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Offline Noxarion

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Weekly Discussions - League of Fucking Rage [Week 3]
« on: September 28, 2014, 22:35:24 »
Most of us play or played League of Legends so most of us will know the game and what it's about and for the people who don't I'll explain it shortly before I get to the point of this weeks discussion.

(skip this part if you know the game)
In league of legends you play a certain champion in a team with 4 other people against a team with an equal amount of players, your 'goal' in the game is to destroy the enemy's nexus (or enemy's base if you want to keep it simple). The game is split into 3 lanes and the jungle in between these lanes, the 5 people of your team normaly split between these 3 lanes and the jungler so you get: "A Toplane - A Jungler - A Midlaner and an AD and a Support on the bottom lane). All lanes have 2 turrets infront of the base that the laner needs to protect while trying to kill the opposing laner and kill the little minions that spawn at the base every few seconds. If you kill one of the little minions/ a jungle camp/ an enemy player/ or one of the 2 boss monsters (Dragon or Baron Nashor) you get gold and with that gold you can buy items that makes you stronger.

As you can see from the goals of the game it's a team based game 5 vs 5 (atleast in the most played map, but im not going into the other maps because the 5 v 5 one makes the point clear) but you can still solo carry if you're good enough or if your enemy dies to you alot, however 90% of the times you win (or lose) as 5 not as 1 just like in other sports like Football or basketball. The game has it's own system to match people of equal skill level or more basicly MMR (Match Making Rank) these are invisable points you get or lose after every game. The system that league uses is called ELO-System and this system got made for chess, a 1 v 1 sport, this means that on times the ELO-System becomes unfair towards players but the sad part is that there simply isn't a better system yet. This is because the ELO system sees 1 team as 1 player so even if you do really well but still lose you lose MMR and get lowered in the rankings.

Now, I'm not here to whine about the system and all that I'm sure plenty people already did but I'm here to discuss the aspect that is (in)famous in league of legends. The anger, the rage, THE I WANT TO BREAK SOMEONES NECK aspect of the game. There is no game that makes you rage as hard as league of legends.
This has multiple causes:
1. Some people do really well but then the team throws the game and end up losing.
2. Some people do really shit, get annoyed by it and rage at their team. (this might or might not be me)
5. Some people are satanic.
6. Why are all these female champions so slutty dressed *cough* totaly not about the week 2 discussion *cough*

I rage on this game aswell on times and what happens then is what the League community calls 'going on tilt' this means that instead of yourself you let your emotions make the moves and this will end in a lose (99% of the time). Ofcourse when reading this it's easy to say well why don't you just quit the game ? Well it's easy to say just not so easily done. The feeling after you outplayed your opponent or even the whole enemy team no other game can give you that type of feeling it's a 'nerd-boner' so to say. And the game is really addictive because of that.

So this weeks discussion, how can you stop your negative emotions from controlling yourself ? (This doesnt have to be for league it can be for work or school or anything but league was a good example)

- Jermaine

Week 2: http://consentus.co.uk/debates/weekly-discussions-are-girls-sex-objects-(week-2)
Week 4: http://consentus.co.uk/debates/weekly-discussion-time-for-music-(week-4)


Offline Matty

Re: Weekly Discussions - League of Fucking Rage [Week 3]
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2014, 14:17:17 »
Whats league of legends?

Sounds silly


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Re: Weekly Discussions - League of Fucking Rage [Week 3]
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2014, 15:30:13 »
I've never played it and don't think I ever will. It was bad enough dging with random people in rs who raged, so it doesn't seem like the type of game I'd enjoy. I like to play for fun and relaxation
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Re: Weekly Discussions - League of Fucking Rage [Week 3]
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2014, 16:17:52 »
tried league once with someone in my class. I don't like it at all, the fact you gotta commit to it for 40 mins or more for a game is not for me, I enjoy to go afk when I feel like doing other things, and it's a very cancerous community due to all the rage. It's competitive so I guess it's good if you want a career out of gaming
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Probably burnt out atm

Casual player.


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Re: Weekly Discussions - League of Fucking Rage [Week 3]
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2014, 18:45:07 »
I wish all these companies would encourage respect to one another not produce hate.


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Re: Weekly Discussions - League of Fucking Rage [Week 3]
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2014, 19:12:25 »
I think you all miss the point, it's not about league but about how negative emotions can cloud your vision.

And lilly Riot does alot against the toxic people of league of legends and even has multiple videos about teamplay. But there is only so much you can do as a company.


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Re: Weekly Discussions - League of Fucking Rage [Week 3]
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2014, 19:28:56 »
I still say all these big gaming companies should be held more responsible


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Re: Weekly Discussions - League of Fucking Rage [Week 3]
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2014, 20:10:33 »
Hmm I disagree, they can't do more than they are already doing they can't ban everyone from the game and they already changed the rules for the use of the chat. They already banned and fined some pro players for being toxic to give an example to the others that play the game. They are doing everything in their power the only other option would be to make certain 'player mods' like runescape has but that would be a horrible idea since everyone has certain periods where nothing goes right and you get angry. Every PvP game especialy with teams deals with human emotions like anger, that's just how it is.


