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Should we be allowed to have as many children as we like?
« on: January 26, 2012, 08:12:48 »
We are all aware of the state of the world?

Some countries are limiting the amount of children you are allowed to produce.

England is looking to benefit the cap on the money you are allowed to claim in benefits if out of work or on a low paid job.

What are your thoughts?



Re: Should we be allowed to have as many children as we like?
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2012, 11:31:57 »
I think there are too many people on this planet, we need a good sized plague again--like the old days. If a country wants to limit the number of children you can have, then they should go right ahead, but if someone can't support the children that they have, why are they having more?

I don't work or know anything about England, so meh.



Re: Should we be allowed to have as many children as we like?
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2012, 11:55:22 »
Yes. Who is the government or anyone else to tell us how many children we can or cannot have


Offline Winter

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Re: Should we be allowed to have as many children as we like?
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2012, 12:30:51 »
Yes. Who is the government or anyone else to tell us how many children we can or cannot have

Have you even seen the population of China despite them only limiting Parents' to have one child (with some exceptions)? They make over 1/7th of the worlds population.

I personally think this world is getting overpopulated too quickly and I am sick to death of people breeding when they can't afford to look after the children they produce - especially in Africa. Also, the amount of children in care homes sickens me. It's unfair on the children themselves.

I think when a certain country is getting overpopulated THEN the government can put a cap on how many children each set of Parents' are allowed to have.


angel imy

Re: Should we be allowed to have as many children as we like?
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2012, 12:51:41 »
still i agree with rob on this one.


Offline Tommykillme

Re: Should we be allowed to have as many children as we like?
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2012, 14:19:31 »
I totally disagree with the belief of my age group and some younger than mine of simply getting pregnant to recieve benefits from the government.

I think there should be a cap on how much money you can have in child benefits of being for two children.

There should be freedom with the amount of children you want but not on the government support. If you can't afford to upkeep of children then keep it in your pants or  use proper means of contraception.


Offline Cam

Re: Should we be allowed to have as many children as we like?
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2012, 14:35:48 »
Totally agree with Tommy on this one.

If you can't afford to have too many children, don't have so many.
I know it's your right to have as many children as you want, but don't expect the government to support you over a certain amount.
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Offline Krazy Golf

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Re: Should we be allowed to have as many children as we like?
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2012, 16:13:09 »
Yes, we are not China. Their birth control policy was very effective though.  :/


Offline Redtunnel

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Re: Should we be allowed to have as many children as we like?
« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2012, 16:26:44 »
If the government doesn't support, it is the children who pay the price with starvation.
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Re: Should we be allowed to have as many children as we like?
« Reply #9 on: January 28, 2012, 13:49:20 »
agreed if you cant afford why buy/have anything - same with children, if you cant afford to bring them up, its not fair on them either
capping the benefits seems like a good idea in principle, but for those so low paid they rely on that little bit extra to get them through it may hit them harder
its a pain in the butt to get any disability benefits much here too, so beaurocratic >.< and it takes forever, i think theyre doin a shake up of all benefits system?.
in human geog a long wile ago in school we had a documentary of some description, and one line will always stick with me
"if everyone in england only had 2 kids per, the population would drop drastically" i cant remember by how much -but significantly - let alone in comparison to china's one child policy. but they didnt do it for mainly money benefit reasons, but also the strain it put on the land and resources



Re: Should we be allowed to have as many children as we like?
« Reply #10 on: January 28, 2012, 14:26:20 »
Yes. Who is the government or anyone else to tell us how many children we can or cannot have

 I am sick to death of people breeding when they can't afford to look after the children they produce - especially in Africa.

That's a pretty naive thing to say. You must not be aware of the amount of rape and other things related that goes on in 3rd World countries?

Can't afford a child, don't have them, that's how it worked before my generation.
Can afford a child, have as many as you like.


Offline Winter

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Re: Should we be allowed to have as many children as we like?
« Reply #11 on: January 28, 2012, 14:37:25 »
Yes. Who is the government or anyone else to tell us how many children we can or cannot have

 I am sick to death of people breeding when they can't afford to look after the children they produce - especially in Africa.
That's a pretty naive thing to say. You must not be aware of the amount of rape and other things related that goes on in 3rd World countries?

Things like contraception failing, rape, etc. are in a completely different category. I'm not referring to any of those types of things - I'm talking about people who purposely have sex with both persons consent without using any form of contraception.


Offline Krazy Golf

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Re: Should we be allowed to have as many children as we like?
« Reply #12 on: January 28, 2012, 14:53:24 »
Have you even seen the population of China despite them only limiting Parents' to have one child (with some exceptions)? They make over 1/7th of the worlds population.

I personally think this world is getting overpopulated too quickly and I am sick to death of people breeding when they can't afford to look after the children they produce - especially in Africa. Also, the amount of children in care homes sickens me. It's unfair on the children themselves.

I think when a certain country is getting overpopulated THEN the government can put a cap on how many children each set of Parents' are allowed to have.

It's not that easy though, especially with the African countries. With the high infant mortality rates, families are forced to have to lots of children as a source of income because they are so crippled by poverty. The fertility rate for these countries is often very high, but there are low percentages living beyond the age of 1. In some countries also, there are religious factors, where the more children a man has, the higher his social status, suggesting that children are like 'symbols' in some sub-cultures.

And the governments of these countries? Well, there are many accusations of corruption indicating that most of the figures of authority in these countries do not care about the state of their people as in some ways, they provide them with a source of income. There are too many issues to consider, so you can't just one day "Oh yes, we'll implement birth control policies", because there is a lack of faith in local and national governments. The policies worked in China, because the chinese people are more open to new ideas and they were offered substantial benefits if they complied, however, these benefits are not always available to ordinary citizens of these African countries, again possibly due to the 'corruption' of governments.

