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Offline A Flame

[RESCHEDULED] Nex mass [June 21st 19:00 gametime]
« on: June 11, 2023, 09:43:44 »
Nex Mass

June 21st 19:00 gametime World 68. Rescheduled due to an event conflict with the weekly clan quiz.

God Wars Dungeon, Nex entrance

The PVM Academy
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The door can only be opened by completing the frozen key, which is created by killing foot soldiers of each of the gods (Armadyl, Bandos, Saradomin and Zamorak). Each faction has its own piece of the key to be dropped. Key pieces are only dropped by combatants in the god's stronghold and outside the boss room; i.e. regular monsters not in the main area of the dungeon. As such, obtaining every part of the key requires at least level 70 Ranged, Strength, Agility and Constitution (none of these skills may be boosted).

Just like other GWD bosses, there is a 40 kill count required to enter the frozen prison, but this can be circumvented by wearing a full set of Ancient Ceremonial Robes. These can be bought on the G.E for fairly cheap. There is a bank just before we head into NEX, so don't worry about wasting inventory space.

The best method for killing nex is range only kills. These are possible by teleporting out after each kill. This resets the instance and Nex will never pray range. I would recommend at least tier 80 Armour and Weapons, but if enough people come along, tier 70 may suffice. If you haven't had a Nex kill. You will have to make your way to the Dungeon the long way round. After your first kill, you can then set a portal at Wars Retreat.



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