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If a Brachiosaurus wore a tie, how would it be worn?
« on: May 12, 2020, 11:36:57 »
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Offline rsruinedme

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Re: If a Brachiosaurus wore a tie, how would it be worn?
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2020, 13:20:30 »
Top of his neck surely? Bottom would irritate the hell of him keep slapping his legs lol


Offline Danny

Re: If a Brachiosaurus wore a tie, how would it be worn?
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2020, 17:22:26 »
Brb, gonna ask a giraffe.


Offline Ardo

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Re: If a Brachiosaurus wore a tie, how would it be worn?
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2020, 17:42:31 »
Top of his neck surely? Bottom would irritate the hell of him keep slapping his legs lol
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Offline Sissybear

Re: If a Brachiosaurus wore a tie, how would it be worn?
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2020, 17:57:26 »
I would think top of Neck since it seems the best place for it instead of it hitting his legs over and over again when he walked lol


Offline Cool like Redtunnel

Re: If a Brachiosaurus wore a tie, how would it be worn?
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2020, 21:39:34 »
I don't think they would wear that kind of tie. Doesn't suit them.

I could totally see them rocking a bow tie though, and just like the eleventh doctor, they'd rock it 😎


Offline Cherrycrush

Re: If a Brachiosaurus wore a tie, how would it be worn?
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2020, 00:02:22 »
Having it lower looks smarter, but less practical so I'm gonna say at the top  XD


Offline Runeseeker79

Re: If a Brachiosaurus wore a tie, how would it be worn?
« Reply #7 on: May 13, 2020, 15:15:42 »
I could totally see them rocking a bow tie though, and just like the eleventh doctor, they'd rock it 😎
This. Definitely.


Offline Laggspikes

Re: If a Brachiosaurus wore a tie, how would it be worn?
« Reply #8 on: June 29, 2020, 10:40:44 »
Well the answer is obviously bottom. A tie rests on the bottom of your neck where it curves towards your shoulders/torso. Have you ever knotted a tie so it is directly under your chin? Must be very uncomfortable.

Plus: gravity. Eventually a tie always loosens up a bit and it would slide all the way down his neck, which must be very annoying to keep up.

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