I am not suggesting that all of these issues are prevelant in every single African country, because they're not. But there are cases where we are seeing this type of behaviour. I do not mean to rant and generalise to all countries.

/Geography lesson over.


Offline Winter

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Re: Should we be allowed to have as many children as we like?
« Reply #13 on: January 28, 2012, 15:01:05 »
Have you even seen the population of China despite them only limiting Parents' to have one child (with some exceptions)? They make over 1/7th of the worlds population.

I personally think this world is getting overpopulated too quickly and I am sick to death of people breeding when they can't afford to look after the children they produce - especially in Africa. Also, the amount of children in care homes sickens me. It's unfair on the children themselves.

I think when a certain country is getting overpopulated THEN the government can put a cap on how many children each set of Parents' are allowed to have.

It's not that easy though, especially with the African countries. With the high infant mortality rates, families are forced to have to lots of children as a source of income because they are so crippled by poverty. The fertility rate for these countries is often very high, but there are low percentages living beyond the age of 1. In some countries also, there are religious factors, where the more children a man has, the higher his social status, suggesting that children are like 'symbols' in some sub-cultures.

And the governments of these countries? Well, there are many accusations of corruption indicating that most of the figures of authority in these countries do not care about the state of their people as in some ways, they provide them with a source of income. There are too many issues to consider, so you can't just one day "Oh yes, we'll implement birth control policies", because there is a lack of faith in local and national governments. The policies worked in China, because the chinese people are more open to new ideas and they were offered substantial benefits if they complied, however, these benefits are not always available to ordinary citizens of these African countries, again possibly due to the 'corruption' of governments.

I am not suggesting that all of these issues are prevelant in every single African country, because they're not. But there are cases where we are seeing this type of behaviour. I do not mean to rant and generalise to all countries.

/Geography lesson over.

I mentioned Africa as in my point of view it's unfair to breed children only to have quite a large percentage of them die weeks/months afterwards due to starvation, dehydration and disease mainly. Thanks for telling me how they see it though, I wasn't aware of that.

Some of the African governments simply don't care about their people and keep the money safely in their pockets to give them a cushioned and luxurious life out of selfishness. I find it unfair it's the rest of the world trying to save those African people (in the forms of food, water, health care, etc.) from the harsh and unfair lives they are forced to live instead of the government which are currently doing the exact opposite of what they should be doing.
I think, regarding Africa alone - it's mainly the governments fault for their selfishness and disregard that has made parts of Africa the state of what they are today.


Offline Krazy Golf

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Re: Should we be allowed to have as many children as we like?
« Reply #14 on: January 28, 2012, 15:09:42 »
Have you even seen the population of China despite them only limiting Parents' to have one child (with some exceptions)? They make over 1/7th of the worlds population.

I personally think this world is getting overpopulated too quickly and I am sick to death of people breeding when they can't afford to look after the children they produce - especially in Africa. Also, the amount of children in care homes sickens me. It's unfair on the children themselves.

I think when a certain country is getting overpopulated THEN the government can put a cap on how many children each set of Parents' are allowed to have.

It's not that easy though, especially with the African countries. With the high infant mortality rates, families are forced to have to lots of children as a source of income because they are so crippled by poverty. The fertility rate for these countries is often very high, but there are low percentages living beyond the age of 1. In some countries also, there are religious factors, where the more children a man has, the higher his social status, suggesting that children are like 'symbols' in some sub-cultures.

And the governments of these countries? Well, there are many accusations of corruption indicating that most of the figures of authority in these countries do not care about the state of their people as in some ways, they provide them with a source of income. There are too many issues to consider, so you can't just one day "Oh yes, we'll implement birth control policies", because there is a lack of faith in local and national governments. The policies worked in China, because the chinese people are more open to new ideas and they were offered substantial benefits if they complied, however, these benefits are not always available to ordinary citizens of these African countries, again possibly due to the 'corruption' of governments.

I am not suggesting that all of these issues are prevelant in every single African country, because they're not. But there are cases where we are seeing this type of behaviour. I do not mean to rant and generalise to all countries.

/Geography lesson over.

I mentioned Africa as in my point of view it's unfair to breed children only to have quite a large percentage of them die weeks/months afterwards due to starvation, dehydration and disease mainly. Thanks for telling me how they see it though, I wasn't aware of that.

Some of the African governments simply don't care about their people and keep the money safely in their pockets to give them a cushioned and luxurious life out of selfishness. I find it unfair it's the rest of the world trying to save those African people (in the forms of food, water, health care, etc.) from the harsh and unfair lives they are forced to live instead of the government which are currently doing the exact opposite of what they should be doing.
I think, regarding Africa alone - it's mainly the governments fault for their selfishness and disregard that has made parts of Africa the state of what they are today.

I could talk about this all day with you it's interesting, but yes I agree. The governments are mainly to blame, but there are other factors like the climate which influences crop yields which impacts the food shortages, as is being seen in Somalia at the moment. But, you are right, some governments do very little to help the situation. As for your point regarding the rest of the world helping out, I think we have a responsibility to offer aid or wipe debts of these countries. We, as a highly developed western country with large GDP's, should set an example and do what we can to help. We can be partly to blame for the situation they are in, as some of the African countries used to be apart of the British Empire in which they faced extreme exploitation which hasn't helped their situation now, really. I won't ramble on..  :P


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