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Offline maraderkholm

Re: Weekly Discussions - Are girls sex objects ? [week 2]
« Reply #15 on: September 24, 2014, 06:53:59 »
http://www.motherjones.com/mixed-media/2014/09/watch-john-oliver-explain-just-how-mind-boggling-ridiculous-beauty-pageants-are - I think women should be able to wear whatever we want to without it being an ok to objectionable behavior.  It is each of our responsibility to control our behavior regardless of outside influences.  Women should be able to breastfeed in public.  Women should not constantly have to worry how the way we walk, talk, or dress is seen.  There is a girl missing in the U.S.  right now and more talk is on how she decided to walk a short distance home alone, what she was wearing, what her behavior was instead of the fact that she is missing and whoever knows what happened is at fault - not the poor girl.


Offline maraderkholm

Re: Weekly Discussions - Are girls sex objects ? [week 2]
« Reply #16 on: September 24, 2014, 06:58:35 »
I think that some women need to respect themselves as well.  Too many women use their sexuality to get their own way and trap men.

In my opinion if a woman wants to take her clothes off, sleep with a man or perform some sex act for vast amounts of money then why not?  If that's how they choose to earn a living then so be it.  As long it is their choice and not another persons.  I am sure that some of these women earn more in a week than I do in a year. 

I worked in a battered women's shelter and I counsel high school students a lot.  I think you have some who make choices and some who don't see choices.  I think you are right that self respect is key for men and women - but we also have to respect others.  A lot of that comes from education and having a supportive family of some sort.  And then people should be free to make good and bad choices.  When you objectify someone - you are literally taking away their humanity.


Offline maraderkholm

Re: Weekly Discussions - Are girls sex objects ? [week 2]
« Reply #17 on: September 24, 2014, 07:25:59 »
= good poem #yesallwomen


Offline Noxarion

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Re: Weekly Discussions - Are girls sex objects ? [week 2]
« Reply #18 on: September 24, 2014, 20:22:21 »
Hmm  I agree that if a girl wears 'sexy' clothing it doesn't mean that she wants to have sex with someone, but that's a part of the problem that in the mindset of people sexy clothing means you're a whore.


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Re: Weekly Discussions - Are girls sex objects ? [week 2]
« Reply #20 on: September 24, 2014, 22:05:22 »
I'd be wary about legitimizing the argument about promiscuous clothing, because essentially it is only a conservative norm imposed by our culture, and I think it's something that we need to trascend. Think about it. If you see a naked girl playing at the beach, it's completely normal in our society (assuming she's fairly young), but if she's suddenly wearing a short skirt or whatever, she's inviting sexual thoughts? Not among most guys, I wager, but society tries to project that idea onto us (it would be very frowned upon to let the girl dress like that). These are the same type of norms that follow us through life. An example that isn't age specific is wearing a bikini at the beach, which is fine, but wearing it in the city? Not so much. Even replacing the bikini with regular underwear is a big no-no. Clothes don't objectify girls, ideas do.
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Offline maraderkholm

Re: Weekly Discussions - Are girls sex objects ? [week 2]
« Reply #21 on: September 24, 2014, 22:16:40 »
I agree 100% - a lot of the high school girls I know are not dressing to impress boys.  A lot of times they are trying to find themselves and are expressing what they like.  One of the smartest, sweetest girls I know wears crazy hair, clothing, and jewelry but she is very artistic and I think she is dressing for herself - I don't think other people should be judging her just based on what she wears.  Most people are shocked when they find out how bright and thoughtful she is.  To be fair, I have known her since preschool (she was in my oldest son's class) but it amazes me how nasty people can be when she is just a differently dressed person.


Offline Minin Cape T

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Re: Weekly Discussions - Are girls sex objects ? [week 2]
« Reply #22 on: September 24, 2014, 22:19:23 »
I'd be wary about legitimizing the argument about promiscuous clothing, because essentially it is only a conservative norm imposed by our culture, and I think it's something that we need to trascend. Think about it, if you see a naked girl playing on the beach, it's completely normal in our society (assuming she's fairly young), but if she's suddenly wearing a short skirt or whatever, she's inviting sexual thoughts? Not among most guys, I wager, but society tries to project that idea onto us (it would be very frowned upon to let the girl dress like that). These are the same type of norms that follow us through life. An example that isn't age specific is wearing a bikini at the beach, which is fine, but wearing it in the city? Not so much. Even replacing the bikini with regular underwear is a big no-no. Clothes don't objectify girls, ideas do.
So true.
There's an organization in USA called GoTopless that encourages peaceful protests by not wearing shirts (ya no shit...) bc it's taboo for girls to walk around topless but not against the law. Where I live in new jersey no one can walk around shirtless, regardless of gender but in nyc they have rallies and stuff weekly it seems.
It's pretty cool


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Re: Weekly Discussions - Are girls sex objects ? [week 2]
« Reply #23 on: September 24, 2014, 22:25:59 »
I agree 100% - a lot of the high school girls I know are not dressing to impress boys.  A lot of times they are trying to find themselves and are expressing what they like.  One of the smartest, sweetest girls I know wears crazy hair, clothing, and jewelry but she is very artistic and I think she is dressing for herself - I don't think other people should be judging her just based on what she wears.  Most people are shocked when they find out how bright and thoughtful she is.  To be fair, I have known her since preschool (she was in my oldest son's class) but it amazes me how nasty people can be when she is just a differently dressed person.
It's easy to judge people off what they look like.  Especially if they don't want to take the time to get to know the person bc their peers would think less of them. It's harsh but true
And ofc expressing yourself in a positive way is a good thing. Everyone will realize that eventually.


