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Runescape in game bullying
« on: February 07, 2019, 19:23:31 »
    The following text is a copy and paste from the
/r/Runescape subreddit where a clan leader addresses the issue with in game bullying to do with their clan chat.

Time to end in game bullying

I am EXTREMELY disappointed in Jagex/Runescape for not doing enough to combat online and in game bullying tactics.

I have been playing Runescape for over 12 years on various accounts and genuinely think it is a great game, but my enjoyment of the game is being interrupted by the concerted bullying tactics of a clan in game. As it stands, I will not let my children play due to the toxic behaviours of a very loud minority.

I am a leader of an almost 500 member clan, and our clan chat is being bombarded by members of another clan trolling, harassing and bullying our members. I have attempted to deal with the matter diplomatically with the leaders of the other clan, but they are unwilling to see reason and stop encouraging their members from this behaviour (all stemming back to an issue they had with a former member who used to be in their clan). I have screenshot all conversations, but Jagex DO NOT provide a way for these to be sent, seen and dealt with in an official way.

When brought to their attention, they say 'just close your Clan Chat', 'block and ban the individuals' or 'we will introduce a pin system to allow friends of the clan to enter'..... none this is not suitable.

  • Closing the CC is what the bullies want us to do. This inhibits our ability to recruit, stops friends of the clan from visiting and hanging out, and breed a feeling of fear.
  • Block and Ban.... yeah great idea, then why do Jagex only offer 100 spaces on the ban list? When faced with a clan of 400+ concerted against us, and sending in alts, and friends, 100 is NOT enough.
  • The pin idea does not work, first, you have to give it out to people who want to guest, they hand it to the undesirables and we are at step 1 all over again.
  • Reporting them does NOTHING. We as a clan have reported recidivist offenders over and over again, yet they are still in game, still harassing and still bullying.

Saying there is a problem is easy, how can Jagex fix the issue?
  • When a player is reported, a log is captured of the conversations that player had had. This is called Metadata. Jagex have access to look at this, they need to look at this properly and take action properly. When someone is reported multiple times for an offence, investigate and mute them. If they keep doing it after being muted in the past, delete the account as breach of terms of service (we all agreed to terms when we signed up).
  • Increase the length of the Ban List for clans. 100 is not enough. Change it to be like the personal ignore list where you can add notes to remind as to why they are on the list. Make the list filterable by name and so you can see when a name has been changed.
  • There is an option to mute clan members in CC, this must be an option to use on guests (make it a right click option on their name).  Mute stays unless removed by a ranked member (as determined in Clan Settings the owner can set)
  • Get more Player Mods. I have seen 2 in the last year. This is not enough.
  • Get JMods in game undercover. See for themselves what it is like.
I know I am not the only one to feel the frustration outlined here, and I am aware this is the tip of the iceberg, but all of this is doable without that much of a code change.[/li][/list]​

The only way to remove the power of a keyboard warrior is to remove their ability to send foul messages.

Come on Jagex, please step up! Be a leader in the fight against online bullying, Guthix would!


Offline Joe

Re: Runescape in game bullying
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2019, 19:52:09 »
I couldn't agree more.  Their player support team and reporting system have never been great, but the past few years it's been downright AWFUL!

You hardly ever see player mods anymore.  JMod presence in-game is nonexistent.  It's absolutely ridiculous!  There really isn't much to say that this post didn't cover. 

Very disappointing. 


Offline Only Lilly

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Re: Runescape in game bullying
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2019, 20:50:16 »
Bullying in this game has always been unmoderated by the powers that be, they need zero tolerance.


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