
Clan Forum => Debates => Debates archive => Topic started by: Adam on June 05, 2013, 20:39:46

Title: Shocking? I think so.
Post by: Adam on June 05, 2013, 20:39:46
So I saw this in the newspaper at work today, and I couldn't believe my eyes.

Guy goes to Court wearing a full Third Reich uniform seeking visitation rights with his kid
June 5, 2013
By Anomaly

A 40 year-old man dressed in a full Third Reich uniform, marched into a New Jersey courtroom in an attempt to obtain visitation rights with his son.

Heath Campbell named his first son “Adolf Hitler” and all four of his children were taken away from him by Garden State authorities, but he insists that he is a good father despite his admiration for the man behind the Holocaust

Campbell told the Daily News. “I want my children back.” He added, “I love my children with all my heart and soul. I’m a father and I deserve the right to be a father.”

Campbell first came under scrutiny in 2008 when a supermarket refused to write “Happy Birthday Adolf Hitler” on a cake for his son. He said he wore his Nazi garb to Hunterdon County Family Court because he feels “comfortable” in the bizarre attire.

The Daily News reports, “The outfit is an authentic Nazi uniform from World War II and features medals, knee-high boots and an armband like “the one that Hitler used to wear,” said Campbell, who has swastika tattoos on his arms and neck.”

Campbell, who is now divorced from his wife Deborah said, “I like the swastika. It brings me good luck, I feel.”

If the swastika brings him such good luck, then why is he in court trying to see his children?

Campbell is unemployed (because, wow, who wants to hire a Nazi) but he claims he can provide for his young children, ages 7, 6, 5 and 18 months, saying, “I have a house and stuff — everything they would need.”

In court Monday he sought permission to see his youngest child, Hons Heinrich, who was less than a day old when the state took him away.

Campbell denies the Holocaust but believes Hitler was right to target Jewish people.

Nazi boy claims he was a victim of the (wait for it) Jewish government, “There was no negligence or abuse or domestic violence. That was a bunch of stir-up by the Jews, the Jewish government.”

A woman also wearing Reich clothing joined him in court. Campbell’s ex-wife did not make an appearance and he added,“She gave up her rights to the children. I will not. I will not surrender.”

You can look at the website containing this information here (, but it is the complete extract that has been posted here.

What does everybody think about this?
Personally, I wouldn't allow someone to father kids with the mind and attitude such as his.

Just thought that I'd post this here to see what everybody else thought about this nonsense.

I would post the majorly formal one that was in the 'Daily Mail' newspaper today, but couldn't find it on the website, so you'll have to bear with the writers terrible sense of humour ._.
Title: Re: Shocking? I think so.
Post by: Runar on June 05, 2013, 20:46:58
As long as he don't do anything harmfull to them or make them support hitler and hate jews, I wouldn't be against him fathering them, it's just his bizarre activities, if he were to make them support the holocaust and hitler and make them wear nazi stuff to school I could understand, and the naming of his kids are kinda dumb aswell.
Title: Re: Shocking? I think so.
Post by: Cubchoo on June 05, 2013, 20:48:22
I feel sorry for the child he named after Hitler :l

Although it wouldn't be that bad if he wasn't actually a full supporter of Nazis, and didn't have a Nazi ideology :/   And he just admired Hitler because Hitler had some admirable qualities.

Meh.  Just a weird thing >.>
Title: Re: Shocking? I think so.
Post by: Adam on June 05, 2013, 20:48:40
As long as he don't do anything harmfull to them or make them support hitler and hate jews, I wouldn't be against him fathering them, it's just his bizarre activities, if he were to make them support the holocaust and hitler and make them wear nazi stuff to school I could understand, and the naming of his kids are kinda dumb aswell.

That's exactly what I thought, in the paper I was reading, he stated that he called his son 'Adolf Hitler' because no-one in the world would have that name.

I find it ridiculous, just wanted to see what everybody thought, and there is no right or wrong answer to this. :)
Title: Re: Shocking? I think so.
Post by: Hey Im Jamie on June 05, 2013, 20:49:01
If he can support the children and loves them what right do people have to judge him and take them away?

Not trying to say this in a negative way but if you're saying he can't see his kids because of how he is and what he does, what difference are you to him?
Title: Re: Shocking? I think so.
Post by: Redtunnel on June 05, 2013, 21:01:46
As much as I disagree with the Nazi ideology, I don’t think that a foolish tribute constitutes having your children taken away. In Sweden, the name would simply be rejected by the authorities and that would be the end of it.

Of course, the choice of name raises the question about a lack of judgment, but if judgment alone was the decisive factor, how many wouldn’t have their kids taken away?
Title: Re: Shocking? I think so.
Post by: Kyph on June 05, 2013, 21:11:41
The poor children...
Title: Re: Shocking? I think so.
Post by: Winter on June 05, 2013, 21:20:39
Title: Re: Shocking? I think so.
Post by: Only Lilly on June 05, 2013, 21:26:48
You would not be able to call a child Adolf Hitler here either

I agree, he should have no part in bringing in his children up, he openly admits he is a Nazi, his children would have a terrible time at school as they grew up for obvious reasons.

