I'm making this thread just so I can get some things off my chest and I can pretty much let those who care how I personally feel about certain things. I will go into as much depth as I believe is needed. I will post every time I feel there is a topic I actually need to discuss.
Today's is just simple and it's about Runescape.
Transferring items and or money to another account.
I can BARELY understand the problem with doing such a thing. If you made the money yourself on your "main" or another account and you want to give something to your other account then by all means, do it. I don't care. I won't be mad at you or anything.
How can you personally call someone out on that if they WORKED for the money? I mean honestly. What's the logic in that?
I don't really see any possible counter argument to this unless perhaps the person either:
1. Lies about transferring or not
2. The person didn't actually work for the things (rwt and such)
I get really annoyed when I see people around Runescape just piss and moan about it. It gets old and has been happening forever.