Clan Forum => Debates => Debates archive => Topic started by: Krazy Golf on June 27, 2012, 13:12:08
I'm sure many of you are aware London will be hosting the Olympic Games in a few weeks time.
What is your opinion of the Olympics? Will you be watching the games?
How will the opening ceremony compare to the likes of Beijing? I know there has already been mockery saying we won't stand up to the wonders they produced.
Are they a 'once in a life time event'? Should we fully support them and embrace the community spirit they aim to create?
Or are they simply a waste of taxpayers money? Have the games been blown out of proportion? Are they over-hyped? Is it over the top for people to become so patriotic for just these few weeks?
There have already been allegations of corruption before the games have even begun, with representatives of other European countries being caught on camera selling tickets illegally at extortionate prices.
Here is an extremist view of the Olympics (please don't take it too seriously - the writer claims to be an anarchist, lol):
A short article upon which I explain (angrily) the reasons behind the opposition to the Olympic Games, not an attack on the participants but an attack on the corporations making billions out of it and getting away with evil crimes in the process!
The Olympics is not something people would see as a reason to protest, but once the truth behind the Olympic Games is told, people start to open their eyes and see the bigger picture.
Personally I believe the games themselves are excellent as I am a very sporty person and love to see all the different nations competing in a football match or on the track, however, as an Anarchist and Anti-Capitalist, I’m choosing to boycott the London 2012 games as I feel that now the Olympics has become a haven for rich, corporate, tax avoiding scum to breed and only make many more millions. As proposed, the extremely murderous and tax avoiding scum of McDonalds are going to ‘break their record’ of building the biggest ‘restaurant’ EVER!! (if that’s what you can call it)! Absolute disgrace seeing as people in 3rd world countries continue to starve to death whilst the company is trying to break a bloody record that really doesn’t need to be broken, it’s just a chance to make even more money than they already have! Also the constant increase in restaurants means more and more animals are to be enslaved and tortured all in the name of a quick buck, the grain fed to animals that are to be led to slaughter is more than enough to feed the starving people of 3rd world countries, but do the corporations care? Nah, they’re happy as long as they get surprise there!
The Olympics in London is going to cost the British economy around £560m in just security costs alone! Most of which will be payed for by the British tax payer, unwillingly but this happens all the time, the tax payer having to invest in acts which not everyone wants to, such as supporting acts of war, or as mentioned, sponsoring the corporations which shit all over us! No doubt, just like when the royal wedding was happening, our rights to protest will soon be stripped of us and it’ll now become illegal to utter a single word of opposition to the games, as seen in Soho Sq. earlier in the year. It seems that whenever Cameron becomes scared to be humiliated, he turns into a Nazi and demands a ‘all who oppose shall suffer’ attitude and that leads to a habit, and habit leads to addiction and in a political manor, addiction can be a police state!
I would also like to use this article as step to say about how Palestine is continued to be pushed to the side and forgotten about for yet another year, “not a recognized country”, yeah but they’re getting bombed and murdered for trying to stand up for what is rightfully theirs and not letting the Israeli military, led by a murderous few take even more land illegally!
I'm not sure if it really is that extremist, I think more people are thinking the same but they don't want to admit it.
What is your opinion?
Personally, I don't see the appeal of the games and I probably won't watch much of it. I wouldn't say it is a waste of taxpayers money but I've read they blew the budget for the games a long time ago and have since overspent. Having said that, I have no problem with those that do so please don't take offence. It is a matter of opinion.
I kinda agree with that angry dude tbh. Obviously not that extreme though, but still the points he makes are fair. Olympics are over rated and the competition to be the biggest really is irrelevant. The majority of people who will watch it, will watch it the sporty, competitive side of it. Not some massive opening ceremony and a huge arena (They really didn't need to build what they have, imo). I also agree that people should not be openly patriotic for a few months then forget all about it.
Then again, this is my view. Personally I won't be watching the games. Not because I'm all Anti-Olympics, just because I'm not really a sporty person and it's of no interest to me.
I personally don't really care about the Olympics. I won't be watching the Olympics, just like I never watched all the previous ones. Good for people who enjoy the Olympics and feel passionate towards sports but it's not for me. I'm also not a sporty person and don't care about any sorts of sports on TV - whether it's the Euro 2012 (I honestly feel like I'm the only person in the world who hasn't been watching), Wimbledon, etc.
