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The revelation this week that a London schoolgirl who fled Britain to join Islamic State in Syria now wishes to return has prompted a wave of responses from politicians, lawyers and the public.

Shamima Begum, who ran away from her Bethnal Green home aged 15 with two friends, made her plea to be brought back to Britain after The Times newspaper tracked down the now heavily pregnant 19-year-old to a refugee camp in northern Syria.

But her request has been met with opposition from senior politicians and former terror cops. And her fate differs, depending on who you ask.

Sajid Javid sought to strike a strident tone on Friday by attempting to see off Begum’s bid to return to Britain.

“We must remember that those who left Britain to join Daesh were full of hate for our country,” the home secretary said. “My message is clear — if you have supported terrorist organisations abroad I will not hesitate to prevent your return. If you do manage to return you should be ready to be questioned, investigated and potentially prosecuted.”

It was reported that, as Begum’s parents are from Bangladesh and her Jihadist husband is Dutch, UK officials believe she may be effectively a dual-citizen.

As such, they believe they could withdraw her UK citizenship without contravening international law, which prevents a person being made stateless.

Further reports on Friday suggested former Isis brides could be detained by the United States at Guantanamo Bay, a US navel base in Cuba.


Offline Cool like Redtunnel

Re: Will Shamima Begum Be Allowed Back To Britain After Joining Isis?
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2019, 14:24:07 »
I despise Katie Hopkins, she is probably the ugliest most self-centred person on this Earth, but I'd have to agree with her little rant on this one.

I don't know why anyone cares about this silly little girl. Just forget about her and stop wasting time on stupid little attention seekers. She should not be able to return, as Katie put it, she gave up her right to return/as a citizen when she left to join a terrorist organisation.

HOWEVER, knowing how awful the British Government is, this twat of a girl will be able to return to the United Kingdom, first class flight too XD


Offline Cherrycrush

Re: Will Shamima Begum Be Allowed Back To Britain After Joining Isis?
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2019, 22:17:31 »
I think we'll let her back, because we are a soft country. But I don't think she should be allowed back.


Offline Joe

Re: Will Shamima Begum Be Allowed Back To Britain After Joining Isis?
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2019, 22:29:45 »
Absolutely not.  She left to join a group of murderers and psychopaths that have hate for, what seems like the entire world.  She made her choice and now has to live with it. 

Here in the States, especially under President Trump, she wouldn't be able to get within 100 miles of the border.  Frankly, it'd be suicide because some people here in the States would not hesitate to kill her for being involved in a group that has brought death to their loved ones. 

Let her rot where she is.


Offline Only Lilly

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Re: Will Shamima Begum Be Allowed Back To Britain After Joining Isis?
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2019, 22:55:20 »
A young British girl (just 15) was groomed by ISIS. She left the county to join them and now wants to return to the UK. This poses many moral questions compounded by the fact that she is 9 months pregnant with her third child; her two previous children both died.
Legally she is entitled to return, although a temporary injunction apparently can be put in force. She can expect the courts to deal with her, other women who have returned have gone to prison.
Some of the comments I've seen have saddened me, I get the anger at her but to then threaten to kill her makes us no better than the ISIS killers that groomed her in the first place.
If she had been groomed by a paedophile gang would the same arguments be thrown at her, I guess not.
Some compassion, something I thought as a country we were proud of, needs to be shown. How powerful would that be to counter the ISIS grooming.

if she has committed offences then throw the full weight of the law at her. I knew this post would be divisive and you're right we do live in sad times with lots of hate and division. I just won't be part of the hate.


Offline Really Fedup

Re: Will Shamima Begum Be Allowed Back To Britain After Joining Isis?
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2019, 23:43:00 »
I cannot stand Katie Hopkins either but yea I totally agree with her not letting this young lass back in.  She has stated that she liked the ISIS way and she will have been taught to fight and kill so would we be letting a terrorist back in the country.  I think knowing our politicians they will allow her back but don't think she should be allowed back but what I do think is that the child should be taken off her and given the chance of a good life, not a killing one and brought up by foster parents.  I can't see this happening either though, our country is going to the dogs :(


Offline Joe

Re: Will Shamima Begum Be Allowed Back To Britain After Joining Isis?
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2019, 01:32:02 »
@Only Lilly  I totally agree.  I want nothing to do with hate.  I'm not even suggesting I want her dead, not even close.  I'm merely pointing out the reality that is the current state of the United States.  Although the US has nothing to do with this, it does hit me on a personal level when it comes to Isis and other terror groups.  I have family that served in the military and fought against terrorists.  I was originally going to the military right out of high school, but that fell through due to having spinal issues.

