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Offline Joe

Barbarian Assault - US/Canada Event
« on: July 07, 2019, 04:59:20 »
Barbarian Assault

We're headed to the barbarian outpost to take out the penance hoard.  Or at least push it back for a while.

Barbarian Assault is a comp and trimmed comp cape requirement, so if you're needing to get that done, this event is a good place to get that started and learn.  This will be a learning experience for some but I'm willing to teach everyone what they need to know.  This is a fun minigame that requires a lot of teamwork. 

This is going to be a US/Canada timezone event.

Where: Barbarian Outpost W25

When: Thursday, 11th of July @ Reset
20:00 Eastern
19:00 Central
18:00 Mountain
17:00 Pacific

Discord: Please feel free join in on Discord as well!  If you're going to be learning, it will make it a lot easier for me.

Requirements: You'll need to have finished the tutorial with Captain Cain at the outpost before you can play. 
There you will be briefed on the basics of the game.  Any questions you have beyond that can be brought to me.  Please try to have this done before the event begins.

BA Guide: The RuneScape Wiki


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