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Offline Cool like Redtunnel

Donald Trump says he will close down the US government if necessary to build his wall along the Mexico border.
The president told supporters at a "Make America Great Again" rally in Phoenix, Arizona, that the opposition Democrats were being "obstructionist".

During the 80-minute speech, he also took aim at the media, blaming them for giving far right groups "a platform".

But he selectively quoted his initial response to violence at a far-right rally that left one woman dead.

He omitted the much-criticised claim that "many sides" had to shoulder the blame for violence in Charlottesville, Virginia.

What did he say about the wall?
President Trump wants Congress to finance his controversial plan to build a "big, beautiful" wall along the United States' border with Mexico to keep out illegal immigrants.

But Republicans will need the support of Democrats to secure funding for the wall in a government spending bill, which they are unlikely to get.

In his speech, Mr Trump said the Democrats were "putting all of America's safety at risk" by opposing the wall. He said immigration officers who worked in the area said it was "vital" to stem the flow of illegal immigrants.


Offline Mavi

What websites are you even getting these from   #-o   


Offline Cool like Redtunnel

What websites are you even getting these from   #-o

BBC of course ;)



Offline Mavi

What websites are you even getting these from   #-o

BBC of course ;)


Oh god it all makes sense now. I don't even think they watch speeches.  ???


Offline Mavi

That BBC article tho

During the 80-minute speech, he also took aim at the media, blaming them for giving far right groups "a platform".

His full quote is "Not only does the media give a platform to hate groups but the media turns a blind eye to the gang violence of our streets, the failures of our public school, the destruction of our wealth at the hands of the terrible terrible trade deals made by politicians that should have never been allowed to be politicians, and the unaccountable hostility against our incredible police who work so hard in a dangerous job." Atleast they minimized how badly he bashed CNN :^)

He said that, if it came to it, he would risk a government shutdown - which is what happens when legislation funding the federal government cannot be passed by Congress and non-essential services stop. This will happen on 1 October if a bill cannot be agreed.
"Now the obstructionist Democrats would like us not to do it, but believe me if we have to close down our government, we are building that wall," Mr Trump said, adding that "the American people voted for immigration control".

Holy shit the one sided nature of this article hurts my brain

He accused "truly dishonest people in the media and the fake media" of "trying to take away our history and heritage" because, he said, they "don't like our country".

Its funny that an article that "bashes" Trump for not putting out full quotes does the same..

It also doesnt even mention that he commented about lowering taxes and things like North Korea are actual side notes.

Holy reeee I cant handle it.


Offline Cool like Redtunnel

What websites are you even getting these from   #-o

BBC of course ;)


Oh god it all makes sense now. I don't even think they watch speeches.  ???

Whuuut? Sure they do ;) Other news sources have also cited nearly the same thing as BBC.


Just some to name, I don't really use them tbh. What sites do you use, I'll take a gander ;)


Offline Mavi

What websites are you even getting these from   #-o

BBC of course ;)


Oh god it all makes sense now. I don't even think they watch speeches.  ???

Whuuut? Sure they do ;) Other news sources have also cited nearly the same thing as BBC.


Just some to name, I don't really use them tbh. What sites do you use, I'll take a gander ;)

I'll watch CNN and Fox like everyone else in America to get the news, but I don't believe those biased news fks at all. I usually research things on my own time to find out the truth.

For example that article talks about how Trump would shut down the government to build the wall but what they don't explain is a government shutdown is actually a somewhat common function of the executive office to force opposing parties to come to an agreement. It has happened under Obama, Bush, Clinton, and Reagan. Articles and papers like that tend to take advantage of unknowing people.

Also how the article said "The president told supporters at a "Make America Great Again" rally in Phoenix, Arizona, that the opposition Democrats were being "obstructionist"."
In which he was referring to how the Democrats are slowing down any progress towards voting in bills with philosophies like "Resist" or the use of filibusters. He wants a majority vote system in place so that in his words governments can actually get things done.


Offline Powerless

I want to debate and get involved on these political topics but Mav is the only other that really posts on them and I already know where him and I stand. We fundamentally disagree on just about everything.


Offline Mavi

I want to debate and get involved on these political topics but Mav is the only other that really posts on them and I already know where him and I stand. We fundamentally disagree on just about everything.

I mean we only had half of a debate. You dont know we disagree on just about everything. Plus there's no real debate here, the media is mostly biased beyond belief for both the left or the right. :^)


Offline Cool like Redtunnel

I want to debate and get involved on these political topics but Mav is the only other that really posts on them and I already know where him and I stand. We fundamentally disagree on just about everything.

I'd love to participate, but to be quite frank, I don't think I have a great knowledge of American politics, or politics in general tbh.

It's great to see you both debate though - That's why I post these, and hopefully others will join in.

For example that article talks about how Trump would shut down the government to build the wall but what they don't explain is a government shutdown is actually a somewhat common function of the executive office to force opposing parties to come to an agreement. It has happened under Obama, Bush, Clinton, and Reagan. Articles and papers like that tend to take advantage of unknowing people.
For example, Mavi said the following quote above, I don't know if it's accurate, but if it is true, then I had no knowledge of it.

Of course, I may have found out if I had researched it, but as a Brit, I don't think it's something I need to worry about.

However, off topic to this post and something that we could potentially debate about, would be how silly of an idea a wall is.

IIRC, a high percentage of illegals are flown into America and thus rendering the wall useless unless it's nearly 40,000 feet tall.


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Re: Trump says he is willing to 'close government' to build Mexico wall
« Reply #10 on: August 23, 2017, 20:28:54 »
I agree with mini, I really have little knowledge of these subjects, I have my opinions based on what I read and hear, but I dont live them xxx


Offline Mavi

Re: Trump says he is willing to 'close government' to build Mexico wall
« Reply #11 on: August 23, 2017, 22:20:51 »
Mini for a lot of people who argue against the wall, the percentage of illegal immigrants it would stop or doesn't stop is mostly irrelevant.
It's less about the politics of regulating a border for some and more about it being racist. I mean there are some people who just want open borders and let anyone and everyone in. also yeah a giant wall sounds silly thinking about it but China did it once :P

Also to be specific about the government shutdown thing

Under the separation of powers created by the United States Constitution, the United States Congress has the sole power of the purse and responsibility for appropriating government funds. The appropriations bills must start in the House of Representatives and then be approved by the Senate, which upon passage of a final version by both houses then go to the President of the United States. If the President signs or ignores the bills, they become law. If the President vetoes the bills, they go back to Congress, where the veto can be overridden by a two-thirds vote. Government shutdowns tend to occur when the President and one or both of the chambers of Congress are unable to resolve disagreements over budget allocations before the existing budget cycle ends.

There you go


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