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Offline Hydrogy

Beastmaster Durzag (info and guide)
« on: August 29, 2019, 11:43:37 »
About Beastmaster Durzag

■ The very first Raid boss in RuneScape, Beastmaster Durzag has a lot to live up to with highly powerful attacks and nasty pets at his disposal. See for yourself if you have what it takes to liberate the Goebie prisoners!

■ General Information

LP: 1,500,000
Attack Styles: Melee, Ranged
Max hit: Variable (Melee, 2000 (Ranged)
Weakness: None

Durzag’s Melee hit is a 3×3 AoE from the target’s spot, while his Ranged attacks can randomly hit anyone in the room.

He is accompanied by two pets: Tuz and Krar, both with 700k LP. Tuz attacks with both Magic and Melee while Krar attacks with Ranged and Melee. Both have special passives that makes tanking them a bit tricky to deal with, but with a good ability rotation and care, you should be completely fine.

Right before you fight Durzag, you have to kill the airut and charger horde first. It’s basically wave after wave of more powerful airut and chargers, which are dogs with 15k LP that attack with Melee, but grow stronger and stronger as they attack. They can also, as their name implies, charge at enemies, so just because you stepped away from them doesn’t mean you’re 100% safe. After the airut horde, Durzag and his pets will step in to destroy the intruders.

The roles

■ Base tank - These maintain Durzag's focus in a corner far from the pets, often southeastern corner. The tank will use Provoke to draw Durzag's aggression whilst using Resonance, Devotion, and Barricade, among other defensive abilities while using Freedom to keep the stacks down. Base tanks should gain a combat triangle advantage by wearing high level magic tank armour such as Primeval armour and cast the debuff spells Vulnerability and Enfeeble every minute. (often done by Backup Tank) Although Durzag has a mechanic that effectively gives it 100% accuracy, any hits that would have missed will instead deal half as much damage as if they had not missed.

Base tanks will also need to have dual-wield or 2-handed weapons and ability bar setups because they have to DPS in the horde phase.
Solo tanking Durzag while running around the arena is viable, but not recommended as it can hamper teammates' damage outputs and potentially kill them.

■ Backup tank - These stand near the base tank (generally, the base tank will stand in the southeast corner with the backup positioned a few squares to the west of Durzag) and stay in communication with the base to Provoke Durzag onto them whenever needed. They should hold Durzag's attention at least long enough for the base tank to lose their enrage stacks, at which point the base will Provoke Durzag back onto them. Most base tanks only require a backup once Durzag reaches 750,000 health and enters his final phase, but this should be agreed on between the tanks beforehand. If voice chat is not available for communication, most base tanks will say "Voke" or "V" in chat to signal for a Provoke. Cycle through defensive abilities, typically Devotion -> Resonance -> Immortality, until the base is ready to resume tanking. Also cast the debuff spells Vulnerability and Enfeeble every minute.

■ Pet tanks - One tank per pet, with one also tanking Cormes without a shield. Teams typically assign pet tanks as "1/3" and "2", with "2" taking the pet that spawns at the same time as Durzag, and "1/3" taking Cormes and the pet that spawns ~1 minute after Durzag. These must repeatedly provoke the pets away from other players and Durzag, keeping their attention in a corner (typically northwest and northeast) far from the boss.

The most important job of the pet tanks is to be ready for the pets to barge away from them and target another player, and to as quickly as possible use Provoke to recapture their attention. Other than that, they need only stay alive while tanking their pet in a corner, and keep the pet alive until Durzag reaches around 750,000 health.
Tuz tank can benefit greatly from the use of Revenge which will quickly build up stacks from bleeds. Both pet tanks can switch back to dual-wield or 2-handed weapons while under Devotion to provide more damage.
The pet tanks can serve as base tanks if one of both base tanks are killed or are low in food. One pet tank can also serve as the second (backup) base tank during the enraged phase if the first base tank can tank Durzag alone during the first half of Durzag's health.
Pet tanks will also need to have dual-wield or 2-handed weapons and ability bar setups because they have to DPS in the horde phase and in the enraged phase.

■ Charger clearing - NC and BU should contribute to this. At the START of Durzag's spawn, open every charger cage in the walls, luring every charger to you instead of the tanks. Two players can do this, with one freeing the north chargers and the other player freeing the south ones. Using Devotion with melee prayer, clear all chargers. Teams will typically bring all chargers to the southwest corner so they can be quickly killed with AoE abilities such as Corruption Shot/Blast, Bombardment, Tsunami, or any ability using Chinchompas. After the chargers are dead, return to DPS role and reduce the pets health to 150-200k each. After the first wave of chargers, Durzag will occasionally summon more of them in cages near him. These will barge to a random target unless released early. Any chargers that get on the main tank(s) during the kill should be voked off by a DPS.

