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Should sickly babies be left to die?
« on: January 20, 2014, 23:09:01 »
If you had a seriously ill child would you ask for him/her to die peacefully?

Will this little boy ever lead a normal life?


Offline Thunderite

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Re: Should sickly babies be left to die?
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2014, 23:15:15 »
Besides the obvious, what is this child's actual condition? Can it be resolved? I've seen a few of those extreme tv shows where the people have all these crazy problems which no one else has and those can be resolved or at least reduced to make them now manageable.
As for whether I would let them die or not, I think that should always only be ones own decision (for euthanasia and such). Unless the person is incapable of making a decision (in a coma etc.)
This child may know the extent of their condition but only they can decided whether it is a problem they foresee for themselves.



Re: Should sickly babies be left to die?
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2014, 23:16:11 »
I have mixed feelings about this. If u didn't know that your child would look like this and it was born, i would give it everything i had to make the best out of his/her life. But with todays science you can tell how they will look and if they are gonna be sick or not.



Re: Should sickly babies be left to die?
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2014, 08:00:05 »
My parents were told from day dot, id have spinal problems coz of the T test etc, but they gave me a shot coz they already loved me before birth.
Even being ill in so many ways, my parents would not let me die or such after, espec when i was in special care at the hosp for weeks.

I think in some cases, as my parents had to decide before..not just with me if that gives you a clue... sometimes it is better to terminate if it will never have any quality of life, or life at all.. probs a hard decision too

But if someone can decide for themselves i think they should always be allowed to decide. I do feel sorry for that boy, but kinda with navid's opinion mixed in too.


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Re: Should sickly babies be left to die?
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2014, 09:20:49 »
It's all really a matter of opinion. What you do with your baby is your business.

That being said, if the condition the baby is in significantly dangers that baby, I see no reason not to try to end it's life peacefully. Same thing with a cat or a dog. I wouldn't want my child to suffer the pain of being born with the defect, mentally, emotionally, or even physically.



Re: Should sickly babies be left to die?
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2014, 10:20:41 »
if the baby is healthy and happy i say dont kill it. only kill it if there is no help for me and if he is really sick and there is nothing they can do and if he's suffering then it's ok. To me thou if it was my kid and he was completely fine, but there is nothing that they can do to the face i would still love him.


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