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Skillwar Week with Unity! Crystal Trees
« on: January 22, 2021, 20:19:59 »
  Skillwar Week with Unity! Crystal Trees 

Day 5 of the Skillwar Week! Just over halfway through the events in support of the skill war to not only compete with Unity but it is also an opportunity to socialise with one another and even have some company whilst we all jump aboard those gain trains! Woop Woop!
So come along join in the fun and support the War :D Day 5 will be Woodcutting gains at the Crystal Trees for some casual skilling and a chance to socialise!


Friday 29th January at 20:00 Gametime


World 25 at the current active crystal tree location


94 Wooductting.


■ Using the nature sentinels outfit will increase your xp/h.
■ Using decorated woodcutting urns will alos increase xp/h.
■ Use of a beaver familiar for the invisible +2 woodcutting levels boost.
■ use of Perfect juju woodcutting potion for a 5% chance of doubling the xp.
■ Legendary lumberjack aura can boost material chance by 15% making you cut faster.
■ Players with level 117 Archaeology can activate the Inspire effort relic power for a 2% xp increase for gathering skills.




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