■ DPS - Kill of the airuts and chargers during the horde phase, during this protect ranged or soulsplit, and protect melee when you see an airut coming into melee distance with you, it means he will do his special attack.
when there are 21 airuts left to kill (as seen on top of the screen) Cormes will spawn. Cormes is the first of 3 pets, simply kill the pet while watching out for airut special attack, incase you do see an airut using their special attack protect melee as fast as possible. It is preffered not to kill the chargers while the pet is out because doing so will spawn the next wave of airuts while the pet is out.
Once Cormes is dead, return to killing off the rest of the airuts and chargers. Now Beastmaster and the second pet will spawn, this can be either Tuz or Krar, focus on the pet and dps it down to around 150-200k lifepoints. By this time the third pet will spawn, Tuz or Krar, dps the third per down to around 150-200k lifepoints.
Now start dpsing Beastmaster, when Beastmaster has 750,000 lifepoints remaining help finishing off the pets completely. Once the pets are all dead hop back on Beastmaster until hes death.
Its important to watchout for bombs after the horde phase, bombs are little red looking chests that target a random player and if not defused will do 2000 damage to any player in a 3x3 radius.

■ Video Guide 

Our requirements to join the raid

■ 80+ combat stats
■ T80+ Ranged/Magic weapons, preferably perked
■ T80+ Ranged/Magic power armor, preferably perked
■ 95+ Prayer recommended
■ Access to overloads heavily encouraged
■ Ring of vigour switch encouraged
■ 96+ Summoning heavily encouraged
■ Accuracy aura heavily encouraged
■ Enhanced Excalibur recommended
■ Planted Feet switch encouraged
■ If new to Beastmaster being in our Discord is heavily encouraged and recommended

The Gear

■ Your best tiered gear is your best friend and is what you should be running at almost all times. Augmented T80/87/90 armor, normal level 80/87/90 gear like Torva, Pernix, Virtus. Superior Statius, Superior Morrigan, Superior Zuriel. Malevolent, Tectonic, Sirenic. For weapons, GWD2 weapons, or bounty hunter weapons are fine, noxious weaponry or dormant weaponry are top tier.

In terms of extra equipment, which consists of cape, amulet, ring, and aura, there are multiple options for those categories;

■ Capes

■ Skillcapes/obsidian capes are good hybrid capes to wear for starters.
■ Ava’s device provides a great Ranged bonus and picks up ammunition shot unless it ends up behind an obstacle.
■ Kiln capes are best-in-slot for Melee/Ranged/Magic in terms of pure boosts.
■ Reefwalker’s cape is the best choice for tanking, with a decent armor and LP bonus.
■ Max/completionist capes.

■ Amulets

■ Amulet of zealots provides the strongest damage boost of all amulets if used with Leech curses, but provides you with much less accuracy than using Turmoil and sacrifices the amulet slot. This is really good if you have 100% accuracy, but if you have anything below 92% accuracy, any other necklace is better due to the greater accuracy boost in Turmoil and the fact that you can use a different amulet for its own effect.
■ Blood amulets provide the best raw DPS assuming 100% accuracy and your target isn’t immune to reflect damage, and restores quite a bit of LP over time.
■ Amulet of souls boosts Soul Split by an average of 18.75% and increases protection prayer values from 50% to 60%. In addition to providing the best raw stats in the game, this is the best all-round amulet to take anywhere.
■ Reaper necklace gives a 0.1% flat hit chance boost for each successful hitsplat, up to a cap of 30 buffs, and each individual one runs out after 55 seconds of use. Individual bleed/multihit damage counts toward to the stacks as well, making the reaper necklace extremely good against monsters with high defence, like Nex, Vorago, RotS, and Telos.
■ Dragon Rider amulet is a very cheap, affordable, non-degradable amulet that boosts the damage of Dragonbreath by 10% and has a 10% chance of applying a shortened Combust bleed, pushing it to a 206.8% ability or higher depending on potential bleed procs! It can potentially be best-in-slot for Magic at specific situations and remain very decent for Melee/Ranged depending on how much you can attack at a time to make reaper better or worse than Dragon Rider. However, in high-end PvM situations, it’s only viable as a switch for Dragonbreath only, so it’s not a good amulet to main.

■ Rings

■ Ring of vigour saves 10% adrenaline per ultimate ability used. Very good and should always be equipped when using a damage-boosting ultimate like Death Swiftness or Sunshine.
■ Asylum surgeon’s ring has a 10% chance of not using adrenaline when using a threshold, allowing for potential powerful combos within a damage-boosting ultimate.
■ Ring of death grants adrenaline 50% of the time, depending on the enemy’s max LP. For every 1500 LP the monster has, you’ll gain 1% adrenaline every time the ring activates, up to a cap of 5% adrenaline (therefore 7500+ LP monsters). It also carries a second effect that bypasses Death’s office at the cost of 15% charge, which will save you alot of money per death.

