Q4. What was the original quest later reworked into Gunnar’s Ground?
A4. Romeo & Juliet
Q5. What is the name of the troll champion you fight in the Kyzaj tournament?
A5. Lol
Q5a. BONUS! Including yourself, how many races/species participated in the Kyzaj tournament?
A5a. 8
Q6. Which quest was the very first, fully voice acted quest in Runescape history?
A6. One Piercing Note
Q7. What is the name of the building that the quest, One Piercing Note, takes place?
A7. Abbey of Saint Elspeth (or Abbey of St. Elspeth)
Q8. Which quest unlocks the Gnome Glider transportation method?
A8. The Grand Tree
Q9. True or false, King Bolren is the King of Tree Gnome Village?
A9. True
Q10. What is the name of the cute creature King Bolren adopts during the gnome series?
A10. Dumpling
Q11. Which quest features the character, Eva Cashien?
A11. Salt in the Wound
Q12. Cashien? Sounds familiar. What is the relationship between Eva Cashien and Sir Tiffy Cashien?
A12. Niece/Uncle
Q13. What is the name of the resistance movement that liberated Morytania from Drakan’s force?
A13. The Myreque
Q14. What is the highest military rank achievable in the Zarosian Empire?
A14. Legatus Maximus
Q15. Speaking of the Zarosian Empire, who was the head of the secret police?
A15. Sliske
Q16. Among the many terrible inconveniences Sliske gave us, which dragonkin did Sliske capture during Missing, Presumed Death?
A16. Strisath
Q17. Dragonkin are the reason Gielinor has dragons! True or false, Elvarg is the very first known dragon ever created by the dragonkin.
A17. False
Q18. Well now that we know Elvarg isn’t Gielinor’s oldest dragon granny, where is the real first dragon located?
A18. Grotworm Lair
Q19. You are introduced to QBD thanks to Song from the Depths. Who is the signature hero that you meet during this quest?
A19. The Raptor
Q20. Not including the player, what is the total number of quests that involve the signature heroes?
A20. 16
- 26 points
- 13 points
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@Full Restore
- 3 points
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~A celestial wolf with a slight obsession with bagels and other baked goods~
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Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
Reply #211 on:
October 23, 2021, 23:11:42 »
Quiz written by Xaii, hosted by Xaii.
Topic: Clan Citadels
1. How many skilling plots are there in our Clan citadel?
A. Seven
2. There are 7 skilling plots in the citadel, but how many different resources can you gather?
A. 10
3. Who looks after the bank in the Keep?
A. The Head Guard
4. What happens when you pull the lever upstairs of the Keep?
A. Balloons!
5. How many statues surround the Surface teleport in the citadel?
A. 5
6. The Furnace needs ore and what to make bars?
A. Charcoal
7. How many Summoning obelisks are in the citadel?
A. 4
8. How many Looms are at the crafting plot?
A. 8
9. How many spots can you mine from?
A .10
10. Which item do you shovel into the Kiln?
A. Woodchip
11. How many teleports are there in the citadel?
A. 12
12. Which year were clan citadels introduced to RuneScape?
A. 2011
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i 1
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Ironman (Osrs):
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Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
Reply #212 on:
November 06, 2021, 18:52:21 »
Quiz written by
and hosted by meee!!
1. What boss awards the most reaper points for completing a task? -
2. When revenants were originally released, what type of revenant had the highest level?
Revenant Knight - Dragon was released over a year later
3. What skill was released alongside Runescape 2?
4. What was the original name of the Constitution skill?
Hits (would accept Hitpoints, since Hits was likely short for it)
5.What skill has the fewest number of accounts with 200m experience?
6. What was the 100th quest released?
Recipe for Disaster
7. What is the lowest prime number?
8.How many states make up the United States?
9. What holiday, known as the Festival of Lights, was celebrated in the past few days?
10.What annual gambling event is currently occurring at the Rio Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas?
World Series of Poker (WSOP)
11. What is the only mammal that can fly?
12.What color is a polar bear’s skin?