Title: Re: Shocking? I think so.
Post by: Hey Im Jamie on June 05, 2013, 21:36:12
You would not be able to call a child Adolf Hitler here either

I agree, he should have no part in bringing in his children up, he openly admits he is a Nazi, his children would have a terrible time at school as they grew up for obvious reasons.

Names can be changed, things can be done.

Nothing could be worse than growing up without a mum or a dad, being in a care home not feeling loved and not knowing than infact your parents actually do love you, they're just not being allowed because of people being judgemental.

That's like saying people with a disability shouldn't be allowed to have kids because they can get discriminated because of how they are.. No

Again, Not trying to create hate, Just my opinion.
Title: Re: Shocking? I think so.
Post by: Only Lilly on June 05, 2013, 21:40:56
You would not be able to call a child Adolf Hitler here either

I agree, he should have no part in bringing in his children up, he openly admits he is a Nazi, his children would have a terrible time at school as they grew up for obvious reasons.

Names can be changed, things can be done.

Nothing could be worse than growing up without a mum or a dad, being in a care home not feeling loved and not knowing than infact your parents actually do love you, they're just not being allowed because of people being judgemental.

That's like saying people with a disability shouldn't be allowed to have kids because they can get discriminated because of how they are.. No

Again, Not trying to create hate, Just my opinion.

I have worked with a family where the father is high up in the EDL (English Def League)  His son is a bully and a rascist just like hia father

The man has zero respect for anyone, and in my opinion anyone with such views has some form of mental illness

I think the children must be with the Mother. 

I think children should grow up where they are shown respect and good positive influences. 
Title: Re: Shocking? I think so.
Post by: Minin Cape T on June 05, 2013, 21:41:33
I live in New Jersey and this has been all over the place for the past week.

I don't think his lack of judgment/taboo personal philosophies deserve him to have his children taken away and trust me THERE ARE PEOPLE WAAAY WORSE THAN THIS GUY. The outfit is over he top and surely doesn't help his case either, but I don't think he should have his kids taken away. His children might go through some stuff as they get older and are in middle-high school but it's not fair to take his children away. Especially since he claims to not neglect them, unlike some other parents.

O well that's the system for ya
Title: Re: Shocking? I think so.
Post by: Amy on June 05, 2013, 21:57:53
The children are taken away because of personal opinions from other people, not because he has physcially mistreated them or abused them.

Who is to say he would impose his views on his children? Its hard to judge an individual we know so little about. A child as old as one day is not going to
learn nazi views and make them their own values. He said he loves his children, why does someone's beliefs have to then determine their parenting skills?
Its just not logical.

I have worked with a family where the father is high up in the EDL (English Def League)  His son is a bully and a rascist just like hia father

You can't generalise this? The situation is specific to that individual. There are so many factors which influence our behaviour, beliefs and values.
If he began to force his beliefs onto his children, then yes there is a moral issue right there, but if he doesn't then there is no problem, he should
be able to see his children.
Title: Re: Shocking? I think so.
Post by: Only Lilly on June 05, 2013, 22:07:39
The children are taken away because of personal opinions from other people, not because he has physcially mistreated them or abused them.

Who is to say he would impose his views on his children? Its hard to judge an individual we know so little about. A child as old as one day is not going to
learn nazi views and make them their own values. He said he loves his children, why does someone's beliefs have to then determine their parenting skills?
Its just not logical.

I have worked with a family where the father is high up in the EDL (English Def League)  His son is a bully and a rascist just like hia father

You can't generalise this? The situation is specific to that individual. There are so many factors which influence our behaviour, beliefs and values.
If he began to force his beliefs onto his children, then yes there is a moral issue right there, but if he doesn't then there is no problem, he should
be able to see his children.

I tottally disagree with this, I am not saying he doesnt love his children, I think he should see them under close supervision.

18 years of working with disaffected familes and children have given me a hige insight on good parenting skills.

Loving children isnt enough, you need to have the capability of showing them right from wrong.

I agree there are more children who are exposed to other kinds of abuse, but emotional is as bad as any other. 

I do not think he can prove he will not bring his children up with hate enough to have custody, after all he hasnt been able to show enough respect to not wera the uniform, when he knew the reaction, if he cant make that much of an effort for his children, what can he expect?

Title: Re: Shocking? I think so.
Post by: Amy on June 05, 2013, 22:21:14
I see both sides of the argument, i just favour more against the argument.

If the children were much older, say 16/18 then maybe it wouldn't be so much of an issue. I can understand supervised visits but not seeing his children all together is
unfair. Its a tricky debate. He obviously has strong views as you pointed out he wears the uniform so it could be suggested he may impose his views to some extent on his children.
Title: Re: Shocking? I think so.
Post by: Only Lilly on June 05, 2013, 22:24:50
His children are at the very start of learning right from wrong and its common knowledge children learn from what they see.

Can you imagine what they would see living there? 
Title: Re: Shocking? I think so.
Post by: Joel on June 06, 2013, 01:48:09
We just know the children would have the same beliefs pushed upon them that he has and in my opinion, that isn't right..
Title: Re: Shocking? I think so.
Post by: Cam on June 06, 2013, 02:03:27
Children can be easily influenced, maybe when they are old enough to make formal decisions for themselves (about 14-16?), they should be given the choice whether they want to be with their father or not, but while they are young, it may be better to keep them away from these social taboos. I just feel sorry for the child named Adolf Hitler, school may be a nightmare for him.