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It's competition time! [CLOSED & WINNER ANNOUNCED!!]
« on: January 04, 2017, 13:57:17 »
Hey Consentus!

I'm going to hold a competition with what I believe is a pretty cool prize!

The competition will be to write a short story about anything related to the clan and/or RuneScape.
Doesn't have to be a long story, but preferably at least two paragraphs.
The stories can either be posted in a comment below or send in a message.

The Winners story will be posted in the reserved comment below unless they don't want it to be shared.

The prize will be to leech 100 medium floors in Dungeoneering!

Deadline will be 17th Feb 2017!

Time to explore your imagination and get the notepad out!

Look forward to reading these stories :)



The winning story is in the first comment - well done to the author!
lol banned


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Re: It's competition time!
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2017, 13:57:49 »
Well done to tidewater!

Your story was a fantastic read (as well as the others) but gripped me throughout the whole thing!

Here's the story for those who haven't read it yet.

Your 100 medium floors to leech will start whenever you desire/we are online together.

Well done and many thanks to all who entered :)

Hey Guys,
So my wife said I should write something for this...So I did...and here it is... I hope you like it.

Once in Draynor, dwelt a character named Timbertide. He was a casual fellow with no real ambition for being known in the realm of Gielinor, beyond the odd quest, and no real drive other than lifting seeds from the old Master Farmer in the village (though the poor lad was just as likely to get a bloody nose from the hardened old farmer just as often as he’d get a potato seed).

   One particular morning Ole Tim had brought a load to the Grand Exchange to sell. On his way into town, he spied a couple of town guards paying no heed to any coming or going or to anyone around them. So Tim began to help himself to the contents of the guards pockets. He continued from guard to guard generally impressed with his larceny. Just as he was reaching for a particular guard’s pocket he spied a character he’d never seen before. Her hair was red and done in pigtails. She wore the cape of the Clan Consentus, but what struck him the most was the purple Fairy wings delicately fluttering behind her as she walked by. At the same moment, Ole Tim noticed her his hand went for the guards pouch but he missed and wound up putting his hand in the open end of one of the gloves the guard had placed in his belt.

“Hey! What do you think you’re doing?” The guard shouted as he laid into Tim and knocked him square on his backside in the dirt.

Tim sat stunned for a moment when he heard a voice. “Oh my, he got you good didn’t he?”