13.What is the name for the most often seen observation in a sample?
Mode (Sample Mode also okay)
14. In which US state did the first airplane flight occur?
North Carolina
15. What is the only planet to spin clockwise?
16. Who holds the record for most Academy Awards?
Walt Disney
17. How many time zones does Russia cross?
18. What is Cookie Monster’s real name?
19. What is the southernmost continent?
20. What day of the year was Consentus formed?
September 18
- 12points
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@Citizen Naab
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Ironman (Osrs):
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Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
Reply #213 on:
November 13, 2021, 19:35:30 »
13/11/2021 ( or for our neighbours overseas 11/13/2021 )
General knowledge - Writted and hosted by me!
1. What is the capital of brazil?
2. In which part of the body would you find the cruciate ligament?
3. How many films have al pacino and robert De niro starred in together?
4. what is rapper p diddys real name?
sean combs
5. what european city hosted the 1936 summer olympics?
6. which husband-wife duo starred in 2018s horror film a quiet place?
Emily blunt and john Krasinski
7. how many spice options are there at nando's?
8. pret a manger is a sandwich shop in the uk, what does the french name mean in english?
ready to eat
9. how many keys are there on a piano?
10. which stephen king novel takes place mostyly in the fictional overlook hotel?
the shining.
11. who sang the 1995 song mysterious girl?
peter andre
12. 10% of the number of this question squared?
13. john denvers hit country road is about which us state?
west virginia
14. what film is this anagram?
frog had teeth
15. what causes john wicks murder spree in the first film?
death of his dog
16. how many hellhounds are in the taverley resource dungeon?
17. what year were partyhats released?
18 . In which country would you find machu pichu?
19. what device would an asthmatic use to help with breathing?
20. add the number of skills too the number of clan members.
- 22 points
Sol angelica - 17 points
- 13 points
@jack boy 0
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@Ben Kimim
- 3 points
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Alt Rsn:
Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
Reply #214 on:
November 20, 2021, 19:51:13 »
Quiz written by Haseo. Hosted by Haseo.
Topic - Spontaneous Trivia 12
Q1. How many years ago did World War 2 end?
A1. 76 years ago
Q2. Who said the following quote: "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind"?
A2. Neil Armstrong
Q3. Take this question number and cube it. What's the result?
A3. 27
Q4. What ingredients are needed to make a cake in RS3? Note: Be specific.
A4. Pot of Flour, Egg, Bucket of Milk
Q5. What is the absolute temperature scale to Fahrenheit?
A5. Rankine
Q6. This short-hand word stands for electronic mail.
A6. E-mail / Email
Q7. How many countries make up the United Kingdom?
A7. 4
Q8. On average, how many lunar eclipses happen per year?
A8. 3-4
Q9. Take the answer from Q3 and add it to this question number. What's the result?
A9. 36
Q10. EDM is a popular music genre. What does EDM stand for?
A10. Electronic Dance Music
Q11. On what date is Thanksgiving this year in the US?
A11. 25th of November
Q12. In baseball, how many strikes until you are out?
A12. 3
Q13. What type of milk does Roquefort bleu cheese come from?
A13. Sheep milk
Q14. Who is the 1st Pokemon in the original Pokedex? Note: Spelling counts
A14. Bulbasaur
Q15. In astronomy, this term describes a roughly straight-line configuration of 3+ celestial bodies in a gravitational system.
A15. Syzygy
Q16. In what year did the US declare independence from Great Britain?
A16. 1776
Q17. What sequence is the following: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, ...
A17. Fibonacci Sequence
Q18. Take the answer from Q9 and divide it by this question number. What's the result?
A18. 2
Q19. What unit of currency does the UK use?
A19. Pound sterling
Q20. Haseo recently returned from the UK. What country did he visit?
A20. Scotland
@Grand_Conde - 21 points
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@Ben Kimim
- 5 points
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- 3 points
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@Tetum - 3 points
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@Citizen Naab
- 1 point
@t3nt buddy
- 1 point
~A celestial wolf with a slight obsession with bagels and other baked goods~
Join Date: Apr 2020
Alt Rsn:
Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
Reply #215 on:
December 04, 2021, 19:42:44 »
Quiz written by iJamie. Hosted by Haseo.
