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Catherby Convention - Fishing SOTW
« on: March 09, 2020, 23:05:16 »
Catherby Convention

Come and tag along to the latest clan gathering for the current skill of the week Fishing!

Tuesday 10/03/20 at 19:00-20:00
Wednesday 11/03/20 at 01:00-02:00

Catherby fishing area on W25

None, there is a wide variation of fishing spots available covering from Level 1 Fishing.

Fishing urns are a nice easy addition to your XP
Porters make for much less bank trips and thus faster gains
Fury shark outfit raises fish catching chance (and has a chance to consume the fish)
Depending on your summoning level there are familairs that give an invisible boost to your fishing level (granite crab, ibis ad granite lobster)



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