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Offline Mog

Consentus Vs Excaliburz Bingo
« on: February 08, 2021, 01:47:59 »

Join us for the latest edition of Runescape bingo! This month is Clan/group themed against Excaliburz :O be it pvm, skilling or even Clues! So let’s start a killing, skilling, clue spree mwahahaha :D The rules are simple, you will work off the bingo card in a team posted above with the event running for a month but will end as soon as either clan gets bingo and is declared the winner! :D There will be an appointed team captain and vice captain to help co-ordinate tasks, power-up management (see powerups below) and to track the overall progress of the team as well as discusing tactics to overthrow the opposing team ;)

Once you tick an item off your list or make any progress, take a screenshot and post it to the 'Bingo' section of the discord (or here if you aren't on discord) :) If no screenshots have been provided, unfortunately i will not be accepting entries.

Make sure you register in advance in order to get your bingo card. Both the checklist and bingo cards will be posted jsut before the event starts to prevent people from pre taking screenshot, not that anyone would ...


There will be assignable powerups that can be bought with progression points, simply complete a task on the bingo card in order to earn points. BUT they can only be purchased and used once! You can also purchase and save powerups, however  please note they cannot be used in the final week of the competition and will have a complete cut off point for the final 7 days where all active powerups will null & void.

Each task on the bingo card will have a "Tier" that increase in difficulty and of course will award more points, 1 tier = 1 point to keep it plain and simple, so a Tier 4 task will award 4 points. Bonus points will also be available for completing 1 line, 2 lines and of course the 4 corners.

Powerups are to be dropped on reset with little to no previous notifications to the other team purely from a tactical stand point, either via a pm from captain to captain or dropped in the related discord server channels.

NUKE - Can only be used on an incomplete tile and resets all squares around it if the team doesn't complete the targeted task in 2 days.

STEAL - Steal a completed square from the opposing team, only applies to 1 quantity of an item.

FREEZE - Ban an item on the other team for a week cannot be used on a nuked tile.

JAIL - Ban member of the opposing team for competing or contributing towards any progression for 3 days.

DIVINE INTERVENTION - Sacrifice 3 to mark off a new sqaure, same tier item to be sacrificed with any other 2 items.

SHIELD - Permanent protection on an item so it can't be stolen/frozen etc, for the duration of the event.



WEDNESDAY 24th MARCH @ 00:00 GAME TIME - Is the cut off point for all powerups.


1. You MUST be on the sign-up list on the first page to take part.

2. A FULL screenshot (timestamp & textbox if applicable) MUST be posted in the discord (or here) as evidence, I will not be accepting cropped or edited photos.

3. Group broadcasts will count but only if the person receiving the drop is on the bingo team, anyone that receives a bingo item that isn't an active participant WILL NOT count.

4. I will only be accepting submissions from 1 account per person to keep the competition as fair as possible.

5. Any progress before signing up WILL NOT count towards your team card, so be sure to sign up first.

6. Pre-stacked caskets will not count towards any of the clue related progressions, however pre stacked incomplete clues will be acceptable as the time served completing will count.

7. Additional rule sets will be applied on the first day of event for "special" tasks on the bingo card.


Bonus will be awarded for 1 line, 2 lines (both rewarding 5 points) and a bonus 10 points for the 4 corners.


B1 - TIER 4 - Any Gilded piece -BOATER COUNTS-
B2 - TIER 3 - 3x Dragon Mattocks or a maul piece
B3 - TIER 2 - ANY boater -GILDED COUNTS-
B4 - TIER 3 - 3x Mazcab Codex
B5 - TIER 4 - Masterwork from scratch, including mining ores

I1 - TIER 3 - Greater Ricochet or Greater Chain codex
I2 - TIER 2 - Noxious Weapon from scratch
I3 - TIER 1 - 100x Fortunate components
I4 - TIER 2 - Crest set (1 of each crest)
I5 - TIER 3 - Seren Symbol from scratch (1 of each clan piece) 

N2 - TIER 1 - ANY Spirit Shield from scratch
N4 - TIER 1 - Double Surge or Double Escape
N5 - TIER 2 - ANY Cane from Clues

G1 - TIER 3 - Sealed Rune Pouch from scratch, including obtaining pure essence
G2 - TIER 2 - Greater Barge or Greater Fury or Greater Flurry Codex
G3 - TIER 1 - ANY Godsword from scratch
G4 - TIER 2 - Nex Armour set -DOES NOT NEED TO MATCH-
G5 - TIER 3 - ANY Eldritch Crossbow Piece (Limb/Stock/Mechanism)