If she is let back in, at the very least I hope that she is put on trial.


Offline Ardo

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Re: Will Shamima Begum Be Allowed Back To Britain After Joining Isis?
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2019, 05:01:11 »
She is a terrorist, let her back and lock her in the "darkest hole" possible because she is a threat to society.

4 years is a long time, how do you know that she is not radicalised and purpose to get back is to be involved in some kind on terrorist attack?

She decided to join the organisation, which has been in war with western world and western values over past 10+ years. An organisation, which has been responisble of multiple fatal terrorist attacks in Europe and hundreds attacks in the Middle East. An organisation, which is responsible of the death of thousands of innocent people, including the soldiers, protecting the values of society we live in.

Under some other circumstances, in Syria her capture dead or alive would be totally justified or even encouraged.

She can only blame herself, its her decisions, which has lead to point, where she is a threat to society and her walking freely among us is just not acceptable.

You can call me harsh and heartless but this is the reality in the world we are living.
Lead me, follow me, or get the hell out of my way.


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Re: Will Shamima Begum Be Allowed Back To Britain After Joining Isis?
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2019, 09:39:28 »
Let her back and prosecute her.
"The purity of a person's heart can be measured by how they regard cats"


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Re: Will Shamima Begum Be Allowed Back To Britain After Joining Isis?
« Reply #9 on: February 18, 2019, 11:00:09 »
Never ever been a fan of Katie Hopkins as she hypercritical in a lot of things. But on this occasion she is right. This girl made her decision when she left for Syria... and now she wants to come back? That is not how it works sweetheart!

Given the tragic terriorist attacks this country has endured in recent years I firmly believe that anyone that supports or endorses terrorists has no place in this country.


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Re: Will Shamima Begum Be Allowed Back To Britain After Joining Isis?
« Reply #10 on: February 18, 2019, 12:56:00 »
she is not doing herself any favours.

she will not be allowed a house or her baby.

She shows zero remorse, but then again shes still in a camp with thousands of isis supporters, shes hardly likely to say she regrets everything.


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Re: Will Shamima Begum Be Allowed Back To Britain After Joining Isis?
« Reply #11 on: February 18, 2019, 21:07:38 »
She's been groomed since the age of 15, I doubt she had much choice in the move or if she did, she was greatly misled. Maybe she was coerced into the marriage. Her lawyers have said she is not looking to avoid justice. She has agreed to cooperate on any charges of terrorism. I don't see the problem really #-o

Katie Hopkins' response is idiotic. For a women of her intelligence, she really hasn't done herself any favours. Then again, she has forged a career out of saying controversial things so this latest outburst doesn't really surprise me. She's a moron.


Offline Only Lilly

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Re: Will Shamima Begum Be Allowed Back To Britain After Joining Isis?
« Reply #12 on: February 19, 2019, 21:04:33 »
The family of a teenager who travelled to Syria to join Islamic State has been told the Home Office intends to revoke her British citizenship, according to their lawyer.

Shamima Begum, who left her home in Bethnal Green, east London, at the age of 15, is in a refugee camp in Syria, where she gave birth to a boy at the weekend.

Begum, now 19, had called on the British people to have sympathy for her and asked to be allowed to return to the UK. The home secretary, Sajid Javid, responded by insisting that he would do all in his power to prevent her coming back.

Javid told the Commons on Monday: “The powers available to me include banning non-British people from this country and stripping dangerous dual nationals of their British citizenship. Over 100 people have already been deprived in this way.”

Although Begum is not a dual citizen, the home secretary has been advised that, because her mother holds a Bangladeshi passport, he may be able to deprive her of her British citizenship. The Home Office has not commented.

On Tuesday, Tasnime Akunjee, the family’s lawyer, said Begum’s relatives were “very disappointed with the Home Office’s intention to have an order made depriving Shamima of her citizenship”. He said they were “considering all legal avenues to challenge this decision”.

According to ITV News, Begum’s mother received a letter notifying her of the Home Office’s intention to strip her citizenship on Tuesday. “Please find enclosed papers that relate to a decision taken by the home secretary, to deprive your daughter, Shamima Begum, of her British citizenship,” the letter read, according to the programme.

“In light of the circumstances of your daughter, the notice of the home secretary’s decision has been served of file today (19 February), and the order removing her British citizenship has subsequently been made.”

ITV News said the letter urged Begum’s family to make her aware of the decision, adding that she had a right to appeal.