Offline Greg

Re: Weekly Discussions - League of Fucking Rage [Week 3]
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2014, 21:56:28 »
Don't take anything too seriously.

I just laugh everything off.


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Re: Weekly Discussions - League of Fucking Rage [Week 3]
« Reply #9 on: September 30, 2014, 00:18:25 »
I play a few games almost every day and I almost always play ranked. Normally I'm not to concerned with losing and just deal with the game, but every now and then (right now) I'll lose a ton of games in a row, even ARAM games (5v5 in one lane, for those that don't know) I'll start to rage. Not only do I get upset in game, it also pisses me off in real life and affects how I am. There are so many people though that get really pissed, when I'm either not playing my best, or am just being out played. I try to play my best, and sometimes my best is not to engage, and then people rage for just going in and I don't follow because I don't think we can win.

I feel you on the wanting to outplay. For a while I was doing really well as Shaco (I still have a good record with him, like 7-3 or something with a 6/3 kd). And those few games where I get to play Morgana mid are the best, being able to dominate an enemy going in thinking they'll get a kill and walking away with a few hp. It's hard to leave the community, but the best thing to do it just ignore it mostly. Sometimes you can't help it though.


Offline Happi

Re: Weekly Discussions - League of Fucking Rage [Week 3]
« Reply #10 on: September 30, 2014, 00:35:04 »
I played it when i went away from rs in 2013, after around 4 months I rage quited after 11 losses in a row and gave the account away on a stream.
I started playing again on a fresh account (winning against new players didn't made me rage) after around 2 months I started to rage again so I decided to stop playing it haven't touched that game in 6 months or more now, and am much better away from it.
At some points I was so nervous my hands were shaking and I couldn't even click properly.

My brother played and still does, he doesn't rage at all he takes the game with a relaxed mood or something and doesn't seem to care if his team plays badly or if he can't play as good as he wishes, I tried to have that mentality but I would always end up raging after two or three losses in a row, I broke two chairs and one lamp also hurt my fists plenty of times by punching the walls.

I hated to be losing while the other team was trash talking at my team on the chat and bragging themselves like they are better than us because they are winning one game, players humiliating and insulting each others it would always get me out of my mind.

Also when players on your team start to insulting each others because one of them did a mistake and then the player insulting doesn't try to help the other just insults because of a losing lane or jungler not doing good enough ganks etc.

I played mostly jungle and it was painful without team work, example the game is starting I am on the blue buff river entrance and I see three players invading my team instead of helping me just stays still watching them taking my buff and perhaps even killing me, and after dying right on the start of the game as a jungler my team complains that I am not ganking at whatever minutes you are supposed to hit lvl 6 while the other jungler is just wiping lanes getting fed up.
Plenty of games come up to my mind where the lack of team work led to losing games which led to rages.

I did mistakes on many games and also raged at my own mistakes, but the rage didn't led to playing better at all I would always end up getting tunnel vision and lose fights because of that, I was so focused on killing some enemy or getting a dragon/baron that I wouldn't see anything that was happening around me and would end up death without even knowing why because I was so focused in doing right, whatever I did wrong last time that I wouldn't see anything else on the screen.

Happily away from that game for like 6 months and no intentions to ever play it again, on rs I can get home play in a relaxing mood and enjoy it while on league I'd get home from Uni thinking lets have some fun on league and would end up in a worst mood than before the game.

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Re: Weekly Discussions - League of Fucking Rage [Week 3]
« Reply #11 on: September 30, 2014, 02:51:17 »
I've watched a buddy play it, but didn't really get the appeal. I doubt I'll ever have a reason to try it.


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Re: Weekly Discussions - League of Fucking Rage [Week 3]
« Reply #12 on: September 30, 2014, 08:17:32 »
To me it just seems like a game to play for fun but that can quickly turn to frustration and then rage.. Which always leads to a mass of anger and for that reason I refuse to play!!

Sounds a silly comparison but when call of duty 4 was all the rage online it was possibly the most fun I've ever had but also the most annoying and angry I've ever been lol..


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Re: Weekly Discussions - League of Fucking Rage [Week 3]
« Reply #13 on: September 30, 2014, 10:41:41 »
I've never played LoL but I am familiar with that rage.

I played a lot of competitive Call of Duty growing up and I can tell you the amount of controllers, discs and even an xbox I've broken throughout my time on there was ridiculous. I wouldn't say I have trouble controlling my anger but I'm not shy when I'm pissed off and this wasn't a good match for me. I was a good player but sometimes (after long stretchs or when you're tired) you get the odd player that will win despite the fact they clearly aren't as good. This was when I'd lose my head most, it's like you said Nox, the feeling of being outplayed is something you can't settle on. It's like you need to be back to prove a point.

Luckily they released the new CoD last year and I didn't like it and quit :P

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Re: Weekly Discussions - League of Fucking Rage [Week 3]
« Reply #14 on: September 30, 2014, 14:16:24 »
Yea exactly, on games like League and COD you want to prove that you are better than the people you're playing against. And if you get outplayed it can get so frustrating.

I do wonder, would we have enough people that would want to make a 5 man ranked team on EUW..


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