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Offline Laurisaurus

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Reaper Mass Rescheduling
« on: April 10, 2021, 23:15:35 »
Hey everyone!

I've recently come back from my break away from the game and in that time I was reflecting on the attendance of the Reaper Masses I was hosting twice a month.

I'm thinking that Mondays at 8pm Game Time may not be good for everyone, so I wanted to raise a new poll asking when would be best to host them in the future?

We have also been in contact with the lovely Excaliburz and they have started hosting a similar event, so we're thinking of making this a joint event to maximize attendance and fun! So when this poll ends we'll be contacting them if these times will be suitable for them as well!

So I will be asking for three things:
- The best day for you guys
- The best time for you guys
- How often we should be doing these


Offline tashoony

Re: Reaper Mass Rescheduling
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2021, 10:53:00 »
A joint event would be very fun!


Offline Laggspikes

Re: Reaper Mass Rescheduling
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2021, 13:01:14 »
Yush. More reapers!

"I do the choking here" - Laggspikes 2k21
"No wait, I do wanna dye!" - Joe 2k21


Offline DrFloof

Re: Reaper Mass Rescheduling
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2021, 16:14:17 »
I’d vote, but all the times are during the week days when I work. I could only really do it if it were past reset time or on the weekend since I’m in the US. 🤷‍♀️ The latest option on here is 21:00, which is 3:00 pm for me, when I’m still working.


Offline Laurisaurus

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Re: Reaper Mass Rescheduling
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2021, 18:07:24 »
I’d vote, but all the times are during the week days when I work. I could only really do it if it were past reset time or on the weekend since I’m in the US. 🤷‍♀️ The latest option on here is 21:00, which is 3:00 pm for me, when I’m still working.

Sadly these are the only times I can really do, but when the poll is done I can have a chat with the events team and see if any US members would be interested in hosting in their timezones?

So it could be like skilling Tuesdays where we have a UK and US time slot if that makes sense?

Right now my focus is to see if it's even worth doing the event at the moment, but I'll keep everyone posted :)


Offline Playthepker

Re: Reaper Mass Rescheduling
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2021, 19:18:18 »
I might be able to help host later in the day for US timezones.

I’d vote, but all the times are during the week days when I work. I could only really do it if it were past reset time or on the weekend since I’m in the US. 🤷‍♀️ The latest option on here is 21:00, which is 3:00 pm for me, when I’m still working.

Sadly these are the only times I can really do, but when the poll is done I can have a chat with the events team and see if any US members would be interested in hosting in their timezones?

So it could be like skilling Tuesdays where we have a UK and US time slot if that makes sense?

Right now my focus is to see if it's even worth doing the event at the moment, but I'll keep everyone posted :)


Offline DrFloof

Re: Reaper Mass Rescheduling
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2021, 20:13:38 »
I’d vote, but all the times are during the week days when I work. I could only really do it if it were past reset time or on the weekend since I’m in the US. 🤷‍♀️ The latest option on here is 21:00, which is 3:00 pm for me, when I’m still working.

Sadly these are the only times I can really do, but when the poll is done I can have a chat with the events team and see if any US members would be interested in hosting in their timezones?

So it could be like skilling Tuesdays where we have a UK and US time slot if that makes sense?

Right now my focus is to see if it's even worth doing the event at the moment, but I'll keep everyone posted :)

Makes sense :)


Offline Laurisaurus

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  • Rsn: Laurisaurus
Re: Reaper Mass Rescheduling
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2021, 21:25:03 »
US Peeps!

Would you guys want a Reaper Mass event hosted in your timezone as well?

If so, please comment below the time (game time) you would like so I can look into a US counterpart in future <3


Offline Laurisaurus

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  • Rsn: Laurisaurus
Re: Reaper Mass Rescheduling
« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2021, 09:52:54 »


Offline Mog

Re: Reaper Mass Rescheduling
« Reply #9 on: April 12, 2021, 15:05:14 »
Voted! :3


Offline DrFloof

Re: Reaper Mass Rescheduling
« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2021, 16:37:12 »
US Peeps!

Would you guys want a Reaper Mass event hosted in your timezone as well?

If so, please comment below the time (game time) you would like so I can look into a US counterpart in future <3

I could do any time from 23:00-03:00 ish on weekdays, and any time at all on weekends.


Offline Laurisaurus

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  • Rsn: Laurisaurus
Re: Reaper Mass Rescheduling
« Reply #11 on: April 13, 2021, 16:33:18 »


Offline Laurisaurus

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  • Rsn: Laurisaurus
Re: Reaper Mass Rescheduling
« Reply #12 on: April 14, 2021, 19:53:42 »
Hey guys!

Please have your say on this - the poll will close tomorrow night!

US Peeps - get those times written down below!


Offline tashoony

Re: Reaper Mass Rescheduling
« Reply #13 on: April 15, 2021, 09:00:42 »


Offline Laurisaurus

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  • Rsn: Laurisaurus
Re: Reaper Mass Rescheduling
« Reply #14 on: April 15, 2021, 15:03:19 »
Hey guys this poll closes tonight at 23:20 UK time so make sure you have your say!


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