
Clan Forum => Debates => Debates archive => Topic started by: Only Lilly on February 20, 2014, 12:17:36

Title: Secrets and Lies?
Post by: Only Lilly on February 20, 2014, 12:17:36
Is there ever a right time to either lie or keep a secret?
Title: Re: Secrets and Lies?
Post by: Adam on February 20, 2014, 12:27:31
I don't feel that people should hide things away from people, whether the lie is minor or major, it shouldn't matter.
Title: Re: Secrets and Lies?
Post by: Matty on February 20, 2014, 12:29:37
Secrets and lies start wars.

Some secrets are best kept to ones self. Because sharing a secret is a betrayal of trust. Though sometimes Sharing a secret can be beneficial and help solve an issue.

Lies on the other hand are wrong, even if its a lie to make someone feel good about them selves. I try to live life Honestly, At work i like when people tell me how it is, rather then sugar coat it and tell me what i want to hear.
Title: Re: Secrets and Lies?
Post by: Only Lilly on February 20, 2014, 12:53:33
white lie
a harmless or trivial lie, especially one told to avoid hurting someone's feelings
Title: Re: Secrets and Lies?
Post by: Aghast on February 20, 2014, 12:54:35
Everyone tells little white lies here and there.

For instance.. perfect description: (

Not sure if it's even a good clip, but it describes why lies are necessary in this culture. Not all the time, but sometimes.
Title: Re: Secrets and Lies?
Post by: Only Lilly on February 20, 2014, 12:56:56
Thats so true, I enjoyed that clip
Title: Re: Secrets and Lies?
Post by: Josh on February 20, 2014, 12:58:10
I think there is always a time when lies and secrets should be used but should it really?

What would the world we live in be like if no one
Ever told lies and kept secrets?
Title: Re: Secrets and Lies?
Post by: Winter on February 20, 2014, 13:23:33
What would the world we love be like if no one
Ever told lies and kept secrets?

Food for thought.

Secrets are 50/50 - sometimes things are better left unknown to people. Even if you tell somebody a secret and it ends up benefiting, the person who told you said secret may see it as a betrayal of trust.

For lying, I think little white lies are okay but I think lying about major things is wrong and is something I always try to avoid. I think of myself as an honest person and keep true to myself as I'd only want the same in return.
Title: Re: Secrets and Lies?
Post by: Greg on February 20, 2014, 14:22:45
There is lying to make yourself big.

And there is lying to protect something.
Title: Re: Secrets and Lies?
Post by: Jordan on February 20, 2014, 14:26:31
I would share my opinion.

But its a secret.
Title: Re: Secrets and Lies?
Post by: Joshy on March 02, 2014, 00:26:10
Can't see many people agreeing with my opinion but I'll offer it for argument's sake.

If somebody lies, it's because they have a reason to. It may be a meaningless reason to you and it may even mean very little to them, but it still means something. I don't see anything wrong with lying. Sure it causes conflict, but in this day and age, what doesn't?
Title: Re: Secrets and Lies?
Post by: Amy on March 02, 2014, 00:46:16
I don't believe in lies, people should always tell the truth. I'd always rather know, then not know at all.
Title: Re: Secrets and Lies?
Post by: Redtunnel on March 02, 2014, 02:37:00
Understanding is a destination and truth is the journey. However, truth often entails subjectivity and our medium is a fragile language; one word may not mean exactly the same to two individuals and what you are feeling will influence how you interpret words.
Title: Re: Secrets and Lies?
Post by: Alizadeh on March 02, 2014, 07:44:07
Lies and Secrets are two different things. I think it's fine to keep a secret, I have my own share of secrets I rather not share with just anyone.

Lies in my opinion are not worth it, no matter how bad it is. My last ex and I had issues because of that. She lied to me about some things to not hurt my feelings, but I rather have the ugly truth then a lie that tries to make me feel better. I think it's better for people to be honest no matter how bad it is, lies get us no where good, they will eventually catch up to you and you will be caught in the lie.

Title: Re: Secrets and Lies?
Post by: Alan on March 02, 2014, 22:33:11
Secrets and Lies, sometimes it can be hard to seperate the two. Sometimes you lie to protect, sometimes you lie to destroy and sometimes you lie because you need an ego boost. Same applies to secrets.

I can admit I've told white lies and keep secrets in the past, I try not to but sometimes I see no alternative. When to comes to either, you've got to ask, why am I doing it, and will it be worth it? Many would argue that lying is never worth it, and most of the time I agree, but what if you knew the only way to keep someone you loved happy was to lie? Would you do it?

Or would you watch their face crumple and try to hug them and tell them it will be alright, only to have them push you away and then scream in your face that they'd wish you just go die in a hole somewhere where no one would find you're body? Or tell you that you are the worst piece of shit they've ever encountered and that you'll die alone and sad? Or have them tell you that the only thing you're good for is causing pain?

Sometimes a little white lie is worth more then the truth.
Title: Re: Secrets and Lies?
Post by: Minin Cape T on March 03, 2014, 01:33:21
idk if u can lie and benefit urself without getting caught why not do it
Title: Re: Secrets and Lies?
Post by: Powerless on August 12, 2014, 06:41:57
I absolutely believe there are times when lying is plausible and could be considered the "right" thing to do.

In some cases I believe lying is definitely a better choice then telling the truth, whether it be to prevent harm, to keep security, or to protect oneself. For example, if one were to lie about having money on them when a burglar tries to mug someone. The victim shows an empty wallet when in reality there's money in his shoe. Or, as another example, when receiving a well thought out gift that you actually don't like even though the person put a lot of thought and effort into it. You're able to spare their feelings without any harm coming from lying. In a more extreme example, national security. If someone is being interrogated in a government by an outside force trying to find information to harm that country, I don't find it wrong for the person to lie in order to save the lives of the people that could possibly be harmed by giving valid information.

Leave it to me to probably think too hard on a simple question... but ehh, if I'm going to answer, I might as well put some thought in it.  ^^  :D
Title: Re: Secrets and Lies?
Post by: Riddle on October 16, 2014, 15:23:21
I think it all comes down to the situation.
For example parents say a lot of 'White Lies' which are just small things like "Eat your carrots so you can see in the dark" which are completely harmless.

Also I can see lying being acceptable or even good in some bigger situations depending on who the person you are lying to is and the whole context of what is happening.

For the most part I try not to lie and trust my friends not to lie to me as I would see it as being very disrespectful.