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Weekly - Raids - Beastmaster Durzag
« on: February 23, 2020, 04:15:56 »
Raids - Beastmaster Durzag

So, we begin! Every week will try and host a Beastmaster only Raid (for now subject to change) there will be an active team signup sheet on our discord server. Please let us know below if you want to LEARN this raid and if so what role you would like to give a go/learn. WE ALSO WOULD LIKE TO SEE SOME EXPERIENCE PLAYERS INVOLVED!!


Every Sunday/Wednesday/Friday 20:00 Gametime


Raids are located on Mazcab, a group teleport will be provided.


■ 80+ combat stats
■ T80+ Ranged/Magic weapons, preferably perked
■ T80+ Ranged/Magic power armor, preferably perked
■ 95+ Prayer recommended
■ Access to overloads heavily encouraged
■ Ring of vigour switch encouraged
■ 96+ Summoning heavily encouraged
■ Accuracy aura heavily encouraged
■ Enhanced Excalibur recommended
■ Planted Feet switch encouraged
■ If new to Beastmaster being in our Discord is heavily encouraged and recommended


■ The biggest tip of all is be sure to join the ongoing discord call, whether you are a beginner or a veteran.
■ Bringing a sign of life/portent of death is highly recommended.



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