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Offline Only Lilly

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More and more people are trying to allow children to grow as their own self. Musician Grimes has announced on Twitter that she will allow her child to decide their own gender.

Grimes, real name Claire Boucher, held a question and answer session with fans on Friday to promote her new album, Miss Anthropocene.

Many of the questions asked related to her relationship to Elon Musk, and their baby. She is expected to give birth this Spring. She publicly confirmed her pregnancy in January.

One fan asked if the she was having a girl or a boy, and Grimes started a conversation about gender by stating that: “They may decide their fate and identity."

The 31-year-old singer is expecting her first child with Tesla CEO Elon Musk, with whom she has been in a relationship since 2018.

Their relationship has been controversial since the beginning.


Offline Redtunnel

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Are kids mentally capable of making life altering decisions? Maybe this kid will be the youngest person ever to have a gender reassignment.
"The purity of a person's heart can be measured by how they regard cats"


Offline Tide Pod

I mean there are studies that show children are capable of making such a decision. they feel out of place or have a "wrong" feeling. I don't really know to much about it but it could be good and bad as anything else can be. Childhood could be happier and the kid could live to be better off mentally, or regret it.


Offline Ricky

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Thinking of having kids in the next few years. Definitely gonna be an interesting time to raise them. What the acronym is now lgbt+ now? Will raise them that male and female are the genders. However, being realistic can't shield them from the views of the world forever.  Just will let them grow up some and maybe when they are teenagers inform them of the other views of people. At the end of the day, I guess it's their decision how they want to see things.


Offline FleurR3belle

I am an ally to the LGBTQ+ community.  I am friends or acquaintances with many beautiful people who are living authentically within this community, including transgender individuals.  I personally believe if we accept all people, the world is a better place.  Don't judge others for who they were born to be, whether they are a different race, religion, sexual identity, differently abled etc. does not change that we are all human. 



Offline GodFirst

I don't mind girls playing with toy guns and boys playing with dolls, if that's what they want to do. However, I do not support enforcing a "genderless" household where the traditional "gendered activities" are prohibited.


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