
Clan Forum => Debates => Debates archive => Topic started by: Only Lilly on January 18, 2013, 11:18:01

Title: Would you ever?
Post by: Only Lilly on January 18, 2013, 11:18:01

A website advertising a new restaurant in Germany has called for humans to donate body parts for the menu causing outrage.The online campaign by Flime in Berlin has called for diners to "donate any part of their body" as well as looking for an "open-minded surgeon".

However, politicians have condemned the Berlin restaurant for being a tasteless PR stunt according to Der Spiegel.
So far the location of the restaurant, if there is one, has not been disclosed.

"Members" willing to participate in the cannibal "Wari-culture" of the restaurant are asked to fill out a form. It includes questions about medical fitness, Body Mass Index, how often one exercises and even if the donor is pregnant.

The restaurant claims to be inspired by the "compassionate cannibalism" of the Brazilian Waricaca tribe.

The website explains: "We see feasting as a spiritual act, in which the spirit and strength of the consumed creature is given to the guests."

Michael Braun, vice chairman of Berlin's Christian Democrats told Bild newspaper that he had received emails complaining about the restaurant.

He said: "I am assuming it is a misguided joke. But it is disgusting.

"In particular because a resident of Berlin was murdered by a cannibal not too long ago."

It is thought that he was referring to self-styled cannibal Armin Meiwes who was sentenced to life in 2006 after killing and eating a fellow Berliner who volunteered for the task.

Bernd Jurgen Brandes, a computer technician, volunteered to be eaten by Meiwes in 2001. The cannibal chopped off Brandes' penis and ate it after cooking it in garlic, salt and pepper. He continued to eat the corpse over the next few months. By the time he was arrested Meiwes had eaten around 44lb of flesh.
Title: Re: Would you ever?
Post by: Majinvegito3 on January 18, 2013, 13:00:16
No way lol.

That last bit there sounds familiar. I think Rammstein made a song based around that actual event, or at least one very similar.
Title: Re: Would you ever?
Post by: Winter on January 18, 2013, 15:16:46
That's beyond fucked up. No way.
Title: Re: Would you ever?
Post by: Curtis on January 18, 2013, 17:04:44
Never could eat of a bone. :/
Title: Re: Would you ever?
Post by: Jordan on January 20, 2013, 01:20:05
Ill have the BBQ Ribs please  ;D
Title: Re: Would you ever?
Post by: Thunderite on January 20, 2013, 01:27:27
Cock please. Not too crispy.
Title: Re: Would you ever?
Post by: Jordan on January 20, 2013, 01:35:51
Cock please. Not too crispy.

Naaa the balls have all the juicy goodness in them !
Title: Re: Would you ever?
Post by: Thunderite on January 20, 2013, 01:39:10
Cock please. Not too crispy.

Naaa the balls have all the juicy goodness in them !

I heard they were a bit stringy, you know like the bits inside some onion rings?
Title: Re: Would you ever?
Post by: Jordan on January 20, 2013, 01:40:30
Cock please. Not too crispy.

Naaa the balls have all the juicy goodness in them !

I heard they were a bit stringy, you know like the bits inside some onion rings?

They can be but if you cook the right its like a boil in the bag effect comes out nice and runny like the clear liquid around the egg yolk  ;D
Title: Re: Would you ever?
Post by: Bendr on January 20, 2013, 08:43:58
Cock please. Not too crispy.

Naaa the balls have all the juicy goodness in them !

I heard they were a bit stringy, you know like the bits inside some onion rings?

They can be but if you cook the right its like a boil in the bag effect comes out nice and runny like the clear liquid around the egg yolk  ;D

Title: Re: Would you ever?
Post by: Winter on January 20, 2013, 15:50:14