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Offline Mog

Skilling Tuesday! Reaper Mass
« on: March 27, 2021, 21:57:51 »


We know how tough it can be to sometimes do reaper tasks alone, as well as have the motivation to do so. But we are here to help! Once a fortnight we'll be getting together as a clan and knocking out those reaper tasks to help everyone who is experiencing difficulties with certain ones.


Tuesday 30th March at 19:00 gametime


Wednesday 31st March at 00:00 gametime.


W68 PVM HUB - Lootshare enabled, so no need to split drops.


- Have a reaper task set!
- Discord would be helpful if you have trouble with the boss(es)
- Join the host's friends chat + have loot share enabled!


Offline Mog

Re: Skilling Tuesday! Reaper Mass
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2021, 18:00:01 »
Unfortunately this event will be cancelled due to irl commitments, apologies in advance.


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