Topic - RS Clues
Q1. How many easy clue hidey-holes are there?
A1. 25
Q2. What is displayed on the puzzle box that Riki in Keldagrim gives you?
A2. A bridge
Q3. How many treasure trail points does the globetrotter backpack cost?
A3. 1200
Q4. Which number on the globetrotter arm guards teleports you to the lumber yard?
A4. 6
Q5. What Construction level do you require to build a hard clue hidey-hole?
A5. 55
Q6. What item is missing from this hidey-hole? Toktz-ket-xil, Fire cape, ...?
A6. Spork
Q7. The items bronze dagger, iron full helm & gold ring are required where?
A7. Inside the shed in Lumbridge Swamp
Q8. Can you only get a blood dye as a master clue reward?
A8. No/False
Q9. Frost dragon masks are from which tier of clues?
A9. Elite
Q10. Can you only get Bandos pages from hard clues and above?
A10. No/False
Q11. Do you unlock the 'Globetrotter' title when buying the full globetrotter outfit?
A11. No/False
Q12. How much runescore do you get for purchasing the full globetrotter outfit?
A12. 50
Q13. How long does the effect last of a Guido's bonfire in a bottle?
A13. 66 minutes or 82 minutes (both are correct)
Q14. Where is this: 08 degrees 26 minutes south - 10 degrees 28 minutes east?
A14. Kharazi Jungle
Q15. What's the base duration on a meerkat pouch?
A15. 48 minutes
Q16. Which wizard is the strongest of the three? Saradomin, Guthix, Zamorak
A16. Guthix
Q17. How many teleport jewellery can you store in a passage of the abyss?
A17. 6
Q18. Which one of these is an anagram used in a treasure trail: Halt Us, By Book, Mead Nod?
A18. Halt Us
Q19. What's the buy limit on a rune kiteshield (h1)?
A19. 50
Q20. The achievement 'Got to pick a pocket or two' is acquired from which clue tier?
A20. Easy
- 34 points
- 16 points
- 11 points
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@Grand_Conde - 6 points
@Ani_Elydda - 5 points
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- 2 points
~A celestial wolf with a slight obsession with bagels and other baked goods~
Join Date: Jul 2014
Alt Rsn:
Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
Reply #216 on:
December 11, 2021, 19:49:09 »
- 33 points
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@Jaden VI
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@Arent They
- 5 points
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Alt Rsn:
Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
Reply #217 on:
January 02, 2022, 10:16:56 »
Quiz written by
. Hosted by
Topic - PvM
Q1. What title is unlocked upon killing every boss 100 times?
A1. Final Boss
Q2. Which faction does Gregorovic represent?
A2. Sliske
Q3. On what island can you find the entrance to ED1?
A3. Aminishi
Q4. Where can you find Taraket?
A4. ED3 - Shadow Reef
Q5. What is the historical name of Verak Lith?
A5. Flametongue
Q6. What ability do you use to release yourself from stuns or binds?
A6. Freedom
Q7. How many enemies would you have to defeat to challenge Tzkal-Zuk, assuming you kill every one of them?
A7. 125 (128 if including the unkillable ones on wave 15)
Q8. How many phases does normal mode Vorago have?
A8. 5
Q9. In what year was Telos released?
A9. 2016
Q10. What quest unlocks the abilities sunshine/death swiftness?
A10. The World Wakes
Q11. What is the name of the T99 Melee prayer?
A11. Malevolence
Q12. What is the full name for the best amulet for combat?
A12. Essence of Finality Amulet (or)
Q13. What type of bolts heal when they proc?
A13. Onyx (e)
Q14. What ability has the capability of healing you when you get hit?
A14. Resonance
Q15. Based on GE values, what is the most expensive drop you can get from PvM? Note: HSR not included.
