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Re: Why do we still tolerate this? (Comes with a warning)
« Reply #16 on: October 04, 2012, 17:54:24 »
Remember you made me watch that, Dec?


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Re: Why do we still tolerate this? (Comes with a warning)
« Reply #17 on: October 04, 2012, 19:54:01 »
I never knew about this til now, but I can see why people are so uproarious over it. But then again, we kill cows, deer, chicken, all other animals for sport, and for feeding. If it's just at Vietnam, i don't see why they cannot do it since it is tradition, and its been done for a long time?

I do not support animal cruelty in the least. But i do support people being able to believe and act as they're raised.


Dee Battery

Re: Why do we still tolerate this? (Comes with a warning)
« Reply #18 on: October 04, 2012, 20:07:31 »
tbh you have no right to judge their culture just as they have no right to judge yours. Although it is very rare, some African tribes still engage in caniballism. Do I support eating other people? No. But should you respect their culture? Yes.


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Re: Why do we still tolerate this? (Comes with a warning)
« Reply #19 on: October 04, 2012, 20:27:54 »
As a human race we have to move on, there were lots of barbaric in the Uk, cock fighting, fox hunting are all what I can think of right now.

There are alternatives. 

I belive that no living creature shouldnt lose their life needlessly



Re: Why do we still tolerate this? (Comes with a warning)
« Reply #20 on: October 04, 2012, 20:39:58 »

I belive that no living creature shouldnt lose their life needlessly

I believe this too, but it's impossible for it to ever happen.

The saying for humans goes 'As long as there's man, there will be war'.


Offline Jmap

Re: Why do we still tolerate this? (Comes with a warning)
« Reply #21 on: October 04, 2012, 21:35:23 »
tbh you have no right to judge their culture just as they have no right to judge yours. Although it is very rare, some African tribes still engage in caniballism. Do I support eating other people? No. But should you respect their culture? Yes.

Very much agree with this statement. I believe that whilst it is cruel, it is part of their culture. I know many will hate me for saying this but it's how I feel :/...


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Re: Why do we still tolerate this? (Comes with a warning)
« Reply #22 on: October 04, 2012, 22:34:00 »
tbh you have no right to judge their culture just as they have no right to judge yours. Although it is very rare, some African tribes still engage in caniballism. Do I support eating other people? No. But should you respect their culture? Yes.

Very much agree with this statement. I believe that whilst it is cruel, it is part of their culture. I know many will hate me for saying this but it's how I feel :/...

No one will HATE anyone for having a different view to them.

This is why we have mature discussions.


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Re: Why do we still tolerate this? (Comes with a warning)
« Reply #23 on: October 05, 2012, 04:14:59 »
I don't see why you are making such a fuss about something that DOESN'T CONCERN YOU AT ALL. There are many British things, as an American I just don't understand. Just because something is different doesn't mean that it's wrong or immoral.

Having a few years of my childhood on a farm, more times than not my family has had to sell an animal that I was close with in order to help my family's economic state in order to preserve and help me and my 3 siblings. Yea it was awful to see something that you liked being taken to get slaughtered, but it was for the good of my family.

After a few days, I pretty much forgot about the animal and as I matured, I realized that it was actually a good thing to sell livestock because without it, my family would not have money, also, an animals life should NEVER, EVER, EVER come before the well-being of a human, especially ones that you are close to.

Back to the pig. In this case, NONE of these people miss it. In fact, the pig farmer would be HONORED that his livestock was used for an annual ritual. And the people killing the pig would be honored, as well. Slicing this live pig in half in public is like being publicly addressed by the president for these people.



Re: Why do we still tolerate this? (Comes with a warning)
« Reply #24 on: October 05, 2012, 14:04:50 »
i can see all sides :P
what i think the point is, is it can/is/will be seen as inhumane killing of an animal. and the suffering/scared fright of the pig before hand is of concern to a lot of people - eg free range eggs etc in the battery hen cages fiasco.
but yes its a tradition and it is part of their culture and that shudnt be ignored.


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Re: Why do we still tolerate this? (Comes with a warning)
« Reply #25 on: October 05, 2012, 17:02:37 »
I honestly do not think we can throw its their culture into this argument.

A lot of Countries have barbaric traditions from hundreds and thousands of years ago, but have realised that it is inhumane to continue with them.  This isn't a tribe in the Rain Forest this is a country where civilisation has arrived   :) 


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Re: Why do we still tolerate this? (Comes with a warning)
« Reply #26 on: October 05, 2012, 21:38:47 »
I honestly do not think we can throw its their culture into this argument.

A lot of Countries have barbaric traditions from hundreds and thousands of years ago, but have realised that it is inhumane to continue with them.  This isn't a tribe in the Rain Forest this is a country where civilisation has arrived   :)

ok. They do this because IT IS part of their culture. They don't do because it's fun or anything.

There is nothing wrong with treating animals "inhumane" because they aren't human. And if you treat animals like they are humans, that's just wrong. And btw. Vietnam is in the Rain forest and Vietnam isn't civilized.


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Re: Why do we still tolerate this? (Comes with a warning)
« Reply #27 on: December 11, 2012, 11:43:58 »
This topic turned into a debate on rituals

What are peoples opinion to this?

Villagers throw babies from temple roof

For 500 years, worshippers at a Muslim shrine in western India have continued the tradition -- a rite considered to bring good health and good luck to the children.

The infants land and bounce on a bed-sheet held taut by men 50 feet below, and are quickly passed through the crowd to their mothers.

Villagers say no babies have been injured during the ritual, which is practiced by Muslims and Hindus in Musti village in the district of Solapur, in the state of Maharashtra.

It also takes place elsewhere in the country, mostly in smaller villages, on special occasions.

Parents who want their infants to participate in the event first take a vow at the Baba Sheikh Umar Saheb Dargah, or temple. Villagers say the ritual is a way of giving thanks.

But critics want the practice banned, with many saying it's unsafe.

"The state has to interfere," said Sanal Edamaruku, founder and president of Rationalist International and the Indian Rationalist Association. The group supports secularism and freedom of expression



Re: Why do we still tolerate this? (Comes with a warning)
« Reply #28 on: December 11, 2012, 12:19:59 »
^^ In my opinion its just nuts but if its there traditon its up to them who are we to change it. All we can do is watch and hope they learn when one of them babies get killed.


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