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Offline Renz

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Fall/Halloween BINGO
« on: October 14, 2023, 22:13:56 »
Our most beloved event is back for a fall/halloween edition! It’s BINGO time. The bingo features our most challenging set of tasks yet. Furthermore, we are bringing back power-ups with this bingo to make it a real thriller. This event is definitely not for the faint of heart! Are you up for the challenge?



END OF BINGO WHENEVER THE FIRST TEAM HAS COMPLETED THEIR CARD OR 23:59 SUNDAY NOVEMBER 26TH (in which case the winner will be determined by total earned points)

BINGO CARD - teaser

Note: detailed task list will be kept hidden until the start of the bingo.


1) What is this bingo all about?

First timer? Let’s get you up to speed. In a bingo event, the participants are split into teams that will be competing with each other. Each team will work together to complete a bingo card as fast as possible. The first team to complete the whole card WINS.
The tiles on the bingo card represent a task to be completed, this includes a variety of content: PvM, slayer, skilling and clues!

2) How can I prove I have contributed to or completed a task?

Once you have obtained an item off your task list or make any progress, take a screenshot, and post it to the 'Bingo screenshots' section of the discord. Screenshots clearly need to show your RSN and the date/time. For items tracked on the adventurer's log, a print screen from that will work too. Edited screenshots will not be accepted.
If you fail to provide a proper screenshot, unfortunately, we will not be accepting the entries.

3) What are power-ups and should I be scared?

Upon completing tiles on the bingo card, you will earn points. Each task is weighted and gives a certain number of points. Additionally the first and second completed line give an extra 10 bonus points each.

These points can be exchanged to buy power-ups. You can see them as perks that offer buffs for your own team or debuffs on opposing team’s when you choose to use them against your competition. The latter can surely cause some havoc.

Note that a total of 120 points can be gained during the bingo (100 from tiles, 20 bonus from completing the first two lines). This is insufficient to buy all power-ups, so you are forced to make a decision which power-ups to buy. Choose wisely!

Power-ups have proven to be challenging to properly balance in the past. We added in a decent amount of rules and specifications to limit abuse to a minimum. See below for the description of the power-ups on offer and the clauses in the bingo rules.

4) What is the sign-up fee and why is there one?

To participate in this bingo, you will be required to pay an entrance fee of 25m. In the past we noticed people joining up for this event and idling during the event. By asking to pay an entrance fee, we observed a higher participation rate of all participants.

5) Is there a prize for winning?

All drops gained during the bingo event are yours to keep, or to be shared among the team if you would like to. That’s up to the teams to decide!

The entrance fees and donations are added to a prize pot. This prize pot is distributed among the top ranking teams at the end of the bingo.

Current prize pot = 2B+

1st place 60% of prize pot
2nd place 30% of prize pot
3rd place 10% of prize pot


Note that this is a highly competitive event in which the people that participate do it with passion. The hosts will monitor the competition and will act on any drama that might occur. Play fair please 😊.

Rayth MW
Lord Bakura
Charles JM
t ee mo
kont wurm
s olo Jake
Looney moon
i Sakura
Lupus Astrum
moist po op
Silent Noise
M o g
its larder
unit timmy

Powerfulfart - 500m
Adrenaline - 475m
synorith - 100m
Rowt - 100m
lGlow - 75m
Tomarnomar - 50m
Jonat - 25m
Silent Noise - 25m
ironmoto12 - 25m


Nuke (15 points) - Immediately reset the progress of one tile onopposing team's card, targeted team has 72 hours to complete that tile again, when they fail the 4 horizontal and vertical adjacent tiles are reset when the nuclear fallout period has expired.

Shield (15 points) - Protect one completed tile on your own card, this tile can no longer be targeted or reset by power-ups.

Covid-20 (20 points) - Inflict a virus on an opposing team, a random team member has fallen ill and is benched for 24 hours. Every 24 hours the virus is passed around to another team member. The vaccine for the virus can be obtained by completing 3 tiles since the infection started, instantly curing all team members. Once a team member has recovered from the infection, he becomes immune. The virus stops going round automatically whenever all team members are immune.

Necrosis (20 points) - Inflict a rotting fungus on the opposing team, a random completed tile is being rotted to nothingness. Every 24 hours the rotting spreads to a different completed tile. The rotting can be stopped by completing any 3 tiles by the team since the rotting started.

Wheel of misfortune (25 points) - Target an opposing team with a wheel of misfortune. Spin the wheel and add an extra unfortunate task to their card. This task has to be completed to finish the card. This extra task will not award points upon completion, nor is it susceptible to other power-up’s effects. (Note: the tasks on the wheel of misfortune will be kept secret until the start of the bingo.)