A15. Greater Ricochet Ability Codex (1.8B)
Q16. How many bosses are there in the Beasts tab?
A16. 45
Q17. In alphabetical order, what is the 5th Barrows brother in RS3?
A17. Karil the Tainted
Q18. Name any 2 roles at Yakamaru besides stun5, stun0, or CPR. Note: No abbreviations.
A18. Base / North Tank / Shark10 / Poison Tank / Jelly Wrangler / Double
Q19. At what enrage do you unlock a silver title for Telos or Arch-Glacor?
A19. 2000%
Q20. What codex do you need to unlock a T99 prayer?
A20. Praesul Codex
Q21. Who was the 1st person to kill Arch-Glacor at 4000% enrage?
A21. Evil Lucario
Q22. What is the title for completing the Nex log?
A22. Tenacity of Zarytes
- 24 points
- 20 points
- 15 points
- 14 points
@Elder Zuedos
- 12 points
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~A celestial wolf with a slight obsession with bagels and other baked goods~
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Alt Rsn:
Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
Reply #218 on:
January 08, 2022, 19:50:05 »
Quiz written by
. Hosted by
Topic - Ranged/Archery
Q1. According to the Bible, King David slew which warrior with a stone and sling?
A1. Goliath
Q2. What are the center rings of a dartboard called?
A2. Bullseye
Q3. Which elven member of the fellowship of the ring was a skillful archer?
A3. Legolas
Q4. The earliest tales of Robin Hood also refer to what very tall monk?
A4. Little John
Q5. In the Hunger Games, Katniss illegally bow hunted in which district?
A5. District 12
Q6. What Japanese throwing weapon was made in many shapes like crosses and stars?
A6. Shuriken
Q7. What color is the center of an archery target?
A7. Yellow
Q8. In which Rossini opera does a man shoot an apple from his son's head?
A8. William Tell
Q9. In The Walking Dead, what is Daryl Dixon's weapon of choice?
A9. Crossbow
Q10. What air-powered weapon has been used for centuries to hunt birds and rats?
A10. Blowgun/Blowpipe
Q11. Tutankhamun was buried with both hunting and returning types of what weapon?
A11. Boomerang
Q12. In Greek mythology, who is the goddess of the moon, archery, and hunting?
A12. Artemis
Q13. What James Bond character's signature weapon is a razor-edged bowler hat?
A13. Oddjob
Q14. What is the fastest moving human-powered projectile used in an olympic sport?
A14. Shuttlecock (in Badminton)
Q15. What company made the revolver the Lone Ranger used?
A15. Colt (Colt's Patent Firearms Manufacturing Company, Colt Manufacturing, etc.)
Q16. According to Roman mythology, Cupid caries arrows tipped with which two metals?
A16. Gold and Lead
Q17. Bows made of bamboo, sinew, and horn were used by which Kievan Rus invaders?
A17. Mongols
Q18. What century was the last English battle where the longbow featured prominently?
A18. 16th (Battle of Flodden Sept 9th 1513)
Q19. What nation dominates Olympic archery, winning gold 27 times since '72?
A19. South Korea
Q20. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers were recruited by what wizard?
A20. Zordon
- 25 points
- 11 points
- 10 points
- 10 points
@Hitpoints 1O - 6 points
- 6 points
@Ben Kimim
- 5 points
- 5 points
- 4 points
- 4 points
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@Only Lilly
- 3 points
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@Krazy Golf
- 1 point
~A celestial wolf with a slight obsession with bagels and other baked goods~
Join Date: Apr 2020
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Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
Reply #219 on:
January 16, 2022, 10:39:02 »
Quiz written by
. Hosted by
Topic - Single Letter Answers
Q1. A kind of shirt, often made of cotton with short sleeves.
A1. T
Q2. Letter to the left of the X on a QWERTY keyboard.
A2. Z
Q3. The 12th letter of the English alphabet.
A3. L
Q4. The word "and" in Spanish.
A4. Y
Q5. With Alt, the keyboard shortcut used when visiting Relleka by lodestone.
