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Re: Secrets and Lies?
« Reply #15 on: March 03, 2014, 01:33:21 »
idk if u can lie and benefit urself without getting caught why not do it


Offline Powerless

Re: Secrets and Lies?
« Reply #16 on: August 12, 2014, 06:41:57 »
I absolutely believe there are times when lying is plausible and could be considered the "right" thing to do.

In some cases I believe lying is definitely a better choice then telling the truth, whether it be to prevent harm, to keep security, or to protect oneself. For example, if one were to lie about having money on them when a burglar tries to mug someone. The victim shows an empty wallet when in reality there's money in his shoe. Or, as another example, when receiving a well thought out gift that you actually don't like even though the person put a lot of thought and effort into it. You're able to spare their feelings without any harm coming from lying. In a more extreme example, national security. If someone is being interrogated in a government by an outside force trying to find information to harm that country, I don't find it wrong for the person to lie in order to save the lives of the people that could possibly be harmed by giving valid information.

Leave it to me to probably think too hard on a simple question... but ehh, if I'm going to answer, I might as well put some thought in it.  ^^  :D


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Re: Secrets and Lies?
« Reply #17 on: October 16, 2014, 15:23:21 »
I think it all comes down to the situation.
For example parents say a lot of 'White Lies' which are just small things like "Eat your carrots so you can see in the dark" which are completely harmless.

Also I can see lying being acceptable or even good in some bigger situations depending on who the person you are lying to is and the whole context of what is happening.

For the most part I try not to lie and trust my friends not to lie to me as I would see it as being very disrespectful.


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