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Offline ShaneGoesArd

Two truths & a lie (Discord Game)
« on: October 12, 2021, 19:18:36 »

Two truths & a lie


Friday 22nd October 20:00 UTC


Discord https://discord.gg/EpSgyWgU


Access to Discord.


Voice chat is encouraged within the general mature chat channel, but you can take part via text chat in the respond to voice channel and just listen in if you don't fancy talking.


The way the game works is simple, you need to decide on 3 "facts" about yourself, be they, embarrassing stories from your childhood, achievements, or even something as mundane as your favourite colour. The catch is, one of these will be a lie.

The goal is to convince people that your lie is real. We will take it in turns to reveal our 3 "facts", and then the other members can grill us on them to try and determine which is the lie.

If you manage to deceive the majority you will win 2m GP.

Hope to see a few of you there  :D


Offline Jonat

Re: Two truths & a lie (Discord Game)
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2021, 20:47:02 »
Me having two interesting facts about myself would be the lie.........

Sounds like its going to be great fun though :)


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