A5. F
Q6. In sheet music, a letter that means "soft".
A6. P
Q7. The cardinal direction roughly pointed to by a compass.
A7. N
Q8. The 1st person pronoun.
A8. I
Q9. The longest letter in the English alphabet when fully spelt out.
A9. W
Q10. In Morse code, this letter is represented by 3 dots.
A10. S
Q11. A still widely used programming language created in 1972.
A11. C
Q12. Character who supplies 007 w/ gadgets.
A12. Q
Q13. In Geometry, it is equal to D/2. Hint: Circle.
A13. R
Q14. Like I, O, and X, this letter has both vertical and horizontal symmetry.
A14. H
Q15. American lifestyle magazine published by a former talk show host.
A15. O
Q16. This letter represents 500 in Roman numerals.
A16. D
Q17. The atomic symbol of Potassium.
A17. K
Q18. The last letter added to the English alphabet.
A18. J
Q19. Early punk band from Los Angeles.
A19. X
Q20. A famous number approximately equal to 2.718.
A20. E
- 20 points
- 16 points
- 12 points
- 9 points
- 9 points
- 7 points
- 7 points
- 7 points
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@Ben Kimim
- 2 points
@PumpkinHorse - 2 points
~A celestial wolf with a slight obsession with bagels and other baked goods~
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Alt Rsn:
Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
Reply #220 on:
January 22, 2022, 19:46:05 »
Quiz written by
. Hosted by
Topic - Spontaneous Trivia 13
Q1. This RS3 skill determines how dextrous or nimble you are.
A1. Agility
Q2. How many minutes are in a day?
A2. 1440
Q3. This famous sword belonged to a legendary paladin in French epic literature.
A3. Durendal
Q4. Someone w/ this fear would avoid this question number.
A4. Tetraphobia
Q5. What is the maximum total level in RS3 F2P?
A5. 1770
Q6. This chemical compound is a central nervous system stimulant, often found in coffee.
A6. Caffeine
Q7. In total, how long did the Apollo 11 astronauts spend on the lunar surface?
A7. 21 hours, 36 minutes
Q8. This distilled alcoholic beverage is made from fermented grain mash.
A8. Whisky
Q9. This famous American singer is often dubbed the "King of Pop". Note: No abbreviations.
A9. Michael Jackson
Q10. Smog is the combination of what two things?
A10. Smoke and Fog
Q11. Everything in RS3 is measured off game ticks. How long is a game tick?
A11. 0.6s / 600ms
Q12. Only 1 species of penguin is found north of the equator. Where at?
A12. Galápagos Islands, Ecuador
Q13. What constellation is considered the "13th sign of the zodiac"? Note: Spelling counts.
A13. Ophiuchus
Q14. Ag is the chemical symbol for what element?
A14. Silver
Q15. This famous thought experiment illustrates a paradox of quantum superposition.
A15. Schrödinger's Cat
Q16. What is the drinking age for alcohol in the US?
A16. 21 years old
Q17. This primordial, Greek god is the personification of darkness or shadow.
A17. Erebus / Erebos
Q18. This square pastry is filled w/ cheese and chunks of ham. Hint: Quite popular in Ireland and the UK.
A18. Jambon
Q19. In Norse mythology, this spear is known to be able to strike any target. Hint: It belonged to Odin.
A19. Gungnir
Q20. This round pastry is the combination of a croissant and a donut.
A20. Cronut
- 27 points
- 25 points
- 9 points
@PumpkinHorse - 9 points
- 6 points
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~A celestial wolf with a slight obsession with bagels and other baked goods~
Join Date: Apr 2020
Alt Rsn:
Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
Reply #221 on:
January 29, 2022, 19:52:52 »
Quiz written by
. Hosted by
Topic - Wonders of the World
Q1. What is the largest pyramid in Egypt called?
A1. Great Pyramid of Giza / Cheops
Q2. What is the tallest man-made structure in the world?
A2. Burj Khalifa in Dubai
Q3. In what year was the Eiffel Tower built?