Begum left the UK along with two schoolfriends in 2015 and her case was thrust back into the spotlight last week, when she declared her wish to return for the sake of her newly born child. She made the plea in an interview with the Times, conducted in a Syrian refugee camp.

“I’m not the same silly little 15-year-old schoolgirl who ran away from Bethnal Green four years ago. And I don’t regret coming here,” the heavily pregnant Begum told the paper last Wednesday.

Sitting with her newborn baby during an interview the following Sunday, she said: “I feel a lot of people should have sympathy for me, for everything I’ve been through. You know, I didn’t know what I was getting into when I left.

She told Sky News: “I was hoping that maybe for the sake of me and my child they let me come back. Because I can’t live in this camp forever. It’s not really possible.”

Javid has made clear his fierce opposition to her return, writing in the Sunday Times that “there will be consequences” for those who travelled to Syria to support groups such as Isis.

On Monday, he added: “Certainly, anyone that went to support terrorism in any way whatsoever, we are not going to risk the lives of any British officials – soldiers or anyone – to help them or rescue them.”

Responding to an urgent question in the Commons, Javid told MPs more than 900 people had travelled from the UK to Syria or Iraq. “Whatever role they took in the so-called caliphate, they all supported a terrorist organisation and in doing so they have shown they hate our country and the values we stand for.”

He added: “Now this so-called caliphate is crumbling, some of them want to return and I have been very clear: where I can, and where any threat remains, I will not hesitate to prevent this.”

Javid can use temporary exclusion orders to bar the return of jihadists for up to two years. He acknowledged it was not within his power to render a person stateless, and said the UK “must, of course, observe international law”. Therefore, he said that Britons who do return to the UK “will be questioned, investigated and potentially prosecuted”.

However, it now appears Javid has been advised he can use the Bangladeshi citizenship of Begum’s mother to prevent her return. In the view of the family’s lawyer, however, that advice is incorrect. “Our view is that this would be illegal because they would make her a stateless person, in breach of international law. We are surprised the home secretary does not understand international law, or care about international law,” Akunjee said.

“If he were to attempt to put such orders on, we would explore all legal options to block his unlawful actions or appeal. If we can get an injunction, we will.”

Begum’s relatives have called for her to be looked upon as a “girl who was groomed at the age of 15”. They said that comments she has made to journalists, characterised by some as betraying a lack of remorse, should be viewed with skepticism.

 Taking Shamima Begum's citizenship risks making her a martyr
Robert Verkaik
“We are also mindful that Shamima is currently in a camp surrounded by Isis sympathisers, and any comments by her could lead directly to danger to her and her child,” they told ITV News.

They said they welcomed an investigation into her time in Syria and called for her to be dealt with by the British justice system. On Tuesday, that call was echoed by the Liberal Democrats, whose home affairs spokesman, Ed Davey, said: “Membership of a terrorist group is a serious crime, as is encouraging or supporting terrorism. But Shamima Begum should face justice for those crimes in the UK.

“It is not only hard to see Ms Begum and her baby as constituting a serious threat to national security, but it also seems a huge wasted opportunity. We can learn lessons as to why a young girl went to Syria in the first place; lessons which could improve Britain’s security by helping us prevent this happening again.”

The Labour MP, Stella Creasy, said: “However horrific her defence of Isis, if the home secretary can start with stripping this woman and her week-old child of their citizenship for his leadership bid, where does it end?” Creasy added that she too would prefer to see Begum dealt with by the domestic justice system.


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Re: Will Shamima Begum Be Allowed Back To Britain After Joining Isis?
« Reply #13 on: February 19, 2019, 21:33:11 »
The family of a teenager who travelled to Syria to join Islamic State has been told the Home Office intends to revoke her British citizenship, according to their lawyer.

Shamima Begum, who left her home in Bethnal Green, east London, at the age of 15, is in a refugee camp in Syria, where she gave birth to a boy at the weekend.

Begum, now 19, had called on the British people to have sympathy for her and asked to be allowed to return to the UK. The home secretary, Sajid Javid, responded by insisting that he would do all in his power to prevent her coming back.

Javid told the Commons on Monday: “The powers available to me include banning non-British people from this country and stripping dangerous dual nationals of their British citizenship. Over 100 people have already been deprived in this way.”

Although Begum is not a dual citizen, the home secretary has been advised that, because her mother holds a Bangladeshi passport, he may be able to deprive her of her British citizenship. The Home Office has not commented.

On Tuesday, Tasnime Akunjee, the family’s lawyer, said Begum’s relatives were “very disappointed with the Home Office’s intention to have an order made depriving Shamima of her citizenship”. He said they were “considering all legal avenues to challenge this decision”.