Sacrifice (20 points) - Choose to sacrifice 2 complete tiles on your own card, to complete a tile of your choice. The tile completed by this power-up is auto-shielded from other team's power-ups. Once a team has completed a tile by using sacrifice, none of the opposing teams can use this power-up to complete the same tile. Choose wisely! (This power-up cannot be used to complete any Wheel of Misfortune tasks.)

Let’s duel (15 points) - Challenge an opposing team of your choice to a match of castle wars, the winner (determined by successful flag captures) gets a token to either 1) reset one tile of an opposing team OR 2) complete a tile of your choice. Tokens can only be used once and have to be used immediately. Time of duel and the number of participants have to be agreed upon by both team captains. Duel has to take place within 48 hours of buying the power-up. Once you have challenged any team or are challenged by any other team, you cannot use this power-up anymore. In the case of a draw in flag captures, the number of kills will be used as a tiebreaker. In case both flag captures and number of kills is tied, the duel is inconclusive and the power-up is wasted. If the opposing team is unable or unwilling to participate, this will result in a forfeit for that team, granting the other team the token.

Drop-a-thon (15 points) - Challenge an opposing team of your choice for a drop spam hour. The team with the most UNIQUE drops wins. Any unique drop is only counted once, so the other team cannot count it for their total once a team has gotten a drop. The winner gets a token to either 1) reset one tile of an opposing team OR 2) complete a tile of your choice. Tokens can only be used once and have to be used immediately. Time of the drop-a-thon is agreed upon by both team captains. Drop-a-thon has to take place within 48 hours of buying the power-up. Once you have challenged any team or are challenged by any other team, you cannot use this power-up anymore. In the case of a draw in the number of unique drops, the last unique drop of the hour will be used as a tiebreaker. If the opposing team is unable or unwilling to participate, this will result in a forfeit for that team, granting the other team the token.


There will be one secret challenge included in this bingo. The title of the challenge is ‘The heropass we deserved’. As the name suggests, the conditions of this challenge are kept secret until the conditions are met. Good luck in discovering what this one is about.


General Rules

1) You MUST be on the sign-up list and have paid your entrance fee to take part.
2) Group broadcasts will count but only when the person receiving the drop is on the bingo team, anyone that receives a bingo item that isn't an active participant WILL NOT count.
3) We will only be accepting submissions from 1 account per person to keep the competition as fair as possible. No alts allowed. 😊
4) Proof of not owning any pre-stacked clue reward caskets, divination chronicles and/or agility codex pages has to be provided prior to contributing to those tasks. Not providing proof will result in not accepting the contribution towards those tasks.
5) A pet item drop does not count towards the 'any broadcast' style tasks, as this would provide an unfair advantage for people that do not own the pet prior to the bingo.
6) If at any point during the bingo any drama occurs, the hosts will step in. They have the authority to give a yellow or red card to the person or team causing the drama. A yellow card should be considered a warning and might imply a penalty of being benched for up to 48 hours (depending on judgement of hosts). A red card will result in removal of the bingo and any other future bingos.

Power-up rules

7) Power-ups can be bought by the chosen team (vice-)captains. They inform the hosts of which power-up and on which target they are willing to use this power-up. The bought power-up has to be used immediately and cannot be saved up for later use. The effects of the power-up are applied at the next game reset time (or bingo update time when announced differently by hosts).
8 ) A team can only buy and use one power-up once every 24 hours.
9) Every team can only buy every power-up once.
10) Every team can only be targeted by every power-up once.
11) To avoid being banged up by multiple teams at once, a team can only be targeted by one opposing team's power-up once every 24 hours.
12) The order in which power-ups are applied depends on the ranking of the teams, determined by the total earned points. (In case of a tie in total earned points, the team with the least tiles completed is ranked higher.) The power-up chosen by the team in last place is applied first, then we proceed by ascending rank, finishing with the power-up chosen by the team in first place.
13) The team in last place cannot be targeted by other team's power-ups. Team in last place is determined by total earned points. (The team in last place is free however to use power-ups on their own card.)
14) Power-ups cannot be used on or by a team that has 5 or less tiles left to complete. (Any open wheel of misfortune task is excluded in the count.)
15) If for any reason, a power-up does not go through, the selected power-up is refunded. No other power-up can be selected until the next day.
16) Certain tasks are deemed too hard to be targeted by other team's power-ups. These tiles are the 4 corners of the bingo card, depicted by the purple border of the tile. These tasks are automatically shielded from opposing team's power-ups and are unaffected by random power-up effects.

Have fun!
Your hosts - Deliever, A Flame, Laggspikes, Renz


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