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Offline Wintastical

Under what circumstances would you kill?
« on: November 09, 2011, 06:43:15 »
Something I've been thinking about lately. 

I'll wait before I decide whether or not I want to post my reply.

Maybe you wouldn't kill under any circumstances.  Maybe you'd kill if your family was in danger.  I'm curious to hear your thoughts.


Offline Wintastical

Re: Under what circumstances would you kill?
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2011, 07:17:07 »
That's about the same answer for me, but when you think about it, it comes back to the same arguments as the death penalty.

Should someone's entire life's work be wasted because of one mistake?  Someone could come at my family but be the nicest person in the world otherwise.  Work every day at soup kitchens, donate every dollar they've ever made to charity, but none of that would be going through my head at the time. 


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Re: Under what circumstances would you kill?
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2011, 07:17:54 »
I dont think it is as cut and dried as hurt my family, and also you have to think of the consequences for the family you have left.

If anyone deliberately killed, tortured abused, raped my family then maybe killing would be in my thoughts.

Things have happened to me in my past where I have considered murder as my only option, I didnt do this, but ask me if I had the chance to kill this person and get away with it, then my answer would be witout a second thought would be yes!


Offline Winter

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Re: Under what circumstances would you kill?
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2011, 12:53:53 »
I dont think it is as cut and dried as hurt my family, and also you have to think of the consequences for the family you have left.

If anyone deliberately killed, tortured abused, raped my family then maybe killing would be in my thoughts.

Things have happened to me in my past where I have considered murder as my only option, I didnt do this, but ask me if I had the chance to kill this person and get away with it, then my answer would be witout a second thought would be yes!

Well said, Lilly.

My opinion is pretty much the same.



Re: Under what circumstances would you kill?
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2011, 13:50:14 »
If I could I'd try to slice it without going THAT far. I think I've become a bit too desensitized to make that decision without being swayed. I think I'd have to be in the moment to know whether I would or wouldn't, whereas now is say yes for sure. Again, a bit to desensitized. Going back to your main question, harming someone in general when I'm around (severe harming of someone who's defenseless) would I guess warrant it, as well as hurting family and the other things people mentioned. I'll say it again though; I wouldn't know until the there and then



Re: Under what circumstances would you kill?
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2011, 15:57:01 »
I wish that I could say I would kill to protect my family or to get some sort of justice/closure for someone who did something horrible to my family, or maybe even some of my close friends, but I don't think that I could bring myself to do something. Just being honest  :(



Re: Under what circumstances would you kill?
« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2011, 18:09:56 »
I already kill people.

On the rap battle thread.

with my words.



Re: Under what circumstances would you kill?
« Reply #7 on: November 10, 2011, 18:16:47 »
I already kill people.

On the rap battle thread.

with my words.

Pretty much what Robb said. I think nearly everyone could kill given the right circumstance. 3 people have taken you hostage and your only way to survive is to pick up the gun they've left near you and shoot them all? I'm sure I could. It would mentally scar me, but I'm sure 99% of us could.

Here's something interesting, say you were on a sinking ship and the only way to escape before drowning was to climb all over people from the age of 5-70, shove push and walk all over them to reach the small hole to freedom, would you?

(That actually happened on a Spanish ship that failed to de-dock and ended up sinking before it even moved. Can't remember the name of it.


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