According to ITV News, Begum’s mother received a letter notifying her of the Home Office’s intention to strip her citizenship on Tuesday. “Please find enclosed papers that relate to a decision taken by the home secretary, to deprive your daughter, Shamima Begum, of her British citizenship,” the letter read, according to the programme.

“In light of the circumstances of your daughter, the notice of the home secretary’s decision has been served of file today (19 February), and the order removing her British citizenship has subsequently been made.”

ITV News said the letter urged Begum’s family to make her aware of the decision, adding that she had a right to appeal.

Begum left the UK along with two schoolfriends in 2015 and her case was thrust back into the spotlight last week, when she declared her wish to return for the sake of her newly born child. She made the plea in an interview with the Times, conducted in a Syrian refugee camp.

“I’m not the same silly little 15-year-old schoolgirl who ran away from Bethnal Green four years ago. And I don’t regret coming here,” the heavily pregnant Begum told the paper last Wednesday.

Sitting with her newborn baby during an interview the following Sunday, she said: “I feel a lot of people should have sympathy for me, for everything I’ve been through. You know, I didn’t know what I was getting into when I left.

She told Sky News: “I was hoping that maybe for the sake of me and my child they let me come back. Because I can’t live in this camp forever. It’s not really possible.”

Javid has made clear his fierce opposition to her return, writing in the Sunday Times that “there will be consequences” for those who travelled to Syria to support groups such as Isis.

On Monday, he added: “Certainly, anyone that went to support terrorism in any way whatsoever, we are not going to risk the lives of any British officials – soldiers or anyone – to help them or rescue them.”

Responding to an urgent question in the Commons, Javid told MPs more than 900 people had travelled from the UK to Syria or Iraq. “Whatever role they took in the so-called caliphate, they all supported a terrorist organisation and in doing so they have shown they hate our country and the values we stand for.”

He added: “Now this so-called caliphate is crumbling, some of them want to return and I have been very clear: where I can, and where any threat remains, I will not hesitate to prevent this.”

Javid can use temporary exclusion orders to bar the return of jihadists for up to two years. He acknowledged it was not within his power to render a person stateless, and said the UK “must, of course, observe international law”. Therefore, he said that Britons who do return to the UK “will be questioned, investigated and potentially prosecuted”.

However, it now appears Javid has been advised he can use the Bangladeshi citizenship of Begum’s mother to prevent her return. In the view of the family’s lawyer, however, that advice is incorrect. “Our view is that this would be illegal because they would make her a stateless person, in breach of international law. We are surprised the home secretary does not understand international law, or care about international law,” Akunjee said.

“If he were to attempt to put such orders on, we would explore all legal options to block his unlawful actions or appeal. If we can get an injunction, we will.”

Begum’s relatives have called for her to be looked upon as a “girl who was groomed at the age of 15”. They said that comments she has made to journalists, characterised by some as betraying a lack of remorse, should be viewed with skepticism.

 Taking Shamima Begum's citizenship risks making her a martyr
Robert Verkaik
“We are also mindful that Shamima is currently in a camp surrounded by Isis sympathisers, and any comments by her could lead directly to danger to her and her child,” they told ITV News.

They said they welcomed an investigation into her time in Syria and called for her to be dealt with by the British justice system. On Tuesday, that call was echoed by the Liberal Democrats, whose home affairs spokesman, Ed Davey, said: “Membership of a terrorist group is a serious crime, as is encouraging or supporting terrorism. But Shamima Begum should face justice for those crimes in the UK.

“It is not only hard to see Ms Begum and her baby as constituting a serious threat to national security, but it also seems a huge wasted opportunity. We can learn lessons as to why a young girl went to Syria in the first place; lessons which could improve Britain’s security by helping us prevent this happening again.”

The Labour MP, Stella Creasy, said: “However horrific her defence of Isis, if the home secretary can start with stripping this woman and her week-old child of their citizenship for his leadership bid, where does it end?” Creasy added that she too would prefer to see Begum dealt with by the domestic justice system.

There is only one important sentence...

“I’m not the same silly little 15-year-old schoolgirl who ran away from Bethnal Green four years ago. And I don’t regret coming here,” the heavily pregnant Begum told the paper last Wednesday.
Lead me, follow me, or get the hell out of my way.


Offline Tommykillme

Re: Will Shamima Begum Be Allowed Back To Britain After Joining Isis?
« Reply #14 on: February 19, 2019, 22:16:04 »
It has emerged her citizenship to the United Kingdom has been revoked


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