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Sandra Bland - Murder or Suicide?
« on: July 27, 2015, 18:50:57 »
At lunch break at work today, I did my usual thing, grab something to eat and nosy on Facebook for 10 minutes.
I saw an article about a lady called Sandra Bland, who was brutally handled by Police.

Sandra Bland was pulled over by Police due to Traffic Incident, something due to either signalling or speeding, something to do with a car anyway.
Sandra Bland was an African-American woman who believed that USA's police departments were 'racist' and people either Gender/Colour/Religion were treated unfairly.

She got into conflict with officers and was tasered and thrown to the floor in aggressive manner.
Sandra then died three days later, but the reason behind it is all confusing.

Video of Dashcam:

Police say that she commited suicide, the cause from an overdose of cannabis taken by ingestion.
There are quite a few cases of 'evidence' which leads the public to believe that Sandra was infact murdered by the actions of the police force.

Here is some 'evidence' / conspiracy:

(click to show/hide)

One of Sandra's pictures, really pixelated/blacked out to potentially hide something?

What is everyone believing here?


Offline Jerrol

Re: Sandra Bland - Murder or Suicide?
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2015, 21:14:57 »
Sounds like a they try to cover up a murder by saying its a suicide.


Offline Zack Son

Re: Sandra Bland - Murder or Suicide?
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2015, 13:46:48 »
Sounds very strange to me, I guess coverups really happens.


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Re: Sandra Bland - Murder or Suicide?
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2015, 13:14:06 »
This seemed to just disapear, what is the latest update?


Offline Tim

Re: Sandra Bland - Murder or Suicide?
« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2015, 17:01:30 »
This seemed to just disapear, what is the latest update?

From what I've heard, nothings being done in criminal because there's no real proof of wrongdoing. All the evidence points to her hanging herself, and the civil case is being based off the fact that the police "gave her the tools" to commit suicide if she wanted to or something like that.
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Re: Sandra Bland - Murder or Suicide?
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2015, 01:55:58 »
I have heard a similar story. A few years ago a police officer pushed a man to the floor aggressively. I think it was a protest of some sort. A few days later he died. I have seen alot of police videos, with police shooting someone even though they have done everything they have asked them to do, alot of force before using an diplomacy with people. Totally disgusting, and any police officer that thinks they are above the law need a good telling!!


Offline C J

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Re: Sandra Bland - Murder or Suicide?
« Reply #6 on: December 29, 2015, 16:23:16 »
Been juggling all sorts of comments to reply to this..

Literally been stuck on this for the last hour or so..

I'd care enough to respond with something constructive if the emphasis was dropped on the 'black' aspect.

We're all human

White people die everyday

Media doesn't cover it because they're as stupid as the stories they post

It's a shame the events led to what they did but as far as i'm concerned:

i. She was giving attitude for no real reason other than to be a smart ass.

ii. She was found with high counts of THC in her system, making me believe that she swallowed that crap and was giving it all front because she knew she was screwed either way if she was caught.

iii. This story has only gone viral (like most others) due to the colour of the suspects skin.

Just a bit of additional information:

Do you know how many white people die due to negligence of a police officer every day? nobody has a clue because nobody gives a shit unless it will go viral.

Thanks for your time.


Offline GodFirst

Re: Sandra Bland - Murder or Suicide?
« Reply #7 on: December 29, 2015, 19:10:06 »
Power makes people do crazy things...Sadly enough this has been confirmed in history several times.  ???


Offline Joel

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Re: Sandra Bland - Murder or Suicide?
« Reply #8 on: December 30, 2015, 09:38:02 »
I wouldn't like to comment on this, Like Cj said I think it's come up because of her pulling a 'racism' card and that's why it blew up. I've seen some police footage from the UK of people handing themselves in after a criminal act of some sort but still being tackled to floor by numerous police in an aggressive manor. I guess, If I was an officer I wouldn't take any chances on that front.

As for how she died it could be either. It's definitely easier to point the finger at police but really it could of been either. It's not fair to class it as her commiting suicide if she never, but it's also not fair to blame police for basically doing their job.

I watched the footage and idk, it seems like it is edited to show the police in a bad light but who knows?

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