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Skilling Tuesday! Cooking
« on: August 02, 2020, 02:55:17 »
  Skilling Tuesday! Cooking 

Come and join the clan for the latest edition of Skill of the Week! This week is Cooking so lets get the barbeques out and celebrate what's left of the summer!


Tuesday 04/08/20 at 20:00 Gametime
Wednesday 05/08/20 at 00:00 Gametime


World 25 at the beach


None, portables will be provided or you can opt to use the cooking plot at beach.


■ Using the Sous Chef outfit will increase your xp/h.
■ USe of decorated cooking urns will also further increase your xp/h.
■ Use of either the cooking skillcape will guarantee that you do not burn food.
■ Use of the cooking gauntlets will prevent burning specific food at lower levels.
■ Players with level 118 Archaeology can activate the Inspire genius relic power at the mysterious monolith for a 2% xp increase for cooking.




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