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Offline Aghast

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What is your stance on abortion?
« on: September 25, 2012, 18:25:50 »
As many (idk) of you might know, we have an election coming up in the United States. One issue that is brought up a lot is the topic of abortion.

What is Abortion?

Abortion is known as the termination of an unwanted pregnancy. It is an option given to most mothers at the birthing stage, and is a very touchy issue in today's society. Most people are either Pro-Life or Pro Choice.

What is Pro-Life/Pro-Choice

Pro-Life is the name given to the people who are against abortion. Pro-Life simply means "for life". Many people, including myself, fall in this category and believe that abortion is wrong, and it should be done away with.

Now, I am Pro-Life for around 99.99% of the time. There are two cases in which I believe abortion should be used to terminate a pregnancy, and those are in cases of rape and incest.

Pro-Choice is the name given to people who are for abortion. This means that they agree with Roe v. Wade, which gives mothers the choice to terminate their pregnancy IF they want to. There are clinics around the world that give abortions.

Time hastens me, i need to leave study hall. What are your opinions on abortion? Are you Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?


Offline Winter

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Re: What is your stance on abortion?
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2012, 18:50:30 »
I'm pro-choice.

However, I think it's wrong if you purposely (having complete awareness and not being drunk, dazed or in a different state of mind) have unprotected sex with somebody and then have an abortion if you find out you're pregnant.


Offline Wintastical

Re: What is your stance on abortion?
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2012, 19:05:36 »
Kill it before it's born and turns into a Robb.



Re: What is your stance on abortion?
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2012, 19:08:20 »
Who are we to tell a person what they can and can't do in that situation? Many people become extremely ignorant with this subject and it angers me to no end.


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Re: What is your stance on abortion?
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2012, 19:09:17 »
I'm pro-choice.

However, I think it's wrong if you purposely (having complete awareness and not being drunk, dazed or in a different state of mind) have unprotected sex with somebody and then have an abortion if you find out you're pregnant.

I disagree with it being used as some kind of contraception, but if it's an unwanted pregnancy I think it's okay to terminate until the weeks where the heart is developed, and nervous system is working, but that's not until about5-6 months. At first it's just a group of cells, not a living organism.


Offline Joel

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Re: What is your stance on abortion?
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2012, 19:22:01 »
I'm pro-choice.

Personally I think that you should always have the option. I mean I agree with Winter's comment, but if that was enforced, because of the mother's choice to have unprotected sex (as silly as it was), that would mean the baby would be brought into this world regardless of the situation. What if the situation the mother was in wasn't suitable? I.e no fixed abode, no financial income or maybe the mother is just too young and isn't mature enough for a child. It happens these days.

That's the main reason I'm pro-choice. I can see why some people are against it, terminating a potential life, but still there are more situations than incest or rape where abortion should be allowed. It's unfair on the child to be brought into the world where it's life will be made difficult or even threatened.

Is it fair to bring a baby into a world that wont treat it as best it could?

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Offline Cam

Re: What is your stance on abortion?
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2012, 19:40:37 »
I'm pro-choice.

Personally I think that you should always have the option. I mean I agree with Winter's comment, but if that was enforced, because of the mother's choice to have unprotected sex (as silly as it was), that would mean the baby would be brought into this world regardless of the situation. What if the situation the mother was in wasn't suitable? I.e no fixed abode, no financial income or maybe the mother is just too young and isn't mature enough for a child. It happens these days.

That's the main reason I'm pro-choice. I can see why some people are against it, terminating a potential life, but still there are more situations than incest or rape where abortion should be allowed. It's unfair on the child to be brought into the world where it's life will be made difficult or even threatened.

Is it fair to bring a baby into a world that wont treat it as best it could?

Totally agreed.
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Offline Emma

Re: What is your stance on abortion?
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2012, 19:42:30 »
i'm pro choice


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Re: What is your stance on abortion?
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2012, 19:49:10 »
i'm pro choice

Looks like most are thank godd!


Offline Winter

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Re: What is your stance on abortion?
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2012, 20:08:30 »
I'm pro-choice.

Personally I think that you should always have the option. I mean I agree with Winter's comment, but if that was enforced, because of the mother's choice to have unprotected sex (as silly as it was), that would mean the baby would be brought into this world regardless of the situation. What if the situation the mother was in wasn't suitable? I.e no fixed abode, no financial income or maybe the mother is just too young and isn't mature enough for a child. It happens these days.

That's the main reason I'm pro-choice. I can see why some people are against it, terminating a potential life, but still there are more situations than incest or rape where abortion should be allowed. It's unfair on the child to be brought into the world where it's life will be made difficult or even threatened.

Is it fair to bring a baby into a world that wont treat it as best it could?

I completely agree with what you've said. I was trying to put into words what you have just said but I guess it came across differently.


Offline Tommykillme

Re: What is your stance on abortion?
« Reply #10 on: September 25, 2012, 20:10:52 »
I am totally against it.

Not being ready or not wanting is no excuse. If you are "mature" enough to be doing that sort of stuff then you have to deal with what happens.


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Re: What is your stance on abortion?
« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2012, 20:15:33 »
But it's just a group of cells, not even a baby at that stage. By the time it has developed into one, its illegal to terminate anyway. It's not an excuse but there's no point bringing up a family if you can't guarantee a good life for your child.



Re: What is your stance on abortion?
« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2012, 20:53:45 »
I''m not against it or in favour of it!

Purely because as we are the age where sex is becoming a pleasure we have to take responsibility for being safe. It's not right to let a baby be born into a family in which won't be able to fund it or give it a substantial life. But this surely agrees with abortion - no because we have the responsibility so if it is in the form of 'oh, well I was drunk and had a one night fling and we both forgot protection' therefore it's your mistake and you deserve to have to carry this life in you and then be the mother as otherwise you are just murdering life.

But life doesn't start until we are born? Why's that, just because we are not born does not mean we are not alive. In a foetus we are growing, our heart is beating and we have a soul when we are a group of cells which form a foetus.

Therefore, I believe that abortion should not be the case if you are stupid enough to be careless and become pregnant.

Only times I belive it is right is if you are the victim of rape, the childs laugh is in danger or the mothers life is in danger.

'Put it on, Before you get it on'
'Don't be silly, Wrap you're willy'

Just my warnings ;)



Offline Aghast

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Re: What is your stance on abortion?
« Reply #13 on: September 25, 2012, 21:07:57 »
I'm going to voice my opinion.
I embrace the fact that parents get to choose if they want the pregnancy or not. But if they are not suitable parents, putting a baby up for adoption is the better way to go. If you are mature enough to have a baby (as in you are fully developed hormonally), then you should be MATURE enough to make sure that you are ready to have a baby. For this reason, i am pro-life.

In cases of rape and incest, i am pro-choice. No parent, no matter how old, should EVER have to go through that, and if they do, it takes a serious emotional toll on the family.


Offline Emma

Re: What is your stance on abortion?
« Reply #14 on: September 26, 2012, 02:16:16 »
In cases of rape and incest, i am pro-choice. No parent, no matter how old, should EVER have to go through that, and if they do, it takes a serious emotional toll on the family.

The problem there is that rape can happen inside a marriage, it's not all dark alleyways, how do you decide which women can choose and which just need to get on with it and give birth.

Knowing you are not ready to have a child but having to give birth then facing the possibility of giving the kid away, that can destroy a woman. You may have created a life but was it worth the destruction of another?


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