A3. 1887-1889
Q4. What tribe of people lived in Machu Picchu in Peru?
A4. The Incans
Q5. What is the highest mountain peak in Alaska called?
A5. Denali
Q6. What river flows through the world's largest tropical rainforest?
A6. Amazon River
Q7. Where can you find 90% of all the ice on the world?
A7. Antarctica
Q8. What mountain range lies between France and Spain?
A8. The Pyrenees Mountains
Q9. Off the coast of Australia lies 1 of the 7 wonders of the world, called what?
A9. Great Barrier Reef
Q10. In which Italian city can you find a cathedral affected by an unstable foundation?
A10. Pisa
Q11. What is the name of the world's longest man-made railway tunnel?
A11. Gotthard Base Tunnel
Q12. In March 2021, a ship called Ever Given blocked which water way?
A12. Suez Canal
Q13. According to the Mayans, the world would perish on what date?
A13. 21 December 2012
Q14. The Aurora Borealis is caused by a disturbance in the magnetosphere due to what?
A14. Solar Winds / Particles
Q15. Which Paris cathedral caught on fire on 15 April 2019?
A15. Notre-Dame
Q16. The Grand Canyon is found in which American state?
A16. Arizona
Q17. How many president's faces are carved out of Mount Rushmore?
A17. 4
Q18. Mount Everest, the world's tallest mountain, is located on the border of which 2 countries?
A18. China and Nepal
Q19. How long is the Great Wall of China?
A19. Approx. 21k km / 13k miles
Q20. In the SE Pacific Ocean, there's an island full of Moai statues. What's the island called?
A20. Easter Island
- 38 points
- 17 points
- 12 points
- 11 points
- 8 points
- 6 points
@Ben Kimim
- 5 points
- 5 points
- 3 points
- 3 points
@Fame_On_Fire - 2 points
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- 1 point
- 1 point
~A celestial wolf with a slight obsession with bagels and other baked goods~
Join Date: Apr 2020
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Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
Reply #222 on:
February 05, 2022, 19:39:28 »
Quiz written by
. Hosted by
Topic - No Such Thing as a Dumb Question
Q1. Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
A1. Spongebob Squarepants
Q2. If a female ferret is a jill, and a female fox is a vixen, what's a female cow called?
A2. A cow
Q3. Which weighs more, a pound of feathers or a pound of bricks?
A3. They weigh the same
Q4. Julie has 4 piles of sand and Henrietta has 3 piles. How many piles are there when they are all added together?
A4. One. One big pile of sand.
Q5. What do honey bees collect?
A5. Nectar and pollen
Q6. If there were 7 apples in a bowl, and you take away 1, how many do you have?
A6. One, the apple you took.
Q7. What is 49 rounded to the nearest hundred?
A7. 0
Q8. How many days are in a leap year?
A8. 366 days
Q9. What do you do after you do the hokey pokey?
A9. Turn yourself around
Q10. Where is a red-bellied woodpecker's reddest patch?
A10. The head
Q11. The caesar salad originated in what country?
A11. Mexico
Q12. How many months have 28 days?
A12. All 12
Q13. Hippomania is a passion for which animal?
A13. Horses
Q14. If an octagon has 8 sides, how many sides does a circle have?
A14. None
Q15. The sacred Buddhist temple, the golden Shwedagon Pagoda, is dedicated to whom?
A15. Buddha
Q16. How many syllables are in the word 'three'?
A16. One
Q17. What was the highest mountain on Earth prior to the discovery of Mt. Everest?
A17. Mt. Everest
Q18. What punctuation mark is used to indicate a question?
A18. Question Mark
Q19. Citric acid is found in what kind of fruit?
A19. Citrus fruit
Q20. What animal are the Canary Islands named after?
A20. Dog
Q21. What is 2 squared minus 2?
A21. 2
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~A celestial wolf with a slight obsession with bagels and other baked goods~
Join Date: Apr 2020
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Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
Reply #223 on:
February 12, 2022, 19:43:42 »
Quiz written by
. Hosted by
Topic - RS Trivia
Q1. Where can I teleport to if I use Luck of the Dwarves?