Tim looked up to see the red headed character that had distracted him in the first place. She was extending a hand to him. Tim took it and stood.
“Nah” he said trying to not sound like his ears were still ringing...because they were. “Not so bad as any other time.”
“Do you think they’ve gotten stronger? I’ve been hit by a Varrock Guard before and was never knocked flat.” She said.
“Well I wasn’t exactly knocked flat.” he retorted “What could you have done to earn a swing from a Varrock Viking though?” he asked. The stars forming in his eyes were not from the guards fist any longer.
“The same as you silly. A girl’s got to be well-rounded right?” She said with a wink.
“I suppose so. I’ve never seen you around the Exchange before, have I?”
“Oh not for a long time. I practically live in Prif, and since they opened up an exchange there, I just don’t really make it over here much. I’m just here to meet a friend.” She said.
TimberTide replied unusually quickly. “ Well, you just have. I’m TimberTide” He stuck out his hand.”
“Alaklondewen” She returned with a smile. “But you know what I meant.”
“Ok. So this friend you’re meeting is he a ‘Boy Friend’?” he asked leaning against a nearby fencepost. Though he’d not noticed that the fence was covered in mud and his elbow made a great squish, killing the ‘Dashing Young Rouge’ vibe he was shooting for.
“Oh no…” She said giggling.
Tim, at this time, did not know if she was speaking about the gender of her friend or the mud on his elbow.
A cloud passed over the sun and the scene became darker.
“It’s Thursday right?” Alak asked.
“I think so…” Timbertide was replying when a woman across the street screamed.
A Giant red dragon then appeared from the sky. Timbertide had faced her before on a quest but that was long ago. The dragon's attention though seemed to be directed on Alak.
The dragon grabbed her and started to ascend...Alak shouting her protest as her clan cape fell back to earth, and with that. Alaklondewen was gone.
   Timbertide could not just stand by and let her be taken, so he gathered up the cloak and off he went. Several moments later Ole Tim found himself on a boat crossing the water and on the mysterious island of Karamja.
He made his way to the entrance of the dragon’s cave. He could hear the unearthly sounds of the creatures in the deep that guard the way to her lair. It was then that TimberTide realized that he had no weapon or armor or food.
Several moments later Ole Tim found himself on a boat crossing the water and back on the mainland racking his brain as to how he could get weapons and food and armor with no money.
Suddenly he remembered the Cape. The Clan! Surely the clan would help rescue her.
Several moments later TimberTide found himself at the doors of the Consentus Citadel.
He knocked on the door.  A pleasant face met him as the door opened, along with the distinct odor of fish. Though the lady’s demeanor and disposition made the odor almost unnoticeable.
“Hello Hello, and Welcome.  I’m Lilly. Have you come to seek entry into the clan?” She asked.
“Well, no, you see there’s been an emergency involving a member of your clan.” TimberTide replied.
“Oh dear that does sound serious. You should join the clan. It will make things easier.” She said.
“Really it won’t take very long. It’s just that Alak…” He was cut off.
“Oh Alak, we love Alak.” Lilly said “Yeah Alak’s Great!” came a voice from inside the citadel.
“Yes she is. She’s so sweet. If you’re a friend of Alak, then you must join the clan.” Lilly insisted.
“She’s why I’m here.”
“You should Join the Clan”
“But she needs help.”
“Just join the clan and we’ll be happy to help.”
“Oh fine…” TimberTide fumed. “What do I need to do?”
“Would you like to join the clan?” Lilly asked with an earnest grin on her face.
“...” if Ole Tim’s eyebrows could speak they’d only of had four letter words at this point.
“You’re now part of the clan!!! What’s your name again?”
“TimberTide has joined the clan!!!”.
“Welcome!” The word seemed to come from everywhere all at once. Suddenly faces came from all over. From behind pillars and bushes and the door jam. Dozens of characters all appeared at once as if the entire clan appeared out of the ether.
“Now what is it you need help with?” Lilly asked in earnest.
“Alak has been kidnapped by a Dragon!”
There were a great number of groans and ‘Oh is that all’s’.
“You’ve not known her very long have you?” Lilly asked.
“We’d just met when the dragon attacked.”
“Is it Thursday?”
“Yeah I think so.”
“Ok so what do you need?” Lilly asked, restraining a smile from her face.
“I intend to rescue her, though I’ve no armor, or weapon, or food, or gold.”
“Fish…” Lilly said. “Come with me. Sissy, you come too.” A young girl stepped up from somewhere and they both followed Lilly inside the Citadel.
They went down several hallways until they stopped at a large wooden door barred with an iron bolt.
“Stand Back.’ Lilly warned. She threw open the bolt and opened the door. And a mountain of fish flooded out into the hallway. “Take all you can carry”
“Lilly…” Sissy asked “Is this your room?”
“Why yes” She replied
“Then where do you sleep?” Sissy asked
“Why in my room silly goose. Now run along and help TimberTide ‘rescue’ Alak,” Lilly said restraining a laugh.
“Ok… follow me.” Sissy directed TimberTide, arms full of fish and all, down a nearby hallway.
“So how can I help you?”
“Well I still need armor and a weapon. So if you’ve got anything to make me not be dead that would be great.”
They stopped in front of what Ole Tim could only assume was Sissy’s room. She went inside and came out with an armful of pointy shiny things.
“Lucky for you I just gained a smithing level.”
“Take this. It’s an adamant Battleaxe.”
“Oh yeah, that’s the ticket.”
“And a mithril platebody,”
“And a mithril plate Kilt.”
“A what?” Timbertide asked.
“A Mithril Plate Kilt.”
“Isn’t that a skirt?”
“Well when you're a boy, it’s called a kilt.”
“You expect me to go into battle in a skirt?”
“I do.”
“Yes, but you’re a girl”
“You’re a boy. It’s a kilt.”
“It’s a Skirt.”
“It’s the best I can do. It’s better than nothing.”
So TimberTide put on the body and the skirt and took up the axe and was off again.
Sissy wondered to herself if TimberTide had an anti dragon shield.” But Goebiebands was only ten minutes away, so off she went.
   Several moments later, TimberTide found himself once again at the mouth of the Dragon’s cave and boldly entered. A bag of fish on his back. A warm draft met his nether regions, and the smell of fish wafted over his shoulder. He wondered if he should have stopped to cook them.
 Too late. The skeletal soldiers stepped into the path and the battle began.
More skeletons and zombies and a demon came to the fray and with all the skill he could muster TimberTide slew them one by one as he made his way toward the dragon’s chamber.
   “Oh, Oh NO!” came a shriek from the chamber down the passageway.
TimberTide finally reached the end of the passage and the Dragon’s chamber.
The beast’s back was to him. TimberTide seized his chance to attack.
“For Gielinor, for Consentus, For Alaklondewen!” Ole Tim shouted as he raised his axe and charged at the dragon.
The Dragon turned around and took a step back revealing a sight which stopped TimberTide’s charge in it’s tracks.
You see, when the Dragon stepped aside, she revealed the fair Alaklondewen seated on the opposite side of a dainty table set for tea.

