I'm unable to watch the video as I have no sound available at the moment, but i'll give my views on twitch.
Twitch to me personally is like television, I watch it alot because it entertains me, in the same way that soaps such as emmerdale entertain the nation. It's enjoyable usually because you have an entertaining streamer, or one who is good at the game you are watching. For example, I watch high level dota 2 streamers as it helps me to improve on my gameplay, whereas a streamer such as b0aty for runescape provides entertaining streams through certain challenges, which is fun to watch as I think it offers a different view of runescape (which is what he plays).
I think it is good as people love gaming, so for this reason it is fun in itself to watch somebody playing the game. It also offers things such as if a new game has come out, you can watch somebody playing it if you don't wish/can't afford to buy it, or if you want to see game footage before making a decision on whether to buy it. My only hope is google doesn't muck twitch up