Clan Forum => Debates => Debates archive => Topic started by: Chrissie on September 24, 2011, 15:50:44
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I really liked that Abbie said on Facebook
"The earthquake wasn't what did the damage - it was the tsunami.
Regardless though, that is so sad yet beautiful. The son will grow up without his Mother but he'll know that his Mother loved him dearly because she sacrificed her life to save his. ??"
Awwww that amazing! <3
That's true love right there.
It's unfortunate that the child will never know his mother, but will he? only as the most respected and most brave woman in the whole of the world maybe, she did right and she succeeded in protecting her son, as a mother would.
This was beautiful but so sad! D:
Epic. :o
Damn, brings a tear to my eye.