■ Auras

■ Vampyrism is a fairly weak healing aura. It’s not very good, but it’s still okish for the points required.
■ Penance restores Prayer for all damage you take. This includes recoil from Tendril abilities and Onslaught, and typeless damage also restores back points. Very useful for camping spirit shields.
■ Supreme Sharpshooter raises your Ranged accuracy by 10%. This makes it second best-in-slot for Beastmaster Durzag.
■ Supreme Runic Accuracy raises your Magic accuracy by 10%. This makes it second best-in-slot for Beastmaster Durzag.
■ Berserker/Reckless/Maniacal boosts both your Melee/Ranged/Magic (respectively) accuracy and damage by 10% while increasing damage taken by 15%. These are the absolute best auras to use, but they take a great amount of skill to use without needing to go through even more supplies. They also last shorter and carry a higher cooldown than basic accuracy auras.
■ Dark Magic has a chance of inflicting a bleed on the target that scales with your Strength/Ranged/Magic level. Very good for targets with high LP, but still not as good as accuracy boosting auras without 100% accuracy, although damage is independent of having 1h or 2h/dual wield so it has a niche when tanking.
■ Supreme Invigorate saves 10% adrenaline per use of an ultimate. This makes it an ok back-up aura if using Ranged/Magic, as it still allows for double Snapshot and Wild Magic under Death’s Swiftness/Sunshine without Planted Feet. It’s also a pretty decent tanking aura in general due to more adrenaline left over from Immortality/Barricade/Rejuvenate.

■ Pocket Slot

■ Scrimshaws
(click to show/hide)
Alternatively you can use illuminated god books which are good and a cheaper alternative.
(click to show/hide)

Miscellaneous Unlocks

■ Guthix staff, unlocked by completing the Mage Arena, has a special attack that does very high damage in addition to draining Defence levels by a flat 4 levels and increasing boss affinity by 2, which roughly translates to a 5% accuracy increase alone and works on all bosses.
■ Dominion gloves, which are goliath, swift, and spellcaster gloves, have a 1/20 chance of randomly lowering stats when using autoattacks or basic abilities.
■ Completion of Desert Treasure, Lunar Diplomacy, and The Light Within for Ancients, Lunars, and Seren spells.
■ Void armor is an ok choice, but is now a severely weaker choice for PvM ever since Invention. Augmented T70 with the right perks out-DPS Void with much better armor to boot. That said, Void is still pretty good for hybridding or tribridding, but the lack of armor will hurt hard.

How to join us

1. Go to Consentus Discord and head to the PVM section and click the channel #bm-sign-ups.
(click to show/hide)
2. Look for a team list in the channel and have a look at which roles are available, what time the event is, what date the event is.
(click to show/hide)
3. Simply react with a emoji on the post to select which role you would like to do on that day.


We are currently offering Beastmaster Raids at 19:30 Game Time every Wednesday and Sunday!

If theres any questions about anything in this post or how to sign up feel free to ask in this thread, or directly by messaging @Mog on forums, discord, or RS. If you do not have access to our Discord and wanna join the raid please contact us.


Offline Hydrogy

Re: Beastmaster Durzag (info and guide)
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2019, 12:09:03 »
How to join us

1. Go to Consentus Discord and head to the PVM section and click the channel #bm-sign-ups.
(click to show/hide)
2. Look for a team list in the channel and have a look at which roles are available, what time the event is, what date the event is.
(click to show/hide)
3. Simply react with a emoji on the post to select which role you would like to do on that day.


Offline Hydrogy

Re: Beastmaster Durzag (info and guide)
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2019, 12:09:25 »


Offline Mog

Re: Beastmaster Durzag (info and guide)
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2019, 12:25:24 »
Very good informative guide with optimal gear suggestions, very handy and neat tool for beginners to use. As a verteran of raids I highly recommend new users make the most of this guide it will most certainly benefit you!! Shoutout to Hydro for a job well done :D


Offline Hydrogy

Re: Beastmaster Durzag (info and guide)
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2019, 12:36:09 »
Very good informative guide with optimal gear suggestions, very handy and neat tool for beginners to use. As a verteran of raids I highly recommend new users make the most of this guide it will most certainly benefit you!! Shoutout to Hydro for a job well done :D
good thing we have "verterans" like you <3


Offline Really Fedup

Re: Beastmaster Durzag (info and guide)
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2019, 23:31:23 »
Really is a good informative guide Glenn :)   for one thing, you wrote Using Devotion with melee prayer,  I never did that :(  so its a learning process for me and I love the large type :P I could actually read it  \:D/   so thank you


Offline rsruinedme

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Re: Beastmaster Durzag (info and guide)
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2020, 00:00:41 »
Count me in! I’ll actually do a role this time with you, I’ve done most before so can help out! I’ll sign up on the discord when I get on tomorrow


Offline Hydrogy

Re: Beastmaster Durzag (info and guide)
« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2020, 00:50:30 »
Count me in! I’ll actually do a role this time with you, I’ve done most before so can help out! I’ll sign up on the discord when I get on tomorrow
better be fast we only got 2 dps spots open


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