
Clan Forum => Debates => Debates archive => Topic started by: Laurisaurus on July 08, 2020, 18:51:35

Title: Do You Stack Plates When You Dine Out?
Post by: Laurisaurus on July 08, 2020, 18:51:35
According to Leslie Kalk; a restaurant and hospitality coach for over 30 years "Stacking plates when done sends a signal to other diners that the waitstaff is not tending to the table properly and the act of doing so exposes the stackers as inexperienced diners,” she explains. β€œIn addition, the waitstaff usually have a well-practiced system for clearing the plates, utensils, and glassware and stacking interferes with that system.”

Personally, I knew already that some restaurants/waitstaff dislike when customers do this, but I've come across some waitstaff who appreciate the help. I guess it really depends if you're going to a high-end restaurant or a buffet restaurant. It's a habit for me to clear away plates as soon as I or the people around me have finished eating.

So do you stack plates while dining out, or do you leave it to the waitstaff?

Source (,for%20more%20than%2030%20years.)
Title: Re: Do You Stack Plates When You Dine Out?
Post by: Joe on July 08, 2020, 19:10:43
Yeah.  People come to the table and do it anyway.  I don't see the difference.  Plus, it clears space until they come by and pick them up.
Title: Re: Do You Stack Plates When You Dine Out?
Post by: Mog on July 08, 2020, 19:27:18
I've always stacked plates and set them aside when dining out, just assumed it was common courtesy. I understand that it's their job to clean up but ultimately it's still my mess,  it's the same for whenever I'm at Mc'donalds or somewhere similar I always put my stuff in the bin before leaving.
Title: Re: Do You Stack Plates When You Dine Out?
Post by: Cherrycrush on July 09, 2020, 14:28:47
I was always taught to stack them/prepare them for the waiter to come along, so their job is as easy as possible.
Title: Re: Do You Stack Plates When You Dine Out?
Post by: sir fenny on July 09, 2020, 14:46:01
I've always stacked plates at the end of the table or I've always helped by passing the plates to the waiter/waitress when they come to the table.
I just think its the polite thing to do.
Title: Re: Do You Stack Plates When You Dine Out?
Post by: GodFirst on July 09, 2020, 16:38:58
I always stack them.
Title: Re: Do You Stack Plates When You Dine Out?
Post by: Slayer Wolf on July 09, 2020, 17:10:57
Never done this :P Always expected waiters to have some kind of system in the stacking so I just leave it on the table and wait for em
Title: Re: Do You Stack Plates When You Dine Out?
Post by: Laurisaurus on July 09, 2020, 18:32:36
Some interesting responses, thanks guys! :D

I do really think it depends where you go. I know some waitstaff have a system in doing things. At one of our local buffets we usually stack our plates up when we've finished so we can get up and get more, especially as it would usually be busy and full of people! But I understand that in high-end restaurants its part of the experience to literally be waited on.
Title: Re: Do You Stack Plates When You Dine Out?
Post by: Only Lilly on July 09, 2020, 19:38:17
I always try and stack mine, just to try and help :)

You'll be telling me next that you leave your McDonalds on the table.

Title: Re: Do You Stack Plates When You Dine Out?
Post by: Redtunnel on July 09, 2020, 20:32:32
I have never stacked. In Sweden they usually start taking the plates away before you've left the table
Title: Re: Do You Stack Plates When You Dine Out?
Post by: Laurisaurus on July 09, 2020, 21:00:16
I always try and stack mine, just to try and help :)

You'll be telling me next that you leave your McDonalds on the table.

Oh I always clear the table after eating fast food!
Title: Re: Do You Stack Plates When You Dine Out?
Post by: Kindest on July 10, 2020, 11:16:41
Here in the Netherlands, atleast the restaurants i go to. They take your plates and then bring the next ones so no stacking possible.
Title: Re: Do You Stack Plates When You Dine Out?
Post by: buckarooni on July 10, 2020, 15:21:19
Ima stacker  \:D/
Title: Re: Do You Stack Plates When You Dine Out?
Post by: Danny on July 19, 2020, 21:32:36
Whether it's fine dining or mcDonalds. I don't believe it's anyones job to clean up after me no matter if they are paid to do so. They get paid pretty badly and are treated just as bad the majority of the time, if i can do something to make their lives a little bit easier then i will. I always stack my dishes and give a decent tip no matter how good or bad the service was.

Then again, like the article suggests, i'm an inexperienced diner. I really only eat out when dating and that's not often  XD