A1. Grand Exchange (GE), Keldagrim & Miscellania
Q2. If I fish off the dock at Karamja, what am I likely to catch?
A2. Lobster/Tuna/Swordfish
Q3. If I combine papaya fruit with super energy, what potion am I making?
A3. Adrenaline
Q4. If I use soul, blood, chaos, and air runes together, what spell am I casting?
A4. Smoke Cloud
Q5. What tier of armour is rune?
A5. T50
Q6. What are the 3 main ingredients for a wild pie?
A6. Bear, Chompy, Rabbit (meat)
Q7. What slayer creature can I find on Tarddiad?
A7. Crystal shapeshifters
Q8. In RS3, what mix does Vodka, brandy, gin, lemon & orange make?
A8. Blurberry special
Q9. What Crafting level is required for Powerburst Vials?
A9. 54
Q10. What year/month was Dungeoneering released? Note: Bonus point for the exact date.
A10. 12th April 2010
Q11. If I have Excalibur, what quest did I complete in order to get it?
A11. Merlin’s crystal
Q12. A yellow wizard needs your help! Where am I?
A12. Runespan
Q13. NPC screams, "Hey you over here!" What am I training?
A13. Agility
Q14. Where can I find Leon’s Hunter shop?
A14. Yanille
Q15. What game franchise is referenced in Herby Werby?
A15. Call of Duty (Zygomites named after the characters i.e. Price, Ghost & Soap)
Q16. What Farming level is required for Meloberry?
A16. 86
Q17. As well as black ibis, what other rare item can I find in pyramid plunder?
A17. Sceptre of the Gods
Q18. What is the primary use for Pestiferous components?
A18. Venomblood
Q19. If I dig up beastkeeper helm what digsite spot am I training at?
A19. Yu’buisk Animal Pen
Q20. How do I unlock the master construction outfit?
A20. Construction contracts
- 28 points
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~A celestial wolf with a slight obsession with bagels and other baked goods~
Join Date: Apr 2020
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Re: Weekly - Clan Chat Quiz
Reply #224 on:
February 19, 2022, 19:49:29 »
Quiz written by
. Hosted by
Topic - European Geography
Q1. Which European country created the Helvetica font?
A1. Switzerland
Q2. Maneskin represented this European country in Rotterdam in 2021.
A2. Italy
Q3. What are the official languages of Malta?
A3. English and Malta
Q4. How many countries in Europe start with an M?
A4. 4 (Moldova, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro)
Q5. Which European city has more bridges than London, Amsterdam and Venice put together?
A5. Hamburg, Germany
Q6. Buckingham Palace and Big Ben are located in which European country?
A6. UK / Great Britain / England
Q7. What is the smallest country in Europe?
A7. Vatican City
Q8. Which country officially changed its name in 2018?
A8. North Macedonia
Q9. Leaning Tower of Pisa can be found in which European Country?
A9. Italy
Q10. In which European country can you find the Acropolis?
A10. Greece
Q11. The European Parliament is located in which country?
A11. Belgium
Q12. Czechia was formerly called what?
A12. Czech Republic
Q13. Nikolai Tesla was born in which country?
A13. Croatia
Q14. In which country can you find the Brandenburg Gate?
A14. Germany
Q15. What is the capital of Albania?
A15. Tirana
Q16. Ikea was founded in which European country?
A16. Sweden
Q17. Besides Finnish, what is the other official language of Finland?
A17. Swedish
Q18. St. Basil's Cathedral can be found in which European country?
A18. Russia
Q19. Which European country has the olm as its symbol of natural heritage?
A19. Slovenia
Q20. Sarajevo is the capital of which Balkan country? Note: Full name required.
A20. Bosnia and Herzegovina
Q21. Which country in the world is the only one with three presidents?
A21. Bosnia and Herzegovina
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~A celestial wolf with a slight obsession with bagels and other baked goods~
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