Easter bingo! lets go hopping mad!The long awaited return of the Team Bingo!!
This bingo will be set out to achieve the desires of the participants! you guys!!
As a result of a poll following the last bingo you guys decided you wanted no powers-up and a cash buy in!! So guess what? you'veee got it!!!!
THE BINGO WILL START 7DAYS LATER 00:00 MONDAY APRIL 17THFinally! this bingo I will be introducing a codeword that will be released at the start of bingo, I will not count any screenshots without this said codeword!! (evil I know)
WHENApril 17th @ 00:00 Game time
May 17th @ 23:59 Game time
What will be on the card??1. Pvm!!! (ofcourse)
2. Skilling!! (NO AND I MEAN NO SEREN SPIRIT TILES (you're safe powerful)
rather than power-ups we will be adding skip tiles that will be granted to each team during the competiton through secret challenges which will be revealed later on!
SIGN-UP FEE AND DONATIONS!Each sign-up fee will be 10m per person! and this will all be contributed towards the final Cash pot!
If you would like to donate to increase the jackpot, you can message me or
@Deliever through pm or discord and it can be posted on here with your username or as anonymous!
@Rowt 2.....40m Frenk
3.....15m jonat
4.....5m tomarnomar
5.....40m teemo
6......100m clue
7..... 40m antzinpantz
8....10m a flame
9. .....200m zaddypandrex
10.....100m renz
11. ....30m sol angelica
12. ....100m antifuchs
sign-ups with payment made1. Rowt (paid)
2. Frenk (paid)
3. Denzie (paid)
4. Mog (paid)
5. Jonat (paid)
6. Lil aub (paid)
7. Axomandor (paid)
8. tomarnomar (paid)
9. The kindest (paid)
10. Lord bakura (paid)
11. synorith (paid)
12. cap hatfield (paid)
13. chef moobman (paid)
14. zaddypandrex (paid)
15. teemo (paid)
16. a flame (paid)
17. germ366 (paid)
18. Adrenaline
19. sakura (paid)
20. wing wong
21. clue (paid)
22. axe de (paid)
23. windragon (paid)
24. spatu laa (paid)
25. powerniao200 (paid)
26. laggspikes (paid)
27. ch uck (paid)
28. antzinpantz (paid)
29. sol angelica (paid)
30. renz (paid)
31. duvelfan (paid)
32. angel d lite (paid)
33. (grandnewby) (paid)
34. charlesjm (paid)
35. Daseinn (paid
36. antifuchs (paid)
37. araxxin mar (paid)
38. solo jake (paid)
39. mahfoud (paid)
40. aditzus (paid)
41. runebull
42. shun stark
Rules1. You MUST be on the sign-up list on the first page to take part.
2. A FULL screenshot With the codeword in the screenshot MUST be posted in the discord (or here) as evidence, I will not be accepting cropped or edited photos.
3. Group broadcasts will count but only if the person receiving the drop is on the bingo team, anyone that receives a bingo item that isn't an active participant WILL NOT count.
4. I will only be accepting submissions from 1 account per person to keep the competition as fair as possible.
5. Pre-stacked caskets will not count towards any of the clue related progressions, however, pre-stacked incomplete clues will be acceptable as the time served completing will count. (screenshots will need to be provided beforehand, either when you start an incomplete stack or at the start of the event)
Bingo card TBC......