I also think it's overhyped and that way too much money is being poured into it when that money could be used for better things. I agree with some of that guys points but not to the extreme level of him.
I'm more interested in the Paralympics, as a local(ish) boy is competing in the swimming events there, (I don't know how local actually but prob close).
Googled him to find something about him :>
Andrew Mullen seals S5 50m Fly Paralympic qualification (
Zzz... Only one I like is the gymnastics, especially the mens. :o
And mens swimming...
It's a good job I'm not the jealous type, Rob..
I like how the left of his T-shirt says "Peedo"
I've never really been interested in the Olympics, but the only reason I'm slightly more interested in it this year is because London is hosting it. I was kind of gutted a few weeks ago when I missed the Olympic torch passing through my town, since it is really only a once in a lifetime thing to see, as I can't see London hosting the Olympics in my lifetime again.
I don't watch all of the events, usually the only events I watch are the running, swimming and cycling events, as the others are too boring. It would have been cool to get tickets to one of the events, but there was so much demand that it was near impossible to get any. One of my friends has tickets to see the weightlifting event, but other than that, I don't know anybody else that got tickets to anything.
The olympics with me has lost all its value - I will watch it and see what all the 'hype' is about, but it's not the same olympics as what the name and the background of it suggests. Olympics is meant to be an amateur event - in which it was created for those who do not excel in their sport yet want to compete against other nationalities, now it's purely the best of the best, which means that the peace and harmony that was brought with it is lost.
I was kind of gutted a few weeks ago when I missed the Olympic torch passing through my town, since it is really only a once in a lifetime thing to see, as I can't see London hosting the Olympics in my lifetime again.
Well the Olympic torch not only passed through my town but my actual School - Lord Coe opened my School and then the torch went through. I was home ill that day and I missed it so don't feel too let down. :D
Personally I LOVE watching the Olympics. I personally am a runner and seeing those people run SO damn fast is just amazing to watch for me. I know I'll never be THAT good nor do I want to actually be that good. But I have always watched the Olympics and will certainly watch them this year as well.
i studied this for geography long time ago, i can see the positive sides to the olympics - tourism, spending, infrastructure improvements etc, but also the negative - costs, overspend, uselessness potentially of stuff after, oh and they said it would bring the country together if we hosted it, but most people dont care for it, and dont see much improvement for them - eg hackney. look at the loc if u want in relation to the olympics, nothing has been done on it, really deprived and dodgy place (been there:P)
if its a once in a lifetime event, why does it come back to haunt us every 4yrs :p lol. england will probs never host it again, coz we just cant afford it, the extremist view guy is right, in that it all comes from our taxes - 560m+ that could have gone on reducing our debts... every little helps...
i find the way they did the ticket selling kinda awful, that one person could have, and did have many many tickets, families who had plenty on first time,and hell even some tickets on subsequent rounds, where so so so many people had 0, on every round. and those who desperately did want tickets, had to go to french/german country sellers who had allocated tickets for the games. not very fair allocation at all.
i enjoy watchin the 100m - coz its fast n over quickly :p and impressive to watch, diving coz i like the art, swimming coz i like to guess who will win, you never know at each turn ;) and potentially, i will actually watch the sailing down south with my family from a caravan, but ofc no tickets. personally i am not overly sporty, nor will i ever be, but i admire the training of persons in it
and ofc we wont be able to compete with beijing - they had so many resources to throw at it, planning, money... and what do we have? debts, plans that never work and urm, best thing we have to celebrate is the queen and eastenders >.< not exactly reassuring is it?:P
I was kind of gutted a few weeks ago when I missed the Olympic torch passing through my town, since it is really only a once in a lifetime thing to see, as I can't see London hosting the Olympics in my lifetime again.
Well the Olympic torch not only passed through my town but my actual School - Lord Coe opened my School and then the torch went through. I was home ill that day and I missed it so don't feel too let down. :D
I seen it in 2000 Aus Olympics. 8)
I enjoy watching the olympics and i do believe they are a waste of money. I do not believe that England will live up to what Beijing did. But nonetheless, im a sports fanatic and i will watch the games when i can. Also, im getting 2 free shirts out of it from my work, nbd.
I for one am totally against all the hype that the olympics have generated. The principle is good, athletes competeing against each other, in a fair way.
