Clan Forum => Debates => Debates archive => Topic started by: Bayson on November 25, 2012, 16:57:14
Hiya i'm Bayson. I'm making this forum mainly to see what others have to say. I lvled to 2 prayer the other day and nervous that prayer will be brought back to the combat system.
I doubt it but you never know with Jagex.
I have faith that it will be, because they were originally combat stats and knowing Jagex they will change their mind and make them count again. Also RuneShark mentioned in a vid in like August that Summ counted for Combat now, and that Jagex said they were working on making Prayer count aswell.
Where is this post that says jagex will make it count. Also they changed back summoning before the beta was over. they didnt do that with hp or prayer.
"While Prayer does make a big difference to the outcome of a fight, ultimately either someone has it or they don't and you'll soon see if they do when they use it. To this end, we felt people who are serious about their combat would all have the necessary Prayers. In a system where everyone has something, featuring it in the calculation doesn't really help anyone, and so for the sake of streamlining, Prayer was dropped from the formula."
As for hp i think that the armor has so much bonus heath that it doesnt matter on your hp level. the only way that they would change it back is if they drop the eoc completely and i doubt that will ever happen.
"While Prayer does make a big difference to the outcome of a fight, ultimately either someone has it or they don't and you'll soon see if they do when they use it. To this end, we felt people who are serious about their combat would all have the necessary Prayers. In a system where everyone has something, featuring it in the calculation doesn't really help anyone, and so for the sake of streamlining, Prayer was dropped from the formula."
As for hp i think that the armor has so much bonus heath that it doesnt matter on your hp level. the only way that they would change it back is if they drop the eoc completely and i doubt that will ever happen.
Go ahead, train it then but don't complain if they suddenly change it back.
this is why i dont believe what is going to happen with Jagex. Its people that have no idea what there talking about and even when jagex post something saying they removed hp and prayer from the combat system, people still think that it will be brought back. where is your post that says it going to be back?
I'll just copy and paste one of my responses on the subject from another forum:
If you train Hp and Pray, there is no going back. Prayer and Hp have always been traditional combat skills and they still affect the outcome of a fight, especially with the boosts they have received lately. Jagex changed their mind about Summoning. What is to say they will not with Hp and Pray? Even if not now, it could happen in a distant future, when combat receives another big update. If you decide not to train them, you can always change your mind in the future.
To quote Jagex on the combat formula, prior to Summoning being reincorporated:
"Nothing is set in stone, however we are happy with the formula as it stands currently."
I don't really see any good reasons to train Pray and Hp right now. What great content or advantages do they unlock for a skiller? I guess to become maxed can be a motivator. However, I personally don't consider them non-combat skills, thus, I disregard them in terms of what a maxed skiller is. This is an opinion that may change in time, if I become more accepting towards them. What's your opinion?
So far, only a small fraction of the pure skilling community has decided to train Hp and Pray. This means that the greater competition still lies in the "old school skilling", as the general opinion appears to distinguish the two.
I'll just copy and paste one of my responses on the subject from another forum:
If you train Hp and Pray, there is no going back. Prayer and Hp have always been traditional combat skills and they still affect the outcome of a fight, especially with the boosts they have received lately. Jagex changed their mind about Summoning. What is to say they will not with Hp and Pray? Even if not now, it could happen in a distant future, when combat receives another big update. If you decide not to train them, you can always change your mind in the future.
To quote Jagex on the combat formula, prior to Summoning being reincorporated:
"Nothing is set in stone, however we are happy with the formula as it stands currently."
I don't really see any good reasons to train Pray and Hp right now. What great content or advantages do they unlock for a skiller? I guess to become maxed can be a motivator. However, I personally don't consider them non-combat skills, thus, I disregard them in terms of what a maxed skiller is. This is an opinion that may change in time, if I become more accepting towards them. What's your opinion?
So far, only a small fraction of the pure skilling community has decided to train Hp and Pray. This means that the greater competition still lies in the "old school skilling", as the general opinion appears to distinguish the two.
Agreed with Red.
And Bayson, I've heard from someone else that they made a rsof post, no need to be a rude little bitch about it, go train those skills if you want, but if they change the formula in the distant future and you still play, you got nothing to cry about.
Personally I wouldn't risk it if I had a high level skiller but its your decision at the end of the day in my opinion it's not a real skiller if you have cb stats an I'd class prayer and Hp as combat stats.
Personally, I wouldn't worry about it. If you want to train them, then do that. If they do become combat skills, then you have a few combat levels, no biggy.
Being a skiller is just a title, it doesn't affect your gameplay that much :rawr:
Personally, I wouldn't worry about it. If you want to train them, then do that. If they do become combat skills, then you have a few combat levels, no biggy.
Being a skiller is just a title, it doesn't affect your gameplay that much :rawr:
i was a skiller and loved it got cmb with pyramid plunder on accident hated it for a week then i fell in love with it, hated eoc for about 2 days now i love it too. Its just all about learning to work with what youre given
Honestly dont think they would reincorporate them back into the equation. The whole idea behind the new combat formula was so that it would be easy to understand for everyone, so you'd know exactly when you'd get your combat levels instead of just leaving it up to calculators or whatever.
I could be wrong, I'm not saying that's not possible, but I just don't think they'd ever bring them back into the Combat level equation.