“TimberTide. you’re here!”
“Yes I’m here to rescue … you…?”
“Well the dragon swooped down and took you and you were crying out in fear and then you were gone.”
“I was only crying out because I dropped my clan cape. Elva was just picking me up for our Thursday tea.”
“Oh yes, every Thursday for years. Everyone knows. You see when I did the ‘Dragon Slayer Quest’ I dropped a red berry pie and after I’d gone Elva here found it and just fell in love with them. She came and found me to get the recipe and I said, oh no, that’s silly. I’ll just bring some by the next time I’m in the neighborhood and she asked when and I said next Thursday and she said, well then, you must come for tea. So I did. And we’ve just been doing it for an awfully long time. And why are you wearing a skirt?”
“Well you see…” TimberTide started.
“Oh five minutes to Goebiebands!” and with that she drew a circle in the earth and disappeared.
“Oh Hello…” TimberTide looked up to great the dragon her nostrils flaring and filled with smoke.
   Several moments later TimberTide awoke in Burthorp.
“Ha, so that’s what dying is like.”
   Several more moments later TimberTide was back at the doors of the Clan Citadel. Ole Tim entered the main hall to find Sissy and Alak speaking together.
TimberTide approached them...still blackened from the dragon fire.
“Your axe, your body, your skirt. I don’t have enough gold to pay death to keep any of the fish.”
Alak looked at him with a sympathetic stare.
“Oh So Elva was upset that I left. Poor Girl I should pop over and see her tomorrow.”
“I’ll go with you.” Sissy said
“Great idea. Oh have you capped yet?” Alaklondewen asked Sissy.

The End.
lol banned


Offline ZammySpear

Re: It's competition time!
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2017, 14:18:06 »
When I first became a member, I wanted to boss. The first boss I tried was the KBD, and my old friend had helped me. I managed to get 3 kills before having to renew prayer, and get more food. I went back to KBD, and Mid-kill, my friend DC'ed. I didn't notice him being gone, and I died. I seem to have bad luck when it comes to disconnecting from RS as, just a day later, I tried the Giant Mole, and right after the first couple of hit's, I DC'ed. This also happened at the Chaos Elemental whilst I was getting Pk'ed, and I managed to disconnect at Bandos, Armadyl, and Corporeal Beast. I never disconnect anywhere but PvM situations, and I've lost around 12m from it. It's quite demoralizing, and is one of the key reasons I don't boss often. I do however, have amazing luck at bosses too. I've received 2 Draconic Visages at KBD in 170~ Kills, and I receive Onyx Bolts(e) at Corp like Candy. It's a strange equilibrium, but I don't mind it much anymore.


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Re: It's competition time!
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2017, 17:28:33 »
I love this and I will be thinking long and hard for my entry


Offline Daz

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Re: It's competition time!
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2017, 22:22:58 »
lol banned


Offline Alaklondewen

Re: It's competition time!
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2017, 23:15:01 »
@Tokens, what's the deadline for our stories?


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Re: It's competition time!
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2017, 23:26:43 »
@Tokens, what's the deadline for our stories?

17th Feb :) updated post so others are aware too!
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Re: It's competition time!
« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2017, 03:04:12 »
Okay i'm on my phone atm but i'm reserving this post for my story!

Story about how me and billy met and our adventures together! Including how we was blacklisted from Zer0 Pvm, mine and billy's first 99's that i remember, little info on our old clan and how i became a part of it among other things...should be nice and long for you Tokens.  \:D/ \:D/


Offline Cool like Redtunnel

Re: It's competition time!
« Reply #8 on: January 12, 2017, 12:03:27 »
@Tokens, what's the deadline for our stories?

17th Feb :) updated post so others are aware too!
Isn't this when DXP should be taking place?

Also, I'd love to enter, but I'm not creative enough and I can't leech 100 floors on my Ironman :(! Good luck to all that enter though!


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Re: It's competition time!
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2017, 23:43:09 »
Bumpppppp - who's entering?!
lol banned


Offline sir_genjuro

Re: It's competition time!
« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2017, 01:53:33 »
whats the event


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Re: It's competition time!
« Reply #11 on: January 17, 2017, 14:10:36 »
Private message Tokens a story about rs minimum 2 paragraphs or type it here :)


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Re: It's competition time!
« Reply #12 on: January 17, 2017, 17:42:50 »
There are 2 things that set us apart from most clans in Runescape. Firstly are the events, I wonder how many Clans have as many varied events as us?  Pvm, gatherings and mini games.  There always people to help orgnise events, lets now hope more start to attend.  How many clans have a quiz in the chat weekly?