It was always amateurs however there is big money in training and all the advertsing competitors get.
Once more, the privilidged people will be able to access all the amenites that most talented people cannot. This certainly happens in the UK, talented people who may not have the back up, either finacial or emotional will fall by the wayside even though they are probably extremely talented. Young people from more affluent familes will always have an advantage for a variety of reasons, from something as basic as food supplements to training facilties and clothes.
As for the millions of visitors descending on the UK, the threat of terrosism will be massive, anyone employed by the police, including admin staff have had ALL leave cancelled for the whole of the summer in case there is an incident. The cost to our police service is astronomical. Is this fair on our struggling situation?
I also wonder how many "Visitors" will outstay visas etc?
Is the Olympics worth holding with all the stress and strains that it will put on our public services? My opinion is NO.
I for one am totally against all the hype that the olympics have generated. The principle is good, athletes competeing against each other, in a fair way.
It was always amateurs however there is big money in training and all the advertsing competitors get.
Once more, the privilidged people will be able to access all the amenites that most talented people cannot. This certainly happens in the UK, talented people who may not have the back up, either finacial or emotional will fall by the wayside even though they are probably extremely talented. Young people from more affluent familes will always have an advantage for a variety of reasons, from something as basic as food supplements to training facilties and clothes.
As for the millions of visitors descending on the UK, the threat of terrosism will be massive, anyone employed by the police, including admin staff have had ALL leave cancelled for the whole of the summer in case there is an incident. The cost to our police service is astronomical. Is this fair on our struggling situation?
I also wonder how many "Visitors" will outstay visas etc?
Is the Olympics worth holding with all the stress and strains that it will put on our public services? My opinion is NO.
Yay Lilly shares my view <3
Possibly couldn't agree more with what Lilly said there..
Thought Id throw this out there now the games are nearly over
We've been feeding a lot of africans for over what, 30 years? Nothings changed... and it wont anytime soon. It's an endless tunnel..
We've been feeding a lot of africans for over what, 30 years? Nothings changed... and it wont anytime soon. It's an endless tunnel..
We've been feeding a lot of africans for over what, 30 years? Nothings changed... and it wont anytime soon. It's an endless tunnel..
Then we all need to look together and try and mke this world a better place for all humans, not just the lucky ones to be born into a rich countries
The world will never change for the better. As much as I would like it to and as much as a lot of people would like it to it frankly won't.
We as humans are afraid to actually stand up and do anything. We'll sit around and complain but just let life pass us by.
Not to sound evil or anything, but what will feeding African's really do? Slavery is the reason their cultures are destroyed. We took their leaders and used them as slaves. Africa wouldn't be the total shit hole that it is if slavery hadn't been used in the first place.
You can't change the past but you can sure as hell learn from it.
there are people in the uk starving lets sort our mess out first
We've been feeding a lot of africans for over what, 30 years? Nothings changed... and it wont anytime soon. It's an endless tunnel.. agree with rune
Our own country is a shit hole, that needs to be sorted out before everyone elses problems.
Our own country is a shit hole, that needs to be sorted out before everyone elses problems.
^ This.
Also agree with Rune and wud.
Thought Id throw this out there now the games are nearly over
1700 billion dollars were spent on military last year and you're blaming olympics?
I agree, that charity does begin at home, and I more than most you realise what a complete mess the UK is in.
Does that make it right that we refuse to help other Countries? Why do we continue to waste our money on things that dont need it.
We should be thinking our priorites. lets stop all the bonuses for big corrupt bankers, lets push that money back where it is needed.
Certainly back into this Country, the Olympics wasted money this country could ill afford.
I dont know the answers but I do know that things NEED to change.
call me ignorant but why bother fixing countries basically starting from the beginning when we can continue to advance the already developed ones (see Curiosity)
call me ignorant but why bother fixing countries basically starting from the beginning when we can continue to advance the already developed ones (see Curiosity)
So just leave them? And use their materials when we need them, just go in, destroy their land, and resources and leave them to die? Where is civilisation?
call me ignorant but why bother fixing countries basically starting from the beginning when we can continue to advance the already developed ones (see Curiosity)
So just leave them? And use their materials when we need them, just go in, destroy their land, and resources and leave them to die? Where is civilisation?
As an avid Civilization player, this is very common to do; capture another country, then just leave the city to die, unless they have good resources. Such is life.