Clan Forum => Debates => Debates archive => Topic started by: Cubchoo on May 16, 2014, 01:57:19
Pretty sure everyone in the UK knows about it, but it's kind of self-explanatory as a basic idea for those who don't.
Shall edit later when it isn't ~2am but ya, they're showing this video in cinemas as an advert (they also show a "Better Together" video, but this is hilarious.) (
dear oh dear. I assume you'll be voting no Meg?
I don't get why this is suppose to be hilarious. What am I missing?.
I don't even live in Scotland, but I'd be voting yes as wanting independence if I lived there.
The way the video is made, and the way it's being forced upon people in a cinema who paid to watch a film (which is such a weird place to show politics).
I don't know what I'm voting.
I think the hilarity is that the SNP speaks about out of touch governments that they've failed to balance the argument against independence, to me that's being out of touch.
Furthermore they've built this video around the idea that a no vote is detrimental to the future generation; moreover that Scottish individuals are being treated as second class citizens to that of the English.
Lastly, to go alongside balancing the argument this video doesn't outline any economical impact that independence would have on Scotland's fiscal landscape.
Are they being treated like second class citizens by the English? Who chooses there political leaders?
What economical impact would it have on Scotland to be controlling their own financial and state of affairs.
I'm asking these questions because Australia was once under Britain's rule and we became independent on the third of March 1986. We seemed to have done alright for ourselves. Why couldn't Scotland?
I might add that we have political messages shown at our theatres too, as it is paid advertising the same as TV.
I actually thought the advert itself was clever with its focus aimed at making you think about the future.
I don't live in either country, so I have know idea how truthfully both places have been represented.
LOL Meg, are you now thinking, "what have I started?" :P
The economical impact on Scotland varies from needing to establish a currency union with Britain or adopting another currency; a currency union would mean free trade between the countries and as a result companies and businesses would remain in Scotland, although if a union isn't established Scotland would still need to meet fiscal responsibilities e.g. managing public spending to contribute towards owed national debt.
Moreover this would be without free trade and subsequently companies might move out of Scotland to Britain, which would still have free trade with EU, defaulting on your repayment obligations will result in downgraded economic outlooks and good luck joining the EU.
Gotta love propaganda.
I personally don't mind whether the majority of the Scottish would rather have independence or not but videos like this definitely isn't helping the cause.