Our forums have to be th best ingamme Redtunnel spends a lot of time on the and I am sure he shouldbe employed by Jagex. :)  Look at all the extras at the top of the page <3  We have skillers and Killers, iron men and OSRS players. All live in Peace and Harmony.


Offline coffindodger

Re: It's competition time!
« Reply #13 on: January 24, 2017, 04:20:00 »
im going to leve this a few days and think of a goooood story :D i hope i win woldnt mind them 100 floors im 105 dung hehe
Sometimes i like to hide in my fridge and pretend im milk

iv got corpses and heads in my dungeon.


Offline Alaklondewen

Re: It's competition time!
« Reply #14 on: January 24, 2017, 17:37:59 »
Lilly & the Three Bears

Once upon a time, there were three bears: a great big Charms bear, a medium sized Red bear, and itty bitty Mini bear.  They all lived in a cozy little house in Gielinor.  One morning, Red bear made curry for breakfast...and boy, did it smell good.  But when they sat down to eat, it was too hot!  They decided they would go for a walk and gather herbs for their curry while it cooled.  They put on their capes, each grabbed a clan vexillum, and Red brought some magic paper for the herbs...and off they went.

Right about that time, guess who came wandering up the road.  Oh, don't be frightened, it was only Lilly.  Lilly was a little girl with long blonde hair with long bouncy curls that 'boinged' when she walked.  She had wandered out of the LRC and gotten lost.  She was tired, and she was hungry, and she was oh, so relieved to see that cozy little house.

She marched right up to the house and knocked, but no one answered.  Now if you or I had knocked on the door and no one answered, we probably would have sat on the steps and rested while we waited on the owner to return.  But not Lilly...Lilly just opened the door and let herself in.

As soon as she opened the door, she could smell the curry.  Remember how good it smelled?  Well, she found her way right into the kitchen and found 3 bowls.  She was so hungry she couldn't help but taste a bit.  So, she had a taste from the great big bowl, but she said, “Oh! This curry is too hot!”  Then she tried the curry from the medium sized bowl.  This time she said, “Aww, but this curry is too cold.”  Finally, she took a taste of the curry in the little bitty bowl, then she had another, then another...and another.  Before she knew it...she had eaten every bite.

Her belly was full, but poor Lilly was still tired, so found her way into the living room.  First, she tried climbing into a great big, high-backed chair, but it was too high!  Next, she tried sitting on the medium sized bean-bag chair in the corner.  “Oh, this chair is too low!” she exclaimed.  Then she saw the little bitty rocking chair across the room, but she sat down SO hard that she broke it all to pieces.

Now, if this had been you or me, we would have felt terrible and gone out to sit on the step to wait for the owner, so we could apologize for eating their breakfast and breaking their chair...but not Lilly.  Lilly decided she needed a nap...

She made her way up the staircase and found 3 beds.  First, she climbed into the great big bed, but she tossed and turned and couldn't get comfortable.  “This bed is just too hard,” she complained.  Next, she stretched out on the medium sized bed, but she sank right down into it...almost to the floor!  “Oh no!  This bed is too soft!” So, Lilly lifted herself up and slipped off the edge of the bed and made her way to the little bitty bed by the window.

She slipped under the little bitty covers, stretched, and yawned, “Oh...yeah...this...bed...is...just...right...zzzzzz.”  And she fell fast asleep.

Well, just about that time, the bears returned from their herb run.  They immediately knew something was wrong, because the door had been left wide open.  Once they got into the kitchen, Charms exclaimed, “Hey!  Someone's been eating my curry!”  Red, then confirmed, “Someone's been eating my curry, too!”  Then Mini saw his bowl and said with a quivering lip and a tear in his eye, “Well, someone's been eating my curry and they ate it all gone!”

Still not knowing what was going on, they began to explore the house.  From the living room, Charms called out, “Someone's been sitting in my chair!”  Red and Mini came running, and sure enough, Red said, “Why, someone's been sitting in my chair too!”  Then Mini, on the verge of sobbing, cried, “Someone's been sitting in my chair, and they broke it all to pieces!  Waaaaaaaaaaaa!” 

Well, they kept exploring the house and made their way upstairs.  Noticing the wrinkled blankets, Charms grumbled, “Well, someone's been sleeping in my bed.”  Red, scratching his head, said, “You know, someone's been sleeping in MY bed too.”  Then Mini, called out in excitement, “Someone's been sleeping in my bed, and HERE SHE IS!!”

There was little Lilly, who until that very moment had been sleeping soundly.  She woke with a start to see those bears standing over her.  Well, it scared her half-to-death.  She screamed her head off, jumped out of that bed, ran through the bedrooms, down the stairs, through the kitchen, out the front door and down the road.  And those bears never, EVER, saw that Lilly again.


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