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I'm pro-choice. However, I think it's wrong if you purposely (having complete awareness and not being drunk, dazed or in a different state of mind) have unprotected sex with somebody and then have an abortion if you find out you're pregnant.
I'm pro-choice. Personally I think that you should always have the option. I mean I agree with Winter's comment, but if that was enforced, because of the mother's choice to have unprotected sex (as silly as it was), that would mean the baby would be brought into this world regardless of the situation. What if the situation the mother was in wasn't suitable? I.e no fixed abode, no financial income or maybe the mother is just too young and isn't mature enough for a child. It happens these days. That's the main reason I'm pro-choice. I can see why some people are against it, terminating a potential life, but still there are more situations than incest or rape where abortion should be allowed. It's unfair on the child to be brought into the world where it's life will be made difficult or even threatened. Is it fair to bring a baby into a world that wont treat it as best it could?
i'm pro choice
In cases of rape and incest, i am pro-choice. No parent, no matter how old, should EVER have to go through that, and if they do, it takes a serious emotional toll on the family.