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Re: Weekly Discussions - Are girls sex objects ? [week 2]
« Reply #24 on: September 25, 2014, 00:27:06 »
Indeed, first impressions count really heavy for humans if we say it doesn't. I think the most important thing we should learn the children is that clothes don't say alot, the only reason that humans started to wear clothes is for protection in the modern society that changed.


Offline Emma

Re: Weekly Discussions - Are girls sex objects ? [week 2]
« Reply #25 on: September 25, 2014, 09:59:18 »
I'd be wary about legitimizing the argument about promiscuous clothing, because essentially it is only a conservative norm imposed by our culture, and I think it's something that we need to trascend. Think about it. If you see a naked girl playing at the beach, it's completely normal in our society (assuming she's fairly young), but if she's suddenly wearing a short skirt or whatever, she's inviting sexual thoughts? Not among most guys, I wager, but society tries to project that idea onto us (it would be very frowned upon to let the girl dress like that). These are the same type of norms that follow us through life. An example that isn't age specific is wearing a bikini at the beach, which is fine, but wearing it in the city? Not so much. Even replacing the bikini with regular underwear is a big no-no. Clothes don't objectify girls, ideas do.

I love you sometimes Red. I hope you know that.


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Re: Weekly Discussions - Are girls sex objects ? [week 2]
« Reply #26 on: September 25, 2014, 10:53:47 »
I'd be wary about legitimizing the argument about promiscuous clothing, because essentially it is only a conservative norm imposed by our culture, and I think it's something that we need to trascend. Think about it. If you see a naked girl playing at the beach, it's completely normal in our society (assuming she's fairly young), but if she's suddenly wearing a short skirt or whatever, she's inviting sexual thoughts? Not among most guys, I wager, but society tries to project that idea onto us (it would be very frowned upon to let the girl dress like that). These are the same type of norms that follow us through life. An example that isn't age specific is wearing a bikini at the beach, which is fine, but wearing it in the city? Not so much. Even replacing the bikini with regular underwear is a big no-no. Clothes don't objectify girls, ideas do.

This just sums it up for me. No they are not sex objects BUT say for instance either of you decide not to have a relationship (romantic anyway) then you technically would be using each other as sex objects? And this is fine but it's when its agreed mutually.


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Re: Weekly Discussions - Are girls sex objects ? [week 2]
« Reply #27 on: September 25, 2014, 12:17:37 »
When you agree on a "friends with benefits" type relation than it's basicly not a problem cause you both agreed with it, and I agree with red that the modern idea's causes this problem.


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Re: Weekly Discussions - Are girls sex objects ? [week 2]
« Reply #28 on: September 25, 2014, 18:37:25 »
While I agree that the sexualisation of women everywhere I look is disgusting, you can easily say the same for men. Look at all the cologne or hollister or whatever it is ads. When do you see anyone but someone who's got a six-pack and a great jaw line etc. in those?

Now this is not to say that male sexualisation is on the same level as female, because it is no where near the same level but making it out to be a female-only problem is definitely not the case.

Having said that, I think you have to blame the media. There's so much hype around how women dress, how smooth their skin is and their "perfect" make-up, it's hard not to be pressured into seeing women as nothing but sex objects. I mean I can't say I haven't had conversations with friends about girls "examining" women like nothing more then an object and I know it's wrong, but on the same note, I wouldn't take any of them seriously about it. To give you an example, last year we had a non-uniform say in school where we were allowed to come to school dressed in whatever clothes we want, out of the 106 girls in my yeargroup, only 3 didn't have leggings or a short-skirt barely covering the top half of their thighs and low-cut tops to show off their clevege. How can those women claim that men view them as nothing more then sex objects when they dress like that? They could have come in dressed in tracksuits or jeans, instead they chose clothes that objectify them and degrade them to nothing more then sex objects.

To conclude, I do not condone the viewing of women as sex objects, but at the same time, women should not blame us males solely and  quite frankly, dress appropriately.


Offline Minin Cape T

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Re: Weekly Discussions - Are girls sex objects ? [week 2]
« Reply #29 on: September 25, 2014, 19:04:03 »
While I agree that the sexualisation of women everywhere I look is disgusting, you can easily say the same for men. Look at all the cologne or hollister or whatever it is ads. When do you see anyone but someone who's got a six-pack and a great jaw line etc. in those?

Now this is not to say that male sexualisation is on the same level as female, because it is no where near the same level but making it out to be a female-only problem is definitely not the case.

Having said that, I think you have to blame the media. There's so much hype around how women dress, how smooth their skin is and their "perfect" make-up, it's hard not to be pressured into seeing women as nothing but sex objects. I mean I can't say I haven't had conversations with friends about girls "examining" women like nothing more then an object and I know it's wrong, but on the same note, I wouldn't take any of them seriously about it. To give you an example, last year we had a non-uniform say in school where we were allowed to come to school dressed in whatever clothes we want, out of the 106 girls in my yeargroup, only 3 didn't have leggings or a short-skirt barely covering the top half of their thighs and low-cut tops to show off their clevege. How can those women claim that men view them as nothing more then sex objects when they dress like that? They could have come in dressed in tracksuits or jeans, instead they chose clothes that objectify them and degrade them to nothing more then sex objects.

To conclude, I do not condone the viewing of women as sex objects, but at the same time, women should not blame us males solely and  quite frankly, dress appropriately.
but what is appropriate? Everyone is allowed to express themselves in a peaceful way and clothing has been a way of expression since forever.
Wearing/not wearing clothes isn't the source of the problem. It's our thoughts/fellings.

If you introduced someone wearing revealing clothing and someone wearing not revealing clothing to an alien or whatever. Someone with no exposure to our culture, they wouldn't think of either as a sexual object.

The only reason humans think like that is because  we were raised in a society that thinks like that.


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