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The Way Things Are, or Were?
« on: February 27, 2013, 17:30:03 »
In psychology today, the changes of previous to modern society rules and norms, definitions and acceptabilities were explored and highlighted, and it got me thinking.

How far do you think, as a society we have grown?

For example, if you were homosexual, you would have once been classified on the DSM as having a disorder. But this has of course, since changed

This has also re occured to me, as i remembered i STUDIED this specifically once, in a book, for english literature. and i will quote it, it is rather a stark realisation, as it is a modern book, written in a victorian style, of the victorian era, and is rather critical of it.

"The French Lieutenant's Woman" - John Fowles [chapter 35, page 268]
"What are we faced with in the nineteenth century? An age where woman was sacred; and where you could buy a thirteen-year-old girl for a few pounds - a few shillings, if you wanted her for only an hour or two. Where more churches were built than in the whole previous history of the country; and where one in sixty houses in London was a brothel (the modern ratio would be nearer one in six thousand). Where the sanctity of marriage (and chastity before marriage) was proclaimed from every pulpit, in every newspaper editorial and public utterance; and where never - or hardly ever - have so many great public figures, from the future king down, led scandalous private lives"

the paragraph continues, but you get the idea from the excerpt i have written. the comparisons and such it draws i find rather stark, what do you guys make of this view?
is there more to add (would you like me to add what it continues to say also)
What would you all consider to be the biggest progress/event for progession,  or worsening (?).
eg the suffragette movements etc etc


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Re: The Way Things Are, or Were?
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2013, 17:48:25 »
I do psychology too, and sociology so its great to see from both perspectives. I think society has changed, but maybe not in a way thats great, we may just think it is because well, we're used to it? Hmm, norms and values are always going to change, racism, being homophobic etc imo are always going to be around.

I think the greatest progression we now have in society, is woman rights and how we have all moved forward!! It wasn't long ago we weren't allowed to vote.

Something that has progressively worsened? Hmm, stereotyping ethnic minorities in the eye of the law. There are more 'blacks' in Jail than there are white, and yesterday i watched footage of the undercover cop. 300 police officers lots their jobs due to racism and, areas that have many ethnic minorities like Leicester and Manchester failed to employ so many police officers from different backgrounds significantly. For example, they had to employed 21% more and employed 8%.



Re: The Way Things Are, or Were?
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2013, 17:53:59 »
i agree on women's rights amy!
FLW (book i quoted) has a seriously good portrayal of a modern women, misunderstood in the previous time. and how things truly are different, and the pursuit of freedom/self/independence

and yeah, its a shame people are still homophobic, but maybe in another 200 yrs thatll change?
heck wasnt oscar wilde persecuted for a time when he had relations with a man? thats not overly long ago, in the grand scheme of things...


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Re: The Way Things Are, or Were?
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2013, 17:58:55 »
Homophobic behaviour is still around just not as much as it was. In 200years i think it will still be around but maybe not as much. Psychologically, its believed that homophobes discriminate gay people because they are gay themselves. They repress their desires, thoughts and motives, by discriminating gay people and therefore reassuring themselves. There was an interested study on that, cant remember the guy's name -_-

And haray for womans rights! I think men on average still get paid more than woman, but that should fade.



Re: The Way Things Are, or Were?
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2013, 18:15:22 »
Homophobic behaviour is still around just not as much as it was. In 200years i think it will still be around but maybe not as much. Psychologically, its believed that homophobes discriminate gay people because they are gay themselves. They repress their desires, thoughts and motives, by discriminating gay people and therefore reassuring themselves. There was an interested study on that, cant remember the guy's name -_-

And haray for womans rights! I think men on average still get paid more than woman, but that should fade.

i dislike it when persons use religion as an excuse to actively discriminate, it makes me think, and what about treating people fairly/nicely as it says to in most religions?
hm i think ive heard of that study... i think i know of the one u mean at any rate. and it is a possibility, though i might not assume a huge majority :p


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