O1 - TIER 4 - Master clue from skiling -PROSPER PERK HELPS-
O2 - TIER 3 - Matching Drygore set
O3 - TIER 2 - 3x First Age coin or Effigy from Metamorphic Geodes -CAN BE COMBINED AND MIX N MATCH-
O4 - TIER 3 - ANY broadcast from clues (Barrows/Shadow/Ice/Blood/3rd-age Dyes or  Cape/Barrel/Sack etc)
O5 - TIER 4 - ANY AoD broadcast (Praesul Codex or Prasel Wand/Orb or Intricate Blood/Ice/Shadow/Smoke Chests)


1. @Sissybear
2. @Mog
3. @Haseo
4. @masj3
5. @B T G
6. @DrFloof
7. @KOP Zoro
8. @Tomarnomar
9. @rsruinedme
10. @Ryun Stark
11. @Laurisaurus
12. @Laggspikes
13. @Geisla
14. @SH4UNoo
15. @Elephantus
16. @Grandnewby
17. @Joe
18. @Halferr
19. @zombierapier
20. @tashoony
21. @starfire
22. @Only Lilly
23. @jj oo ee yy
24. @JamesC123
25. @Steph
26. @Renz
27. @FleurR3belle
28. @Billy
29. @Tovenares k5
30. @Stewie Rune
31. @seldomrobin
32. @cheeslets
33. @Matter
34. @rosebud
35. @Ashclaw
36. @Aqua
37. @Bosch
38. Silky007
39. @Rune God
40. @Agile Smarti


Tier 1 = 1 pt
Tier 2 = 2 pts
Tier 3 = 3 pts
Tier 4 = 4 pts

1 line = 5 pts
2 lines = 5 pts
4 corners = 20 pts

Nuke = 20 pts
Can only be used on an incomplete tile and resets all squares around it if the team doesn't complete the targeted task in 2 days.

Steal = 10 pts
Steal a completed square from the opposing team, only applies to 1 quantity of an item.

Freeze = 16 pts
Ban an item on the other team for a week cannot be used on a nuked tile.

Jail = 10 pts
Ban member of the opposing team for competing or contributing towards any progression for 3 days.

Divine Intervention = 10 pts
Sacrifice 3 to mark off a new sqaure, same tier item to be sacrificed with any other 2 items.

Shield = 16 pts
Permanent protection on an item so it can't be stolen/frozen etc, for the duration of the event


To be agreed on the team whether it's keeping your individual contribtuions or to compile everything and splt them evenly amongst the participants.


Offline Sissybear

Re: Clan Vs Clan Bingo
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2021, 01:50:18 »
sign me up! this sounds fun! :D


Offline Haseo

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Re: Consentus Vs Excaliburz Bingo
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2021, 01:55:04 »
I'm definitely joining in on this fun :3

~A celestial wolf with a slight obsession with bagels and other baked goods~


Offline masj3

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Re: Consentus Vs Excaliburz Bingo
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2021, 02:12:57 »
Sign me up, and please tell me more lol XD I have never done this bingo thing before.


Offline Mog

Re: Consentus Vs Excaliburz Bingo
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2021, 02:28:02 »
Updated and added all thus far :3


Offline B T G

Re: Consentus Vs Excaliburz Bingo
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2021, 03:17:07 »
Sign me up! Sounds fun :D


Offline DrFloof

Re: Consentus Vs Excaliburz Bingo
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2021, 04:59:36 »
Sign me up too! :D


Offline KOP Zoro

Re: Consentus Vs Excaliburz Bingo
« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2021, 05:07:08 »
This sounds like fun! Sign me up, please.


Offline Tomarnomar

Re: Consentus Vs Excaliburz Bingo
« Reply #8 on: February 08, 2021, 05:13:49 »
I'm in!!!


Offline rsruinedme

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Re: Consentus Vs Excaliburz Bingo
« Reply #9 on: February 08, 2021, 05:35:28 »
Sign me up sounds fun


Offline Ryun Stark

Re: Consentus Vs Excaliburz Bingo
« Reply #10 on: February 08, 2021, 08:05:01 »
I'm in 😁


Offline Laurisaurus

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Re: Consentus Vs Excaliburz Bingo
« Reply #11 on: February 08, 2021, 09:20:57 »
Sign me up!


Offline Laggspikes

Re: Consentus Vs Excaliburz Bingo
« Reply #12 on: February 08, 2021, 09:35:33 »
I'm down!

"I do the choking here" - Laggspikes 2k21
"No wait, I do wanna dye!" - Joe 2k21


Offline Geisla

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Re: Consentus Vs Excaliburz Bingo
« Reply #13 on: February 08, 2021, 11:55:57 »
Put me in, coach!


Offline SH4UNoo

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Re: Consentus Vs Excaliburz Bingo
« Reply #14 on: February 08, 2021, 13:24:23 »
Yeah im in! Looking forward to it!


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