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Is Kim Jong - un dead?
« on: April 26, 2020, 12:58:39 »

The only thing we really ever know about North Korea is that we can't ever be sure about what's happening there, but rumors about Kim's grave health and possible passing have been circulating for weeks.

In a stunning new development, a train belonging to the North Korean ruler Kim Jong-un has been spotted at a resort town amid a frenzy of conflicting reports over his death. It is suspected that new satellite images confirm the whereabouts of Kim Jong-un at the resort town of Wonsan, as rumours persist that the leader is in poor health or even dead. The latest images of a train parked at Wonsan’s ‘leadership station’ came from a Washington-based North Korea monitoring project, 38 North.

The station where the train is spotted is traditionally reserved for the use of the Kim family.

38North cautioned that the train's presence "does not prove the whereabouts of the North Korean leader or indicate anything about his health".

But, Kim Jong-un always travels by plane or car to this resort. He likes to fly his own plane when he is in good health."

He continued: "A train is something he would use for a much more serious, much more solemn and formal procession.

"These images indicate that Kim Jong-Un is planning a very serious procession outside Wonsan.

"Something that isn't time-sensitive, like an emergency medical flight.

"His father is understood to have died on his train. Clearly something major is happening inside North Korea. State media has been silent for days."


Offline Cherrycrush

Re: Is Kim Jong - un dead?
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2020, 13:54:37 »
I think so


Offline Cool like Redtunnel

Re: Is Kim Jong - un dead?
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2020, 14:08:16 »
Last I heard, he was in a vegetitive state after undergoing heart surgery.

He dead.


Offline Ricky

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Re: Is Kim Jong - un dead?
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2020, 14:09:44 »
It seems like it is very likely but will have to see what China comes back with.


Offline Krazy Golf

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Re: Is Kim Jong - un dead?
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2020, 15:24:26 »
Surely not, there would be news reports of their citizens crying in the streets! XD


Offline Joe

Re: Is Kim Jong - un dead?
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2020, 23:16:21 »
If I saw this sooner, I would have said he's not dead.  And it turns out I was right.  8)


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